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Everything posted by MisterPepssi

  1. More lowbies! The competitiveness in those games most be inbearable!
  2. Since they buffed spike dmg, using a reck charge on spike is highly recommended.
  3. Whats this? Common sense on the forums?
  4. Marauder + Pt is a popular comp on my server atm and is perfectly viable, granted you have past experience with hard switches.
  5. So people are supposed to cater to your fun, in a game they themselves pay to play? Cool story bruh.
  6. You make some pretty dumb arguements, but okay, I'll bite. If I want to queue up for a few reg games with my buddies, I am in my *********** right to do so, and if you're got a problem with that, you're free to leave. Game is hard.
  7. Mara is better overall, if you count group ranked.
  8. I actually happen to like the looks of the armors, the cm ones has many new features I dislike and I dont really see the reasoning for removing the shells in the first place.
  9. How is sniper survivability a problem with a trinity comp? Meaning tank and heals?
  10. It's not their job to cater to other Peoples fun, we pay a sub too.
  11. I think you meant to post this in the server forums.
  12. I think this expansion is retarded and lacking in MMO content. I didn't come here to play a single player game.
  13. The thing you're doing wrong, is the same people marauder people do wrong. You think class balance should resolve around solo ranked, rather than a trinity (where both classes is more than viable BTW) but hey, keep thinking snipers are underperforming!
  14. I have approx 2 min wait time for ranked pops on tofn, group ranked pops too, All you need to do is say you're in queue.
  15. Oh right, better make another premade whine thread. Lowbie regs is srs business.
  16. Being social is hard??
  17. Cant really blame people for having friends in an MMO, that's kinda part of the experience. Do I go cry om the foruns when I face a premade while solo queueing? No. I stick through it an or call my friends for halp and we usually curb stomp them right back.
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