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Everything posted by robertthebard

  1. This reads like the list of rewards I get for my sub 72 characters making Conquest. All of my capped toons that make Conquest get 4 SRMs per reward, at 50K. It doesn't matter how you make the objective, just that you do.
  2. Automatic Pizza delivery when I'm running FPs.
  3. Indifferent is more or less a correct assessment of my feelings about it. So far, the vendors haven't had anything that interests me at all, or isn't something that I already have. I haven't been in PvP or GSF because of rewards from the system, and while it looks like I'm on track to actually finish the season before it ends, I'm not all that fussed about that either, because I'm not interested in the SHs. I've had the max benefit from SHs for years now, adding more doesn't do anything for me. I bought the Rishi SH, and have done very little with it, because it gives me an easy way to get to Rishi, if I need to, for free. I can exit any SH to fleet, so I don't need a SH on the Fleets. The CC has been the most interesting thing in the reward track, by far, and I've already put them to use on Legacy Perks, specifically HK 51, which, despite what was claimed earlier has had a credit or CC method to unlock since it's introduction, along with a free method, if you own Section X, so even preferred players can get HK for free, if they are preferred because they bought Sec X. I've missed an entire day a couple of times, but am firmly in level 26, with no weeklies done, at all. I'm so worried about the unlocks that I noticed this morning that I hadn't even claimed the one I unlocked the other day.
  4. I seem to recall dropping a mount on the Korriban FP last week, but I can't be sure what it was.
  5. They deal with things that you have claimed are monetized beyond our subs. It's fairly obvious, to me, that you can't support these claims, so now it's deflection time, right? As I said, I'm not trying to convince you, I'm just countering your misinformation.
  6. Isn't that how it is in everything in life? If you want it, you have to do what's required to get it? Ironically, I haven't been "forced" to do anything. I have done 0 weeklies for GS, and after the first week, I haven't even re-rolled them. I can even do dailies to work towards Conquest on one or more toons, depending on where they wind up as I progress. I pulled the Taris Heroics last week, and grouped up with a couple of other players and did them. I made my PO, and Conquest at the same time. What's more, I may have done them anyway, w/out GS, because Taris isn't one of the more popular heroic worlds to do, and so I very seldom have any competition for the mobs/other objectives. I pulled the bug squasher two days in a row, and did one Heroic on Balmorra, Imp side, to get them, along with a few kills outside the quest before I went in. At one point, I was doing those heroics at least once a week, for Conquest, before GS was a thing. I've got to do CZ today too, but it was way overcrowded when I was there, so I just logged out and did some other stuff for a couple of hours, outside the game. I'll go back later, and finish that, and Conquest on the toon that's there. Finishing that should give me another level in GS too. So with no weeklies, no PvP, and no GSF, I'll be at 25, after a month. So if I continue to progress at this rate, I'll be done with it before the 5 months run out, and won't have anything to work towards in the system. Then I can just ignore it until the next season starts up. With the added bonus of it actually gives me something to do, instead of just "drawing straws" for something. I still have to do that once I've finished my dailies, but I was already doing that before GS, so really, despite all the drama here, and in game, about it, it's not really all that stressful. I've got no idea what I'm going to use the tokens for, as I'm not interested in the SHs, but the CC has already proven useful for Legacy unlocks on newer toons. The last one I did was essentially getting HK 51 for free, since all of the coins came from GS.
  7. This started with HK 55, and I was dead set against them changing the conditions for getting him. However, if you read through some of those threads, you'll find people there that were all for it that are now complaining about something being removed. Nope. in spite of the above, I'm still getting the same things now that I got from the beginning. I just don't pay much mind to promotional sub rewards any more, because I know, at some point, they'll be available some other way. I know this due to past experience. Everything else about my sub remains unaffected by how someone else gets HK 55, to use my example. None of this adversely affects the value of my sub. A non-subbing player that pays to skip won't get any of the bonuses from the sub part of the reward chain. Any subs that skip ahead? How am I adversely affected by someone unlocking a SH on Fleet? The login rewards say "hello". I posted a video in another of these conversations, showing the contents of my Legacy storage. I've since had to start breaking gear that I'm not going to use down to make room for stuff I want. The majority from Conquest, but some is also from Renown. With the addendum that you can actually buy most of the armor sets from vendors on the fleet. The problem is, nothing on offer so far has motivated me to grab my wallet and spend. Even if I wasn't spending any "extra" cash on my bike and apparel for it, I wouldn't be motivated. The shop has nothing I want, or don't already have. So any value from my sub is already derived, and will continue to be, as/if I roll any more alts. I get close to 50 letters on a new toon. If my sub was being devalued, that number would surely start going down, yes? You see, I don't see what Player Y is getting as taking anything away from me, barring the HK 55 fiasco, and then it was just a "violation" of my trust in promotions. The simple solution is, of course, that a promotion won't be the only reason I leave my sub running, so I continue to do what I've always done, sub when I'm planning on playing anything like regularly, and allowing it to lapse when I'm not, regardless of what's going on. Nothing in my sub rewards package is being taken away, even if they give it to someone else. It's not like they took it from me to give it to them.
  8. Oddly, while I have, in fact, been playing less lately, it's more because my M/C is finally done, and sitting out in the driveway, waiting for me to fire her up and go riding. As far as in game, it actually solves one of my biggest problems, when it lands on something that I'll do: What am I going to do now? It points me to something to do, and answers that question for me.
  9. The strawman here is not my own. What item is it that allows me to "pay not to wait" to equip artifact grade equipment? You have claimed that gearing is monetized beyond our sub, so it should be simple to provide the item/items I need to buy, right? There is obviously an unlock for F2P/Preferred players, but what unlock does a sub have to buy to equip artifact grade equipment? What item do I have to buy, as a sub, to unlock my comp's full potential, in so far as the max number of items they can craft when I send them out? Note: This is not affected by comp influence, so an item that caps influence has no effect on the number of items they can craft at one time. As I mentioned earlier, the "grind" for XP boosts is atrocious. How dare they make me have to finish class story missions to get XP boosts for free??? The horror that is that grind, right? But I'm the one arguing from a strawman?
  10. You don't have to plant them on Jedi, any of the mobs will do, and there are way more than 20 mobs up there. The biggest obstacle is how fast the corpses despawn, to be honest.
  11. Interesting. So, what item do I have to buy from the CS in order to equip Artifact or higher equipment as a sub? This would be required in order to monetize it beyond what I already pay as a sub. I asked several posts ago, it seems like, and yet, I have received no response. You backpedaled to "I didn't say it was hard monetized", paraphrasing there, for Legacy. You can, and always have been able to, buy any perks with credits, and, for example, it only costs 160k credits to unlock all of the perks for comp influence gain, dialog and gifts. HK 51 has always been 1 million credits, or 300ish coins to unlock, I'm not sure, any more what Treek cost to unlock now, she's been unlocked for years on my Legacy, but there's a contract available on the fleet for 1 million credits. Credit costs aren't monetization beyond our subs. Yeah, there's a CC option, but it's none of my business if you'd rather use CC, than get some credits together. What item do I have to buy in order to send out the max number of comps making the max number of items, on top of paying for my sub? This would also be required for crafting to be monetized beyond what I already pay for a sub. You see, it's not that your ideas have gone unchallenged, it's that you've chosen to ignore things that are inconvenient to your agenda. If it's "but you can buy an item to max out comp influence", comp influence being maxed isn't required for crafting. I've been crafting for years w/out it, and I'm sure I'm not alone. You've claimed that progression, gearing and crafting are monetized beyond our subs, and I've asked for concrete examples, and you've failed to provide any. There's a reason, of course: There aren't any. "But you can make crafting go faster" isn't the same as "you can't craft w/out it". Unlike what happens when you're not a sub, and each comp can only craft 1 item. You've yet to address what gear I can't equip if I don't pay more than what I pay for my sub either, and you haven't addressed how my progression is blocked beyond my sub, if I'm not paying extra. I've asked for all of this, but your ideas haven't been "challenged"?
  12. As do television commercials, and the "Impulse Buy" racks at supermarkets. I also hate ads on YouTube, it's not like I'm going to buy anything from a company that interrupts my video viewing to try to sell me something. So when are we going to rail against those, because they are the same principle as what happens here, only they are 1000 times less frequent here. As it stands right now, I get a pop up ad the first time I log a toon in for the week, or at the daily reset, while I'm subbed, anyway. We don't get the messages about gear we can't use, because there's no such thing, so long as we meet the level requirements. Pref/F2P do. Oh yeah, pushing one to sub. So despite all the things you've claimed take away from our experience, they really don't. There's no mystical unlock we have to buy to get our max number of comps out crafting the max number of items as a sub. But you've claimed that crafting is affected above and beyond what our sub does. Which item is that? Just like with your Legacy example, that you dropped so fast it must have been hot when asked for what it was that was monetized beyond a sub, it doesn't exist. However, you claim that it does. These are the types of things I claim don't exist, and up until this example, you've proven me right by backpedaling on the one example I had asked for until this post. I get it, "but EA is bad", and yeah, they certainly have been. They've been called out, and caught out in games that I'd never play anyway, for being "bad", or greedy. But this? You've already had to backpedal on one claim, I expect you'll be backpedaling, or deflecting on the item I've asked for here, and I expect you'll also be backpedaling when I ask which Item I have to buy as a sub to unlock my character progression. You have already claimed that it is monetized beyond our subs, so I'd like to know what item that is. If it's "but XP boosts and Renown Boosts", don't bother. I see a whole different argument with those than what you're intending, P2W. As I said earlier, I've seen this very argument used before in GW 2, off the top of my head, and it's likely that it's been used here, and even more likely that it's been used by you. I seem to remember having this exact conversation with you before, either that, or it's the strongest example of Deja Vu I've ever experienced.
  13. While laughing at it may have been exactly what I would have done, I would have laughed while I took a screenshot of it, and sent it on to CS to deal with. Am I worried about them showing up at my house to kill me? Nope. However, they would never have to worry about someone else messing up their PvP, because they won't be PvPing, here. Of course, there's the other option: I missed a whole day of POs either earlier this week, or last week, I'm not entirely sure, because they came up GSF or PVP even after the re-roll. No big deal, I just didn't worry about it that day, and went on with business as usual. I have yet to do a weekly, and don't see that I will be all that fussed about doing so. The rewards in the shop are things that I already have, or have no interest in, so I'm not overly fussed about not getting them ASAP, since I'm not concerned about getting them at all. Maybe something will come up later, I can't say, but either way, the stuff in the unlocks are ok, the CC is nice, but really, it's just something that can answer my most common question prior to GS release, "what do I want to do today", by giving me one or two objectives to work on, instead of just picking something from the Activity finder to solo on.
  14. Of course not, and I wouldn't expect to. You have your beliefs firmly entrenched, and that's fine. My feedback on what you're posting isn't intended for you, but for anyone else that may read it, and come away with erroneous conclusions about the game, especially from the perspective of already being subbed, or looking to sub. If I had to buy Artifact Equipment unlocks for my Legacy or characters despite being subbed, you might have a point. If I didn't get rested xp, despite being subbed, you might have a point. If I had to purchase crafting slots, despite being subbed, you might have a point. However, none of that is true. The monetization scheme here pushes one to sub, but it doesn't adversely affect those that are already subbed, despite what you claim. This is why I respond to these posts.
  15. So, for Conquest, there's an objective called Story Time. It is awarded for completing story missions, including class missions and side objectives there-in. What's the reaction on the forums? "Instead of giving us new content, they just rehash old content". All of your "suggestions" in the OP are shades of this example. So, when/if none of them are implemented into GS, you're going to be all over "but they don't listen" and rage quitting, because surely, since it was your idea, instead of the dev's idea, the community will embrace it with open arms?
  16. On the contrary, I said they are monetized by our subs. You have made the claim that they are monetized on top of our subs, and I have asked you for proof of this. The proof you gave is XP boosts, etc. ...and yet you included them in your list, for some reason? Then you wonder why I question what you've provided? Yes, completing class missions is well and truly frustrating, and is also a primary source of XP boosts. No, I'm grasping your point all too well. Except that you claim it's eroding our experience, or support the idea that it is, and yet, my experience hasn't been eroded, and you can bet there are thousands of players that are so unaffected that they have never come here to complain. However, the arguments I've seen you produce so far are the same arguments laid out in GW 2 in support of GW 2 being P2W. Here's something that may shock you, I feel like the sub here is P2W. Instead of requiring us to lay out extra money for unlocks, it provides them to us as part of the package. It's ironic that you want to point everywhere else for your argument, claiming that the existence of these boosts erodes our experience, but ignore the blatant concepts of what our sub provides. Can players buy unlocks for crafting? Yes. Does that affect what we get as a sub? No. Can players buy XP boosts? Yes. Does that affect what we can do as subs? No, and it won't provide them with Rested XP either. Can they buy equipment unlocks? Yes. Does it affect what we can equip? No. So far, there's nothing there that's having any affect on my experience, except for whether or not my sub is active. Things that make me go "Hmm".
  17. I have literally thrown away hundreds of xp boosts that I got for completing story missions that were bound to the character that got them. They give them away like candy, so it's not like there's a "grind" for them. My Legacies have been capped for ages, but I don't recall having to spend any money at the CS to do it, what item is it, exactly, that locks me out of capping a Legacy if I don't buy it? Comp gifts can be purchased for credits, or you can trade in fragments for them. I honestly don't recall where I got the fragments I have, but I haven't felt the need to use them, since comp gifts now come as standard "drops" from hitting a Conquest target on a sub 71(?) character, not to mention all the gifts you can send comps out to get from the various professions. So what I'm seeing here is "Cash shop bad", because none of what you're listing actually affects anyone that's paying a sub. The sub is the more egregious offender there. I won't play if I'm not subbed, and not because I can't post on the forums w/out it. However, I can and often do play w/out the CS. I don't buy the loot boxes, although I got a free one today, from a level on GS. I have loads of comps that aren't 50 influence, I don't even have one 50 influence on every toon, although a lot of them do have one. So my gathering and crafting missions take longer, oh well. They've been taking longer regardless, and having a sub means that I can craft more items at once, even if each proc takes longer to get, and crits are easier to get on a 50 influence comp. My QoL is better now than it was whenever they added the influence gain on gathering missions as well, since comp influence will level w/out the need for any gifts, albeit it's slow going, it's still going, where it used to not be. I didn't write an exhaustive list, because when I compared it to what's in the OP, and similar stuff, I figured it would be pretty clear. You can bet the OP is going to go on and on about how "they didn't listen" if none of the brilliant ideas they laid out for GS are implemented.
  18. Actually, they're monetized by our subscriptions, not on top of. As a sub, we don't have to spend any cash to do any of that, that we aren't already spending for our subs. So no, it's not any more devalued now than it was when the gearing scheme was adopted for subs, however many years ago that was. This means that I'm not getting any popups saying that I could have/use this gear if I purchased an unlock, because it's unlocked via my sub. What's more, if I equip it, and let my sub lapse, I can still use it. So I'm not sure what you're talking about when you talk about gearing. Crafting is completely unlocked through the sub as well, so again, not sure what you're talking about with crafting. Progression is also unlocked through our subs, so again, what are you talking about with "on top of our subs", when our subs cover all of that?
  19. It is, actually. More people should adopt the philosophy. You'd be surprised how much stress they could eliminate from their lives by simply tending to their own business, instead of everyone else's. This is rich. "Shut up man, they won't change anything if everyone's not in agreement", not like they would if they were, if it's not something that is well and truly broken. Have to wonder about some of those too, but... Except that the way PvP is "balanced" does effect everyone, to varying degrees, since they largely just do whatever to whatever skills/classes in the name of balance. I wonder how many have already quit? You do realize, of course, that we used to have several PvP servers right, and that they were closed down due to lack of population. Indeed. However, "they don't listen" being used to justify rage that someone didn't get their way in an update, despite maybe they did listen, and just said no, even w/out responding to the "suggestions", like the ones listed in this thread. While I tend to agree that the system is sort of "meh", it's not even the "grind" that gets me. The cartel coins, for simply maintaining my sub, and playing the game, things I'm going to do anyway, are about the only thing I really "care" about, as I said, I used those rewards to unlock HK 51. I'm sure others have come up with even more uses for them. So claiming that our experience is being eroded, "Period.", your word, isn't quite true, is it. "but the grind" is laughable. I've played an MMO where the only way to level up from ~80 to 120 was gathering a group of players, parking in a dungeon, and killing the same mobs over and over for hours on end. Where the world's first to the last level cap I was aware of took almost 2 years to get, going from 150 to 170. So when people point to "the grind" here, I'm not sure what they are talking about. Running a circle killing mobs for a half hour or so to complete an objective just isn't all that grindy, if you ask me. As to what we deserve? We have it. We have the ability to talk with our wallets if the game is well and truly damaging our psyche playing it, or when we get bored, or burnt out. Or when something else comes around that makes us want to play that more. Things I have done. If I'm not subbed, I'm not playing. You'll find quite a few gaps in my posting history, because I wasn't playing, so I wasn't paying. Even now, as I type this, my sub will run out on it's own, because I pay the non-recurring 60 day sub, instead of a recurring one, in case any of those, or a myriad of other things from the past, make me decide to just move on. There's no fanfare when I come back, and no major scene when I leave, I just talk with my wallet, instead of attempting to blackmail the devs with threads like this one.
  20. Ok, let's talk about it. So let's guess, the first thing you're going to list is "but you can buy your way out of playing GS", right? Something to that effect? You can. You are not required to. There's a big difference there, but we have to ignore that. Period. My "PREMIUM" experience hasn't changed with the introduction of GS. I spent 300ish coins, that I got for simply playing the game through GS, unlocking HK 51 on one of my newer alts that didn't have him yet. Wait. That means that my experience did, in fact, change because I didn't have to use my stipend coins to do it. But, that would mean that my "PREMIUM" experience has changed for the better, maybe I better not post that, someone might be mad, right? Other than that, my experience is exactly the same as it was before GS fired up. I log in, figure out what I want to do, and do it. There was a discussion on Nar Shaddaa about this a week or so before GS went live. My biggest issue was "what do I want to do". Still the same now. Despite logging in this morning, and actually making Conquest on at least one toon, I have yet to do anything with GS, other than re-roll out of GSF. So now, when I get around to it today, I have 5 dailies on Oricon, and squashing bugs any where in the galaxy. Since I can do the dailies on Oricon in my sleep, and I'm not bothered by having to kill 75 bugs, there's no incentive for me to whip out my wallet and just pay my way through. So how, exactly, is my experience being eroded? Because someone else can? It doesn't phase me a bit. Just like the existence of loot boxes, it's not something I'm going to be doing anything with, so I don't care. I don't care how Joe Casual, or Fred Elite plays, or how much either one of them spends, although I'm glad to see money going into the coffers, it helps keep the game running. Nobody is running a bot, or series of them, that's interfering with my questing, so more power to 'em.
  21. So a pretty common complaint is along the lines of "instead of introducing new content, they force us to redo old content". Now, read the OP's suggestions again. So what happens if BW doesn't implement any of those brilliant suggestions? "They're not listening". The problem is, what you call "to the benefit of all", I call "but this is what I want, and they should give it to me". This isn't always the case, there are some decent ideas that get floated, but largely, that's not what happens, and when whatever it is isn't implemented, we get the "they're not listening" schtick. There are certainly valid instances, such as when something bugged on the test server goes live, despite being reported, but there are as many, if not more, instances of "I didn't get what I want, so they're not listening". It's not limited to swtor either. There is a core group of players that sincerely believe that they know what's best for games, and are pretty vocal about it, despite some of their brilliant ideas reading like the OP here. They "love this game" so much that they want to turn it into this other game over there, and, ironically enough, if you read the forums "over there", someone's going to be pointing to "over here" as the best thing since sliced bread. There was so much of this going on between ESO and GW 2 that it looked like a pro Ping Pong tournament.
  22. The problem with running to the zone that's being advertised in chat is that everyone is running to the zone that's advertised in chat. I didn't touch the Pilgrim's Retreat region either. The Crafted Blight has a decent amount of bugs, and an easy to establish route.
  23. It wouldn't matter. We can search up the first few pages here, and find at least one thread about how easy the game is, or how fast leveling is. Now we get something that requires a minimal amount of effort, and I'll bet we find some of the same posters complaining that it's not super easy to do, such as the Voss general chat last week. Something that I found ironic, because if they'd devoted half the time to actually searching up some bugs, and squashing them, as they put into complaining about the bug squashing, they'd have been done, and gone. How do I know? Because it happened to me three days in a row last week, and I didn't have to reset a heroic to accomplish it. One out of the three days that I did wind up squashing bugs, I didn't do any heroics, and I was done in under 45 minutes. I'm not sure how many objectives you'd find "acceptable"? I'm also not sure how adding more would prevent people pulling the same objectives as someone else? It doesn't matter how many are available, you'll still only get a max of three per week on weekly objectives, 2 with one re-roll, and a max of 21 daily objectives per week, 2 per day with one re-roll, per day. Since each week has a theme, the pool is going to be limited anyway, and the number won't do anything about variety, it'll just lead to more "forcing us to do the same content over and over" threads. As I type this, I had just responded to another thread that suggested the cure for GS was to do just that, make it another DvL or class missions or leveling a toon from 1-75. How does one do any of those? Running the same content again.
  24. So let me see if I'm not as naive as others responding here: Your proposed solutions to running the same content over and over for GS is to run the same content over and over for GS? Brilliant, I say.
  25. The fact that you can reroll to something different indicates that there is, in fact, more than a couple of different objectives for everyone. The last three days of the last cycle, I had to squash bugs. But in the first four days, it didn't come up once, for me, despite Voss chat going nuts about them while I was doing the Heroics, which did come up.
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