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Everything posted by MisterPepssi

  1. Judging by your sig, you play on TOFN where ranked almost pops all day, everyday.
  2. Can you still get The tionese armor shells ingame, and if not, any dets that looks exactly the same? (None of that cm stuff pls)
  3. Not really, though admitedly Marksman is BiS atm. There are alot of specs considered useless in group ranked, and even whole classes.
  4. Can't burst like a sorc? Surely you're joking, lightning is currently the lowest hitting burst spec in the game. Sniper cooldowns are really good, if you use them correctly, sure without a healer backing you up, you could potentially die pretty quickly, but so can mercs, marauders, pts and sorcs.
  5. Mate, I realise that all you do, is sit in solo ranked and think that class balance should revolve around that. Thing is though, the game is meant to be balanced around trinity comps and snipers work more than fine in regs and group ranked. /endrant
  6. Snipers are fine at current, enig could use some tweaks, but other than that we're fine.
  7. Can confirm, happened to me earlier
  8. Mom someone told me I'm bad at PvP, please ban them!
  9. You've obviously never seen a mm sniper and an ap pt working together or heard of stuns.
  10. Actually it is possible, it's called a hardswitch.
  11. Nothing to see here people, just a clueless player, move along.
  12. Im at 1700 highest earned, thanks for your sympathy tho.
  13. Im just going by what I see, I don't claim to know The whole guild and I bet most of MvP plays fair, but these few players who dont needs to stop this bs.
  14. Did this just turn into a pissing contest? Please stay on point fellas, dueling a sniper as an assassin takes no skill, so keep the duel ******** to yourself. The issue at hand is that they queue against 4 randomly matched dps and play like a trinity comp with a skank tank.
  15. Looking at your group rating, I'd say it most likely is.
  16. You're either dense or just really dont want you E-points stripped. Stop pretending that what you're doing isnt intentional, you're not fooling anyone.
  17. You stop queueing whenever someone not from your guild is queueing, so I don't really see the point in this statement.
  18. I'm blaming you and your guild for running with a skank tank and an off healing sage. Sync queue all you like, but sync queueing like that is for bads.
  19. You REALLY don't want to have an unintended advantage taken away from you, do you?
  20. That's what they do though.
  21. I can get why you would need to sync queue, but the way that the rep guild on tofn does it (skank tank and off healing sage) is beyond retarded and low.
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