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Everything posted by light_senshi

  1. Yes, I know we've been asking for it since forever. But seriously...GIMME!
  2. Worst: Skadge tends to win the worst companion award simply because of the hamfisted way that you get stuck with him. It's just ... horrible. There really should be an option to shoot him on the spot and pick up a mouse droid or something in his place.... Favorites: Ashara - Best looking Nadia - That voice....squee!
  3. I noticed today as I was sending a companion out on a slicing mission that in addition to L/D points, it also has a influence bonus. Am I interpreting it correctly to mean that a companion gains influence via crew skills or is that something else?
  4. I've read through about half the thread but I'll go ahead and give feedback...which is something that I rarely do. I consider both KOTFE and KOTET to be a failure from a writer's perspective. Up until this point, the focus of the story has been on the player character. Once we reach the beginning of KOTFE, the focus of the story shifts away from the player character: in effect they become a bystander rather than the focus. Many of the criticisms about the expansions boil down to this, the player becomes an observer in someone else's story...and one with questionable writing to boot. Unlike previously, the character has no say and nothing they do matters.
  5. I'm crashing on the character loading screen each time myself. Repeatable issue, finally made me uninstall the game.
  6. I often feel that 5.0 is much like watching a train wreck: You know it's coming...you know it's going to be bad....but you just can't look away.
  7. Because men and women are wired a bit differently. Men tend to be visual (which is why most ... erotic art...is marketed to them) while women tend to be tactile.
  8. Oh look...another change no one really wanted and proceeds only to frustrate the player base further. Par to course lately.
  9. I'm waiting until 6.0 drops before playing again. Maybe someone will have grown a pair and gotten rid of the mandatory part of the cxp grind.
  10. Okay, I'm going to chime in. If a member of the Dark Council walks around in a slave girl outfit, who's going to say otherwise and expect to keep breathing? You also need to remember that sexuality is a weapon in it's own right: would you prefer your opponent staring at your cleavage or trying to cut you in half?
  11. So I found a mount in the new Dark Side vendor that I'd like to use on a different character. So the item says "Bound to Legacy"...but when I try to move it to legacy storage it says (you guessed it)..."Item is Bound". So is it bound to legacy or bound on pickup?
  12. How to defeat Vaylin: Give her a big basket of easter chocolates.
  13. It's going to have to be someone from Zakuul...no one else would tell all three parties simultaneously. So yes, that makes the Scions the number one suspect.
  14. I still wanted an option to tell both sides to get the heck off of my planet. You know, choose neither side.
  15. I spent roughly seven years playing a korean grinder with open world pvp. What would happen is that you'd see a max level character running around the starter zone...killing every player in sight. Players have learned that open world pvp = griefer playground. So, they avoid it.
  16. I'm not going to bother finishing it. In fact, I wish I'd never started it. At the point that I'm at, you have to interact with these consoles. The catch being that you have to spend both credits and power cells to use them. Where do you get the power cells? I'm glad you asked: You have to grind droid to get them. LOTS of droids. So.... nope. Not worth it.
  17. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Revan is the Kenny of the Star Wars Universe.
  18. Consequences? What consequences? The results are almost identical irregardless of what I choose.
  19. Destroyer outfit, purple primary die possibly.
  20. This particular phenomena isn't limited the trooper but certainly is the most glaring there. Once you hit multiple companions in any of the class story-lines, you generate this phenomena. Another example, just to pick one, is on Tat when you're doing the story quest and you choose to go run around and fix the former security guard's farming machines. Why can't I send T7 and C2 to do that while the JK and Kira run around doing quests?
  21. I'm actually on the opposite side of the fence from the OP. I find the Republic stories to be horribly bland and even a bit trite. I really struggled to complete the JC, and the JK was just...meh. But then again, the SI is my favorite. It's your classic Sith rise to power story.
  22. I can guarantee that my main won't want to take sides. She's already said that Iokath is hers...and she's not going to share.
  23. The Sith Warrior is fairly easy to play as a light side character, one with an honor code. Think Lord Praven from the JK storyline. Inquisitor is a bit harder to justify but given the character's roots, it's fairly justifiable as light sider as well. In any event...Good Luck!
  24. Sith Inquisitor. Because I want to shoot LIGHTNING FROM MY FINGERTIPS!!!
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