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Everything posted by Addictress

  1. I'm not too familiar with MMOs but it sounds like if Level Sync went away, Alderaan, my favorite planet ever, would be too easy for my characters once I levelled up. I would want this....why? I want to go back to Alderaan again and again, even on my level 80 characters, and not be a bored god there....
  2. Companions don't disappear when mounted in ESO and can have their own mounts. I know SWTOR can do it too if they just decided to! I mean the regular non-mount follower mapping & movement is pretty good already, so I don't see why it would be a major issue getting the mounted follower to work.
  3. What is the best way to get Jawa Junk? I got a little bit but haven't gotten any yet.
  4. I feel that EA is massively under-selling, under-marketing and under-investing in this game. Do they not see all the Disney shows and movies out there, like Andor, etc? Do they not see what they are sitting on? It's like infinite opportunities to cross-market, feed off the other shows' vibes or general interest. INFINITE opportunities. And I'm actually completely sick of the Disney Star Wars movies and shows right now. Andor was pretty good, but otherwise, I'm tuning them out. Yet, IN SPITE of this over-exposure, I am still loving SWTOR because of how unique the experience is. I finished the Sith Warrior and Imperial Agent stories. And now I'm playing through the Republic Smuggler story. It's so good! The experiences on each planet were completely different for each character! That's like dozens of different, huge stories. The amount of writing and detail is astounding. I'm amazed at what I missed out on 10 years ago and I bet other clueless gamers are, as well. And yet I hear they're just sitting around, not hiring enough devs, throwing out small events or small packs of assets, instead of investing in continuing the huge class stories we love. *slams desk* WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Are you dumb? The little comments here and there that this game is 'getting outdated' are absolute b/s. Look at WoW and all the other far older MMOs still going strong. god, when I look at the graphics in WoW, I puke. SWTOR looks beautiful. I don't get it. I just feel like there should be way more attention being invested in this game. EA execs should be pumping more money into hiring writers, voice actors, devs, and then marketing it on every social media platform. Way, way more. I know it's over ten years old, but it's new to me, and I bet it's new to a lot of other 30-something babies, as well. I know this is just a lazy post or whatever but it's just how I feel. A lazy post, but written by someone working in finance, might I mention. This is financial advice.
  5. Oh I'd love that! I sometimes skip the Quesh planet story. My lack of inoculation doesn't affect anything, though. I'd love if it did! I play dress-up with my main character. They and their companion wear warm-looking outfits when going to Hoth, or bright/white clothes when going to Tattooine.
  6. Oh thank you! for #3, when you say 'group on the fleet' I think you mean shouting out in the general chat on the fleet right? I was able to get some groups that way!
  7. Two questions: - I did my first weekly operation the other day - the Ravagers one on Rishi. I died once and got confused on how to revive; everyone else had already gone on so I didn't think the healer could get me. I ended up reviving at the start point of the entire dungeon and I had to walk...walk and walk (I didn't have rocket boots) all the way back. I tried to speed it up doing my little forward roll ability whenever I could. Anyways, everyone was laughing and someone mentioned there's a shuttle. What shuttle did they mean? What shuttle? - On the Group Finder, I only see 1 operation. When I click the filter, I see possibly three operations to queue up for. But it seems like I can't "choose an operation" generally to queue up for? Is there just 1-3 operations available per week? Does it change every week? So if I need help on a specific operation, I have to wait until it's listed?
  8. I hope this means more community updates. I look at the community blog and my heart sinks a little seeing posts from 2019 on the front page. I believe you have players out here willing and ready and eager to see more updates.
  9. Let me make sure I understand. You believe that the complainers in this particular thread are just a few cracked egg shells, and that in the long run, it's a possible omelette? I just ask, because I'm really invested in this game right now and I hope it continues to grow haha
  10. I can be very negative about games, but in this case I am honestly just curious why people would complain about this. Why does anyone need 340 gear? PVP? From what I'm reading, it seems like 340 gear didn't even exist until R4. It seems actually even more rewarding if gear is harder to get. If everyone can get gear, it's not worth fighting for. I say this as a solo player who is embarrassingly bad. I don't want smucks like me to just get things handed to them. I like there to be some elite tier I can aspire to, that I can work at for months and months. Isn't that usually what MMO is about? And honestly, being embarrassingly bad myself, I'm surprised how well I'm doing at operations and flashpoints once I buddy up with a group - and I only have 321 gear. It feels like I don't need 340 gear to do literally anything, except possibly PVP. Occasionally coming out of your shell to go into a group activity is the intention behind an MMO. And yes, sometimes I have a terrible time, but sometimes it's not so bad and I get over it and maybe even enjoy it. I play Elder Scrolls Online at the same time as this game, and you can either buy elite gear from traders, or get it doing the hardest veteran dungeons. Isn't it the same thing? I don't see the difference. In fact, in Elder Scrolls Online, gear sets are locked to specific dungeons. So if there's a really elite, high-grade gear set you want, you have to play that specific dungeon. I'm just confused how this is any different from other MMOs. I'm not a WoW vet. Perhaps I'm missing something. Perhaps the suffering is caused by the fact that the player base is small, so gear can't be bought easily on the GTN market, right? Is that what the issue is? Because as I mentioned, in ESO right now, you can get elite gear only two ways: play the hard, vet dungeon with a GROUP, orrr... buy it from a trader. And obviously, if there are too few players, the gear won't be available on the trader/market or whatever. So I can understand that frustration. Not sure how un-subscribing is going to improve *that* situation but it's a free country.
  11. Well let's keep complaining about it then. I personally think it'd make more sense to just give Vector some more personalized in-combat dialogue. For instance, in Dragon Age 2, Anders seemed to cry out in particular anguish if his romanced protag got downed. Or if you tried clicking on him, he'd say something like "Yes my dear?" I mean it doesn't have to be cringey, but something more personalized than "Understood." Or "We appreciate your professionalism." Sir! Yeah, the "alert" companions being like Blizz-level NPCs after all they've been through with your character is frankly unacceptable. I'm not asking for much.
  12. I honestly don't know much about modding or gearing - seems like 15 times more complicated in this game than in Elder Scrolls Online, which is kinda cool and endlessly fascinating as I enjoy intricate systems that always have some mystery to it. I'm a new level 80, still learning the end game stuff and having the time of my life; my gear is at level 321 right now. Again, I don't quite understand what these folk are complaining about because it takes me quite a few months to figure out the deep end game in an MMO as it were, but my hope is that by the time I've figured out what's going on, the devs have resolved the complaints these folk have here so that I'll barely notice a beat. What spooks me are the recent tweets under hashtag #SaveSWTOR that are saying the game is on its last legs due to the complaints about gearing (which I again don't get quite yet, ignorance is bliss). I beseech the devs and community manager to please keep tabs on twitter as well. I really want this game to continue and I don't want it to pewter out. That being said, I see old posts and tweets from 2018 doomsaying so maybe there are always a few doomsayers. Anyways, I have a uniqueness complex and my feeling is that now that I am here, whatever the issue is - the devs will want to fix whatever it is because my subscription is most important.
  13. Ok but like I know I am not a software dev, and I've only dabbled in Python, and I drop to my knees in respect for game devs, but like is it really a gargantuan game development task to code in the legacy companion reunions a bit earlier in the KOTFE/KOTET storylines and be able to summon them in the KOTFE/KOTET quests or whatever? I mean, the alliance-alert reunion cut scenes wouldn't change. They'd literally just be able to be triggered ....earlier. Then they'd appear in your Companion-selection menu and could be summoned for some of the KOTFE/KOTET fights. None of this would affect decisions or story elements during or after KOTFE/KOTET.
  14. That's exactly what I was looking for. So, he's either a young boy not yet entered into society or a pre-18th-century servant-employee-tradesman. I believe the latter scenario befits the Imperial lore. Servant Employee. Lords and whatnot.
  15. It's a bit like Alfred calling Bruce Wayne "Master Wayne." It indicates they're somewhat respectable, possibly a touch wealthy or aristocratic, and civilian. But Vector isn't civilian - he's in intelligence, and even the diplomatic service likely had ranks. So I wonder why people call him Master Hyllus (Falner Oeth and Lokin for instance).
  16. I'm in the same boat. It seems everyone has moved on though. This heart break happened years ago. KOTFE is years and years old. It's like we're asking devs to add Thane romance content to Mass Effect 3, a done game. Long done. 😭
  17. Bitter cries of an extinct race on holotape. The cold void of a vacated plane long after an ancient apocalypse. Ah, *clutches heart*
  18. Oh. Oh no. I see the Theron Shan thread has like 3,000 replies versus this thread having only a tenth of that. This is like "proof" to EA to continue forcing me to be with Theron Shan and neglecting Vector in the larger story, isn't it? I can't believe it. I'm a time traveler. I'm trapped. I'm playing SWTOR for the first time in 2022 and just now learning about the years The long, long years where there were no updates. I mean of course everything is unfolding before my eyes smoothly and all at once now as I have a time traveler's privilege but what I mean to say is the lack of a future hasn't hit me yet because I'm still living the past. I haven't caught up to the dismal present. The saddest part of it is that brief Onslaught scene with Vector on YouTube is a whole year old. And many of these posts bemoaning the change in companions are years and years old. I keep seeing the year 2017 on everything. Oh god. I'm like a human transported to a distant moon on which there is evidence of a past civilization now a distant ember. I couldn't feel the warmth of concurrent society if I tried. Only memories waft around me, their lights mocking me cruelly. Oh. It's gonna hit.
  19. Whoa, whoa, really? Maybe that's why they put that one-on-one Convo in Onslaught I saw on YouTube. That was nice. I haven't started Onslaught though. I just started the War on Iokath quest (which comes before Ossus) and I brought Vector who I just got back on Alderaan and I was immediately upset because they forced Theron as my companion right away. I was like ***....
  20. Aww man Vette, Gault, Scorpio all get special quests that are connected to the main stories. I wish Vector got one too. Like there could be a quest part of the expansion where we visit the Senate or some political body and he's being a serious diplomat during the Alliance. Ugh! Maybe in the future. I'm actually really enjoying KOTFE and the companion quests are good. I especially like Torian's.
  21. I'm experiencing SWTOR (and Vector) for the first time in 2022. I'm in Chapter X of KotFE and STILL haven't gotten Vector's Alliance Alert. Do I really have to wait another 18 chapters? Helpp
  22. I read this article and I went to the Galactic Trade Kiosk on the fleet and at Dromund Kaas, but whenever I go to the Galactic Trade Kiosks, only 1-2 armor selections for Chest appear. I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I completed 2 class stories so far and have two characters at level 50-55. On my first Imperial Agent character, I gave into my Completionist tendencies and got rather burned out on doing every sidequest. I felt much more involved in the story on my second character where I only stuck with the pink class quests on each planet. Anyways, I'm thinking maybe I should continue through Ilum and the "Knights of the Eternal" expansions - maybe those will help me get better armors as well, although I'm worried they won't be transferrable between characters as apparently not all of them are. I want to transfer my cool armors from my higher-level characters to my newer characters. I finally, after 2 playthroughs, understand crew skills. But they seem to only have 1 armor set schematic. Still not sure how to get more schematics. I did buy 1 armor set on the Cartel Market with actual IRL money (Thana Vesh set). But not everything is IRL money right?
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