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Everything posted by RunningJester

  1. No, I am comparing solo combat in SWTOR to solo combat in WOW. You cannot do a dungeon till at least level 15, till then you are out killing things. In SWTOR solo combat there is basically zero chance of dying unless you run around and get 10 mobs to all attack at once, and that does not always work. With a companion on either tank or DPS one can literally not even hit the attack button once and win the fight. In WOW there is a much larger chance to die, especially at lower levels. My first death on WOW was due to the fact I never looked at my health bar because after playing SWTOR i got out of the habit of doing so. There is much I love about SWTOR, combat is not one of them.
  2. I was not playing 5 years ago, but now leveling and combat in general is exponentially harder in WOW than SWTOR. One has to pay attention to their health bar in WOW, not so much in SWTOR. Also, with 2 hours of solid game play in SWTOR you can easliy be level 15 if not higher. I have been doing WOW off an on since Monday and I have not yet hit 15.
  3. Even WOW has restriction on weapons use. A mage can only use One-Handed Swords, Staves, Daggers, Wands for example. I am actually more annoyed by races being restricted from certain classes in WOW. Why can't my dwarf be a Druid?
  4. My son talked me into brushing off WOW as a group of his friends were getting back into it and they wanted me to do dungeons with them. It has been more than a year since I played so I rolled up a new character. I have to say, it was refreshing to actually worry about dying while in combat, or to even die and have a small consequence for doing so. I love SWTOR, have 5 characters in chapter 9 and I am working on the 6th. I love the story, the companion interaction and all that jazz. But combat is so easy that it takes away from the fun of the game.
  5. I will have to say that with all the issues/bugs that BW needs to fix, I could not care less if they never worry about gold spammers. What is the big deal? it takes 3 seconds to delete all the mails in your mail box.
  6. Great question. I am a long time Sub and my answer to your questions are yes and yes. I am having fun but it is too easy. Not the mobs or such ,but the bosses are way to easy. Darth Baras (sp?) should be a hard, long fight. It was basically a joke. I hope they make the game harder, or I guess more balanced is a better word.
  7. Yes, level 18 with all the skills and abilities of a level 65, not really the same as a non-synced level 18
  8. All I can say is thank goodness. Just silly leaving your capital world at anywhere from level 30-40 depending on if you add in warzones or the initial FP quest.
  9. Or a 13 year old in this case. My son, now 13, and I started SWTOR as founders and then both stopped for about year. I came back to it but he has since moved on to other games he and his friends are playing. Last night he walked up and said "what planet is that " I said "Tython, I just made this character this afternoon". He said "but your level 19", "I said, I will leave Coursant at 30 or greater" he said "the game is broken if you are half way to max level before you leave the 2nd planet" I had to agree, leveling at least is down right broken and the 2xp event made it worse
  10. Do not worry about the xp event ending. Since 4.0 and the revamping of the experience system you will still level at a very increased rate over what we did prior to the latest change. If you have not played prior to 4.0 you will still be amazed at how fast you level even without the 2xp. Before this 2xp event I could hit 65 by Hoth simply by doing the class missions, planet heroics upon arrival, selected side missions and the daily/weekly warzones and a single FP when hitting the fleet. With my BH I got to the fleet at lvl 16, did the two WZs and one FP along with the crafting mission and left the fleet for DK at either 22 or 23, cannot remember exactly which.
  11. Maybe I have not been paying attention, but I am running a BH and I am level 50 on Balmora. I just noticed that I am getting 13 exp for my class missions. I thought that with level sync this was not supposed to happen, that we got "full credit" no matter what level we were. Was I mistaken or is this a bug?
  12. I agree, it has been a long wait for a really good Star Wars movie. I still will watch all 6, but it has been a long dry spell since 83. Hard to believe I was a freshman in college when 6 came out and now I have a daughter that is a Junior in college! That is a long dry spell. I liked 6 more than 5 personally, but they were both good in my book.
  13. My biggest beef is with the dual wielding fools that think they are bullet proof. They always run ahead and jump into the middle of a group of baddies. Heals only work so fast, if you are being attacked by an entire mob, you are going to die.
  14. I was just talking to my son about this the other day. Him and I started SWTOR together but he has long since moved on from it and basically all MMO's. He asked me why I was still playing it and I said that there is nothing better out there right now. I have played WOW and GW2 and a couple others but always come back to this. Even though I am not the most social player, I like that there are other humans in the game with me and the occasional teaming up to complete a task. i have been doing more FPs but still cant get into PvP like so many others do.
  15. Yep, been that way forever, most of us figured it out the same way you did! lol
  16. What is the harm in leveling faster during 2xp? I started a JK, did the warzone missions and FP you get when you first get to the SpaceStation and left Coursant at level 41. With level sync there does not really seem to be a bad/down side to this, except maybe I will be 65 before finishing chapter 3 which will make the follow on content less appealing.
  17. that is correct, finishing the basic story line, (i.e. chapters 1, 2, 3) with all 8 character types (i.e. Jk, BH, etc)
  18. why would you want a title you didnt earn? with the 2xp you can finish the class story in a few hours. Heck, I just left Coursant at level 42 with a JK.
  19. people that use Khem, Kaliyo, Qyzen, or Scourge in healing mode! Do you people have no shame?
  20. Yep, that is why I love the Sorc! us old folks need a character too!
  21. This ^^ I have been on here defending SWTOR and BW for months, but dang...really..."yeah, we know what the problem is ,but we dont care enough to fix it"...how can anyone defend that?
  22. According to the Dev's, they listen to and heed comments on here and on Redit. Where else would you suggest people express their dissatisfaction? Why are you ok with such poor CS that a note saying "we know the problem but wont fix it" is good enough for you?
  23. Just mail it to me, I will keep it safe for you.
  24. Can you tell me that you actually find this statement to be acceptable? I have been the most ardent supporter of this game and even of BW, but this was a kick in the gut.
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