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Everything posted by OrionPex

  1. I am sure the good people at Bioware go home at night, and kiss their love ones ... perhaps have some lovely beef stew and talk of how eventful the forums are ... or not. I am guessing not. Stop crying.
  2. It's gonna be a slow day at work and I really enjoy watching people suffer over a video game. Trolling? Maybe. This community pretty much rules.
  3. You'd rather have 4 hour waits to log and server crashes over a smooth release where everyone gets in -- in due time?
  4. How am I trolling? This is the truth. I know its not launch, but lets be real: pre-orders account for a heck of a lot of start up accounts.
  5. I am glad they used this strategy for launch. Usually, launch is akin to sending 10 people through a small door at the same time ... comical ... and counterproductive.
  6. Seriously, staggering launch was a genius idea. No lag. No crashes. Kudos Bioware.
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