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Everything posted by Jinre_the_Jedi

  1. What class are you playing? There are a lot of pretty good pvp guides out there for all of the classes, mostly on Vulkk, some one Dulfy. Check out this video I made regarding positioning, it transcends whatever class your playing and focuses on fundamentals that can be employed by all classes: In general, it's more important to understand how to survive in ranked than it is to do damage. I'd need to know more about your choice of class/spec to help you further.
  2. https://vulkk.com/2019/12/17/swtor-6-0-deception-assassin-pvp-guide-by-krea/ That's up to date as of the most recent patch.
  3. Bro I'm not sure what you're proposing here. I'm a solo player and have been vote kicked from many matches this season, back in December and since I've returned a week ago, on american servers, presumably by people who simply don't like me for one reason or another. This game is super cliquey. If you don't do what the "in" crowd of the server tells you to do in ranked, you get kicked. New player, vet player, if that crowd of players doesn't like you, you're liable to be kicked and get a lockout at any moment. This still happens to this day. This happens on stream a lot too, I can link a vod right now where this happens where someone is kicked "just because he died first" as a joke. That's where we're at right now, people kicking people for jokes. Come on bro, stop being purposefully deceitful. You know how it works, I know how it works, if you're not in the discord with the right clique at the right time, you're a viable vote kick candidate, period. It's like high school, except worse because it's grown men playing judge, jury, and executioner with the queue for some pixel rewards in a space game propagated by Disney. Saddest thing I've ever seen lol. I'm lucky because when it happens to me, I can just play on a different server and I don't care about reward or rating, but other people don't have the same mentality, so it's unfair to them. Edit: I don't even dislike you, I like to thing that our relationship is pretty neutral, but I'd respect you more if you just said the truth and said "I like being able to vote kick at will, I like being able to lock others out of the queue as I see fit" Just say it how it is man and people will at least respect you as a straight shooter instead of a bull *******.
  4. It's abused pretty heavily, I got vote kicked for no reason the other night. It's not a huge deal losing rating, but the lockout is pretty annoying to deal with, when you're kicked for no reason.
  5. This works as intended, because if two people stun you at the same time, you only ever sit for the duration of the longer stun. Like, if I Electrocute you, and another Inquisitor also Electrocutes you at the exact same time, you should only get 800 resolve because you are only actually ever stunned for 4 seconds. Now if I slightly overlap my stun with yours in such a way that would cause you to sit in the stun for a longer duration than normal, you will gain resolve for every second of stun over that overlap. I.E: I stun you for 4 seconds, and then another Inquisitor stuns you for 4 seconds, but applies their stun 1 second after mine. This will cause you to sit in the stun for 5 seconds, and you *will* gain an additional 200 resolve for being forced to sit that additional second. There's really no way to abuse resolve in this game by overlapping stuns, because every second you are stunned beyond the overlap will cause you to go over the 1,000 resolve cap and gain even longer CC immunity. Meaning, it's possible to be 1,500/1,000 resolve, which would give you 15 seconds of CC immunity. I go over all of these scenarios here: Now there is an interaction with resolve that's a bit interesting in regards to mixing Mezzes and Hard stuns, but that's not the same as overlapping two hard stuns. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Edit: I re-read your statement and misunderstood your issue. You're saying that people should be penalized for throwing a stun into an already stunned target, not that there's an issue with resolve. Sorry. I still disagree though because overlapping stuns can be useful if used skillfully, specifically when overlapping otherwise short stuns, like spike, or overlapping stuns and mezzes.
  6. If you wana be technical, the most you can be controlled in a warzone is 50% of the time because of Resolve. Slows aren't really a form of control since you can actually control your character and use defensive abilities/maneuvers while slowed. A Root could be considered controlled though since it stops some defensive abilities from being activated (like an operatives roll).
  7. They're PvE changes, balanced around the new raid I presume
  8. False my dude. This is only applicable to maybe marauders. When a Sin vanishes, they gain Force Shroud (if they have the right utilities) which resists stealth scan. Try it out if you don't believe me. You will never catch a sin immediately after they cloak with stealth scan and this is a common mistake many mercs make. The only thing that you can do to pull them out is use Sweeping Blasters (aoe white damage ability), as only white damage can pull them out. Same goes for operatives, any operative who knows better will roll after they vanish and roll will resist stealth scan as well. The only thing that doesn't resist stealth scan on vanish is Marauder. So OP, if you are specifically trying to catch marauders out of stealth, then go for it. Otherwise, it's useless vs Sins and Operatives, the main stealth classes.
  9. The world will burn because people are willing to spend money in ways that you disapprove of, what an insufferably arrogant and ignorant world view. Suddenly all the vitriol that you've ever posted on these boards make so much sense.
  10. Damn, my job isn't reasonable or meaningful enough for you,I'm hurt
  11. How do you know how they spend their time? I stream, I also travel internationally, I ski pretty often because it's good exercise and fun, it seems to me more like you just feel like other's are undeserving of making whatever money they make because their occupation doesn't fit your world view. Very reasonable and well rounded adult you are. Friend, I don't care whether you think I'm defending him or not defending him, your opinion of me doesn't affect how I sleep at night lol. It's just funny watching so many adults attacking this guy who I'm pretty sure is half your age, like a brainless mob, when half of ya'll say that "Solo ranked doesn't matter," yet very clearly displaying that it does matter to you all. It's like you're so consumed by your rage that you fail to see the immense flaw in your own logic.
  12. Why do people watch sports casters on ESPN talk all day? Why do people pack football or basketball stadiums? Why do people pay $15 to go to the movie theatre to spend two hours of their life on fictional stories? The answer is entertainment. Whether the medium for this entertainment is television, a movie screen, or a computer screen, people happily spend money if they are entertained. I don't understand why this concept so difficult to grasp. Just because one person doesn't find certain methods of entertainment to be considered "worth spending money on" doesn't mean others also have the same mentality. It's pretty funny the amount of projection that occurs from people who deem other's hobbies as inferior. On topic, it's equally amusing that so many people have jumped in this thread to try to discredit Stubonhockr. Why is it so hard for people to give credit where it's due? He's a really good Sin player, why does it offend people so much when someone else is finding success where others find failure? Do ya'll honestly have nothing better to do with your lives than to complain on an internet forum about someone else? Incredible set of 20+ year olds ya'll are, very mature.
  13. I make pretty good money playing games, enough to live comfortably and pay bills. I'm not going to speculate as to what Snave makes, but that's neither your business nor mine, and surely an "adult" such as yourself would know better than to try to disparage the way that someone else makes a living. Or perhaps you don't know any better, what do I know.
  14. As a job, for money, for fun, as a hobby. Are you so naive that you need to actually ask these questions? Lol. Imagine claiming to be "an adult" and then demeaning others based on their jobs or hobbies. Only a child could be so short sighted and think in such a linear and binary way :^)
  15. I think its hilarious u kids talking sht about stubonhockr. u wouldnt say this sht to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol
  16. So then you want Deception to be similar to Hatred Sin? Because Hatred Sin has two cloaks, multiple tacticals, guard, shroud, stealth, etc, and it is the worst spec in the game.
  17. If you're ever on Twitch, ask N1ghtrain. He's one of the people who plays Juggernaut at the highest level successfully and also has played Hatred Sin this expac. I guarantee that he will attest that it's right down there with DPS jugg as far as viability goes. If his word isn't good enough for you as well then I'm not sure what to tell you friend, maybe play the spec yourself and see for yourself I guess.
  18. I played Hatred a ton so that I could write a guide about it for others who wanted to give it a go. Hatred is also my favorite spec, so it was the first thing I experimented with in the preseason on Darth Malgus. Additionally, another Sin main named Shek'shas gave Hatred a go, we did a ton of theorycrafting in the theorycrafting discord for months to try to find the best set up to make the spec successful, but it has proved to be extremely vulnerable to being tunneled, and if you try to off-guard, you melt. So my evidence is playing it in Ranked on Darth Malgus.
  19. I'm assuming that you're forgetting that pre-season existed with the same class balance as Season 12 currently and that many of us used this pre-season to test multiple different specs in Ranked, including Hatred?
  20. Playing it and maining Sin. Ask anyone at all who PvPs and considers themselves a Sin main and ask them the state of Hatred. The spec is in a very bad spot atm.
  21. It is definitely as bad as I'm stating, and it's not really a secret either. Easily one of the worst specs in the game, down there with Jugg. Definitely worse than PT.
  22. That's my point though. They're still Assassin's so they have the same defensive kit as Deception, they even can swap using Two Cloaks, Life Warden and a DPS tactical. Yet Hatred isn't an A-tier spec, it's not even a C-tier spec, despite sharing majority of what makes Deception an S-tier spec (DCDs/Stealth/etc). So it begs the question, is tactical swapping really even that OP, if a sub spec of one of the most powerful classes in the game can do it and is still the worst spec in the game? Just an interesting point to consider, is all. I imagine that if/when Deception's burst damage is ever removed, the complaints about tactical swapping and everything else will go away with it. It's definitely worth questioning "on a larger scale class balance perspective, how can Hatred Sin share so many of the same advantages as Deception (Shroud, multiple vanishes, stealth) and gear advantages (Tactical swapping, set bonus swapping, etc), and Guard, which makes Deception Overpowered, yet it still remains the worst class in the game?" I honestly wonder how many people even have considered that at all, the fact that Assassin as a class is home to both the most Overpowered (Deception) AND most Underpowered (Hatred) specs in the game, when they are constructing their arguments for how the Deception should be balanced, or when they pick and choose which parts of Sin is making it an OP class. I guess in the end, I'm simply suggesting that while the main two things that are often brought up that makes Deception OP is Tactical Swapping and Guard, perhaps that's not necessarily the correct focal point for balance since Hatred has access to Tactical Swapping, Guard, and the rest of Deception's DCD kit (Stealth, Shroud, Double Vanish) and is still the worst spec in the game. Perhaps the real culprit is purely the damage that the spec outputs and nothing else. If you nerf the damage and bring it down to Hatred's level of burst (Hatred can hit 35-40k MAX with their hardest hitting ability) I'd imagine that Deception wouldn't be as OP anymore, despite still having guard, shrouds, double vanish, tact swapping, etc, since Hatred has all those things and isn't even close to OP.
  23. To be fair, Hatred Sin can also leave combat multiple times, and tactical swap, and it's still the worst spec in the game, only rivalled by Rage and Veng Jugg. Additionally, Operatives can tactical swap too, yet they don't. So maybe it's a Deception Sin specific thing that is problematic.
  24. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=961680 That community. It's not my fault if you didn't take part in that thread, but it's 150 posts of ideas on Ranked improvements made by various different users.
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