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Everything posted by Jinre_the_Jedi

  1. That's part of the reason why 3k is the magic number you wana aim for, the way that bolster works with our current gear level. If you're an equally competitive individual like myself and actually have an affinity for theorycrafting, I implore you to read this google doc by /u/attentaeter7 on reddit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YtyVboCIj4FtELnhW1h88j8HZ9oBgohZ/view It breaks down exactly how they got to that number and why, showing all the formula used along the way. If you're also interested in more theorycrafting stuff pm me and I can give you a link to the discord which has a ton of useful resources such as diminishing returns formulas for all stats, optimized min/max targets down to the exact modifications you want to use in your gear and everything.
  2. I will have out a Darkness guide within the week. Severing Slash is only useful if you have the Shadow Purger set bonus, which is pretty mediocre tbh. It gives a 90% accuracy debuff to all enemies you hit while you have force shroud active (it's just an AoE obfuscation). Overall it's a pretty useless ability.
  3. You can both point out how idiotic specific logic is via sarcasm while simultaneously actually believing that Sin should be nerfed, people aren't 1 dimensional beings.
  4. At this point I'm done defending my opinion that I believe sins should be nerfed to you, it's not worth the argument anymore. I made my statement, I think they should nerf sins. If that's not genuine enough for you, I don't really care anymore.
  5. The set bonus is what made the class do absurd things. Just like the Death Knell set bonus is what's making Sin do the damage it does.
  6. I never pumped up PTs to defend Sins, it's like anything I say to you is to defend sins. "I love mcdonalds", you: "exactly what somone who defends sins would say, burn the witch!" I pumped up PTs because PTs were strong and it was unnoticed. And I was right about PTs. They got nerfed in the most recent patch notes because of how strong they were. But idk, what do I know
  7. When have I ever stated that my opinion should be taken as gospel, ever, anywhere? My opinion is just that, my opinion. And people are allowed to have differing opinions, however for whatever reason, you take every opportunity that you can to try to specifically discredit me to make my opinion seem of lesser value than others. I've never tried to insinuate that because I write guides that I'm more knowledgeable about things that are purely opinion-based, such as the state of the meta. I'm a regular player just like everyone else. Whether it be by you saying that my opinion is biased, stating that I'm arguing in bad faith, or providing misinformation, you are doing all that you can do try to diminish my opinion specifically, for some odd reason. In this very thread you first state that my opinion is of little value because it's biased due to me playing Assassin and then a few posts later admit that you didn't even watch the full podcast, meaning that you don't even know what I said fully before coming to that conclusion. You want to talk about arguing in bad faith, yet you are dismissing what I say based on your own personal biases against me without even hearing my words first. So like I said, it's pretty tiring. Continue on in your crusade to bismirch my character, good luck and have fun friend.
  8. According to the theorycrafting discord, the breakpoint for critical is at 3,000 rating. After that you want to focus on power over critical rating.
  9. Interesting that you've chosen the quotes you did about me which were almost 2 weeks ago instead of my most recent comments stating exactly what you ask. In this exact thread, I said "I'm saying this as a Sin, the burst from Sin's opener should be nerfed, that's fair." Yes, I start discussing other classes after that, but as Prum said earlier in this thread, one class being too strong doesn't justify another class being too strong. So my talking about classes other than sin does not detract from my statement saying that their opener should be nerfed. Surely I'm allowed to change my stance between a week or two ago and now? You honestly come off as the type of person who just likes to argue for the sake of argument. First my stance is clearly biased because I'm a sin player (logic which you yourself then counter by stating that you wish to remain anonymous so that your point isn't detracted from, something which you've been doing to me for weeks now). Then when I change my stance, it's now not genuine enough for you, based on a quote that you dug up from the past when I've clearly made a more recent quote stating that sins opener should be nerfed. I'm not sure what your problem is with me specifically but your constant need to try to discredit me in every thread I end up in is pretty tiring.
  10. So now my opinion that they should nerf sins isn’t genuine enough for you? Lmao. Edit: This is like the most damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario I've ever seen. If I offer constructive feedback on how to counter sins until the upcoming balance changes, I get called out for defending an OP class, as seen here: https://i.imgur.com/IGtZiqk.png If I reconsider my position due to the public's feedback and say, "maybe you guys are right, Bioware, go ahead and nerf sin's opener" I get called out for not being genuine enough and ironically asking for nerfs. I feel like I'm being tried as a witch in Salem in the 1690s. If I swim, I must be a witch! If I drown, I die, but at least I wasn't a witch! Gotta love the PvP forums.
  11. How am I trying to shift the narrative desperately when I already said they should nerf sins. You’re such a questionable individual. Whatever friend.
  12. My reply is to everyone, not just you to specifically, which is why I said all instead of you. So don't take it so personally lol. I'm not going to get into another debate regarding how strong or weak you think sins are because this isn't the thread for it. Simply put, we are approaching the time when more classes are getting fully geared with set bonuses and tacticals, not just stealth classes. And are beginning to see exactly what all these classes are capable of. Regarding a freecasting sorc, a lot of these sorcs were tunneled, I'll be sure to screencap the damage taken for them along with their insane 12k+ DPS to prove my point that they are strong. If you tunnel a sin like you do a sorc, a sin won't even have half of that sorc's dps. Edit: https://i.imgur.com/v3Dlb5c.jpg - Jugg was tunneled for 650k damage here https://i.imgur.com/Pp4UZmn.jpg - Sorc took 450k (everyone else took 350-400k damage) and still did incredible damage. I can post more of these too btw. Sorc, even when tunneled, does incredible damage this expansion.
  13. I think you might be biased as well friend. Here's a pic of something that's pretty normal for Lightning Sorc in ranked atm: https://i.imgur.com/6i26gKo.jpg Here's another one: https://i.imgur.com/nsbVxfU.jpg They are effortlessly pulling 12-16k DPS, Thundering Blast hits like a truck with Eyrin's Haste and the DoT from Stormwatch tactical is stronger than Sin's Awakened Flame. I'm saying this as a Sin, the burst from Sin's opener should be nerfed, that's fair. But Sorcerer is monstrous right now, they even have insanely high Damage Reduction, it's almost as much as a Marauder. Sniper, Sorc and Operative are the top 3 classes atm for sure. You can all hate on Sins all you want, but just wait until you see some of the top players on Sniper, Operative and Sorc. It's scary. Edit: I guess my point is, for the past month since the expansion launched, people have been unable to get past the fact that after an Assassin's Opener, they do terrible sustained damage. There is so much more to a fight than the opener. And in ranked, NO ONE dies to the opener because they get peels, heals, off-guards, etc from their team mates. I will admit, in Regular Warzones, Assassins are monstrous. But in ranked, I'm sorry, it's just not the case. Just go queue up ranked and see for yourself, I can't even make this stuff up. If there's a lightning sorc in your match, just compare their performance to the Assassins. When you focus an Assassin, they drop like flies. When you focus a Lightning Sorc, they have so much DR and ways to kite and mitigate your damage, they are harder to kill then Sins. It's insane. But let's keep focusing on the first 30 seconds of the match and ignore the other 4 minutes 30 seconds. I 100% support Sins being nerfed if it means people will open their eyes and realize that there are much better specs out there that deserve attention.
  14. In that case yea, Sniper is definitely a top 3 spec performance-wise, I stand by that statement.
  15. Ouch. But if I remember correctly, I think my response to "top 3" was that Sniper was strong but will never be FOTM because it's one of those classes that can have the best kit in the world, but it requires too high of a skill floor for the average player to just pick it up and roll it as FOTM, unlike some other classes like Sin atm. So in that sense, whoever said the 4 of us agreed on sniper being FOTM misquoted me slightly or at least took it out of context.
  16. Snipers are very strong, one of the strongest ranged classes atm, but I don't think they need to be nerfed. When you account for all other classes competing against each other, and a tank/heals/dps scenario, they are balanced.
  17. I simply offered a solution for those struggling atm. I don’t care if they nerf Sins, I actually want them to nerf them. But thank you for your kind words.
  18. Whether people deem it viable for them to do it or not is up to them, I was merely giving the suggestion friend. For our PvP only friends out there (and i'm sure there's many of them), having 20% reduced damage for the first 10 seconds of combat will almost always outweigh any DPS amps you have if you play a class that can't get that damage off in the first place. For example, I would totally take these amps on a Juggernaut DPS who is often focused first, or even Hatred sin who's squishy (although I actually do have these on my Hatred sin and find them better than DPS amps because it's one of the squishier specs out there).
  19. While it's true that stealth classes can get more bang for their buck, the primary use of this would be to mitigate the damage of the Sin's opener. This is good because after you get pass the opener, their sustained damage is mediocre. If they were to vanish and try again, it would just reset your own En Garde amp countdown, so it's a very good way to counter assassin's opener when your guarding an off-node solo on a non-stealth class.
  20. This will mitigate 20% damage on their opener which will save you 40-50k Health. In this case, the defensive amps would outweigh the benefits of offensive amps since you would live long enough to outdamage a comparatively offensive set of amps. I use En Garde amps myself on my Hatred Sin and the damage reduction is extremely noticeable and helps me get through the initial burst from my enemies without getting globalled. Regardless of what needs to be balanced, this is a good immediate solution to the problem at hand.
  21. I talk about those in the video, I recommended Weapon Expertise.
  22. Armor pen does work on white damage, white damage can also be classified as Kinetic or Energy. That being said, I actually recommend Weapon Expertise, but state that you can optionally choose Alpha Strike.
  23. That’s just average dps, I don’t understand your comment. 7-10k dps is considered average. It’s the equivalent of 2-4K dps in 5.0
  24. If your reroll costs are too prohibitive on modifications, just replace them with fresh ones and the reroll cost goes down to 20k again. If your reroll costs are too expensive on shells (Amplified Champion pieces) grind out 3k more tech frags, buy from the vendor and start rerolling. If it gets too expensive you can sell it back within 2 hours and buy a new piece which will reset that cost as well.
  25. Comparing 3 GCDs to AoE that’s off the global cookdown, wew lad C’est dommage
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