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  1. I had this issue and was able to get past it with phase reset (got lucky I suppose)... but then I lost the class quest completely after I turned it in to start chapter 2. So all my class quests have gone MIA. I submitted a ticket yesterday and haven't gotten any response back—not even a "we're working on it".
  2. Post patch this still has not been fixed or addressed. Ticket submitted on 11/24/2015 Server: Harbinger Character: Skogol Class:Bounty Hunter/Powertech Ticket Number: 21814511 Problem: Upon completion of chapter one, I did not receive a prompt to start chapter two and I do not have any class missions in my mission log. There's no reason why CS can't at least contact us and let us know that this problem is being looked into, even if there is no fix.
  3. This is exactly what just happened to me. Server: Harbinger Character: Skogol Class:Bounty Hunter/Powertech Ticket Number: 21814511 Problem: Upon completion of chapter one, I did not receive a prompt to start chapter two and I do not have any class missions in my mission log. Worst part is this is the last story I need for legendary status...
  4. Oh, I don't know--maybe they play a healing spec and used their companion on DPS? Which was also nerfed along with healing? Just a thought.
  5. Let me start this by saying: I love the challenge associated with a crappier companion; I do not, however, wish to sacrifice a vivacious SWTOR community just so I can have a more obvious SOLO challenge. I wonder if the Dev's would like it if we, the players, forced them to push spiky needles up their pee holes? The majority of them probably wouldn't like that very much--just the kinky ones would. People don't like when things/opinions they don't like/agree with are forced upon them; I.E. if they don't want to group, they're not going to group. It's not a new concept. When the majority of a community wants OP companions and instead devs nerf them--it's bound to have some repercussions. The fact is (and polls show this), a LOT of people came back to SWTOR for KOTFE but STAYED because of the revitalized solo content through these OP companions. What happens now? All the people that disagree with the changes will go elsewhere (and they are MANY), as usual, and SWTOR will hemorrhage subscriptions again, and your "just ask someone to come with you" concept will become all the more moot, because there wont be anyone playing. Were the OP companions hurting us elitist I-want-a-challenge players? Not really, we created new challenges for ourselves through pulling more mobs, etc.; My personal favorite was attempting to pull entire H2 instances and surviving, not always successfully--my character actually felt powerful like the storyline suggests. Why cater to the solo players? They help keep economy and community going, just like the non-solo players. And the real group-player content isn't effected by these OP companions. Though I don't like it, I think it'd be wise of BW to make companions just as strong or nearly as strong as they were pre patch. If they don't... at least BW won't have any more server capacity issues.
  6. My wife, son, and I are all unsubscribed as of tonight. I don't particularly disagree with the changes, however, I do disagree with the way BW goes about changing things--they tend to ignore the opinion of the community majority for changes they think are best. This wouldn't be so bad if they knew how to cautiously make said changes. Why not just put a poll on the launcher so everyone can vote on a possible change? Nonetheless, the only way a company learns from their mistakes is to feel it in their wallets--BW is no exception. Unsubscribe for a while and hope they get their act together (despite years of not doing so). Starwars Battlefront is a ton of fun and that is what we'll be playing for now.
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