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Everything posted by BigBreakfast

  1. You're right. And we knew all along there would be no new ops. And pvpers have been used to no new anything. What I did learn from the stream was that - They created an *incentive* for people to subscribe, not a reward for current subs. Not a big deal, no reward necessary for subs, but that's kind of deceptive. - Instead of tackling issues that currently exist in the game we've already paid for (bugs, pvp, ops), they spent time / resources on something extra that nobody even asked for. Which, in itself, is great. It'll be over in a few hours, and some people don't even care to play as HK, but great. Except,.. why is nim loot still broken? Why did you stop making ops? It struck a nerve in people who have stayed subbed for a while, unhappily stuck with the same content and hoping for something new.
  2. Believe me, I hated the huge nerf too. I was leveling a new sorc at the time, and my resurgence alone healed for more than Khem's entire Innervate channel. But I think both sides pretty much agreed that they were extremely overpowered and needed a nerf, not a nuke. Agree completely about people going overboard.
  3. Many people apparently care, which is of course obvious to you since you're here posting about them. If this game is fine for you, why are you posting about the complainers? What we desire will not affect your enjoyment of the game at all. People have legitimate concerns.
  4. No one is subbing for the reward. How can you seriously think this? Nobody was ASKING for a reward; it was THEIR announcement. And we're not upset because suddenly we feel entitled for one. What you're not realizing is the people who complain ARE playing the game because they're having fun. And they're complaining because there is NO MORE FUN. This includes: -People who only play this game to pvp (there haven't been pvp changes in such a long time) -People (myself included) who play this game to beat operations. (No new ops until.. who knows when? August, as some have predicted?) So tell me: what are we supposed to do until then?
  5. People that play this game to pvp have been asking for new pvp stuff for.. I don't even know how long. And nothing. People that play this game for operations will have nothing to do until the devs release a new one, which might not be until August as some have predicted. They haven't said a word about it. What are these people supposed to do until something new arrives? They're not thinking, "Focus on me", but rather, "Don't forget about us". Also, when I read subscriber reward, I thought it was a reward for - being subscribed. I don't think many people expected it to be an incentive to subscribe. And before you say I feel entitled for a reward: - Did I ask for it? no. Would it affect me if they didn't have a reward at all? no. I don't CARE what the reward is or even that there is one. What the livestream did show me was that they spent time and resources making an EXTRA, additional chapter, available ONLY if you're subscribed until the end. So think about it: - Did anyone ask for an additional HK chapter? I don't remember that. - Some people don't even care to play as HK. - Again, what are pvp/ops people supposed to do until then? Story quests only last a few hours. Yes, we knew there were no new ops. But remember - this game has had ops all along. Now, they've stopped making them. With no word about new endgame content on the horizon, all the people who play for that reason are disappointed. And not for the first time. All I want is for them to continue to do what they've been doing all along. New story, new endgame content.
  6. Because people have already been upset at the direction this game is taking, and this stream just reinforces the fact that BW is more interested in collecting subs rather than making their player base happy. No, I do not think we should get whatever we want. But there are pvpers who have been asking forEVER for new pvp stuff, and nothing. PVE people will finish the story in a few hours and will have nothing to do. Now this is old news, as pvp requests have almost never been answered and they already said there wouldn't be new ops for a while. But whenever there's a livestream, these people tune in hoping that at least some of their concerns will be addressed. They did not expect a subscriber reward system based on FUTURE subscription. Again, many of these people who are unhappy with the state of the game (and have been for a while) have stayed subscribed through it all. It's past disappointment for some.
  7. Story is content, I agree. 1-50 was great, hooked me and I'm sure plenty of others. But considering the depth of that story and the amount of money spent on it, I don't foresee any kind of story to that degree happening again. Any new story content will probably be similar to SoR and KotFE. I also think in an MMO, the story should come hand in hand with endgame content. People can clamor on saying, "as long as multiple people can connect, it's an MMO", which, I guess satisfies the barebones requirements of an online multiplayer game, but is by no means an excuse to release minimal content. Especially when the game had already been doing that all along. Look at the other MMOs out there. All the big ones have group content. From what I've heard, WoW is entirely raid driven, and in fact many are sick of certain aspects of the story. But like I said, there should be both. Story content for those who prefer it, and endgame for those who want that. And, as an endgame player, I do enjoy the story. But I just completed it *so* fast, and it wasn't a challenge. Just a quick search and I found this comment which pertains to swtor launch, but applies to the game's current state as well. Sums up how I feel pretty nicely.
  8. Yes, this. "Is the stream ready for it? Should I press the next button?" We're not sitting on the edge of our seats with popcorn, bracing ourselves for some mindblowing revelation. We want to know, so just tell us. And with any livestream, a lot of us tune in hoping to see CURRENT issues addressed. Some issues are new but affect gameplay currently, and some have been around for a while. And the past few livestreams did NOT answer many of those. And that teaser clip was 5 seconds. And everyone knew it was Kaliyo.
  9. All this loot talk reminds me of a recent DF GF that I joined on my tank. Memory is a bit sketch, but I'll try. Majority guild run, about 2 or 3 of us were pugs. The guild tank constantly taunted everything off me, which is annoying but whatever. We kill Nefra, she drops belt. Everyone greeded, and another pug ends up winning it. They remove his loot LT. Just before Draxus, the pug winner civilly objects to the raid lead counting the Greed roll as his 1 win. I join in, saying that a Greed roll shouldn't count. No response, so I whisper the pug and tell him to just give me the belt so he can roll again, but halfway through Draxus I change my mind. We wipe, and during the interim I inspect the other people. Maybe 1 had 216 sb belt, all others were majority vendor gear. Clearly no reason they Greeded on that belt, except to save their Need for a better token like gloves/boots (which is fine, just don't penalize someone for winning on a Greed). I state my objections again and get a response, which was basically, "Your complaints aren't my problem". I object again, no response. We kill Draxus and that pug wins the gloves on a Need. Now they say, "Ok, no more Needing for you". Pug agrees, we move on. We kill Grob, and now people Pass on the earpiece instead of Greeding. Pug wins it AGAIN. We had a chuckle over whisper and I think he gave them away.
  10. Orrr, he was having too much fun tanking to give it up. My favorite fight when I do SM is DP Tyrans, on my crummy sniper. There's usually 1 tank who's not great at holding threat, and I don't threat drop when Tyrans jumps to me because I love watching the chaos it causes. That may sound scummy, but it's never caused a wipe, and it's not like I point thundering blasts at the group.
  11. Well I assumed you meant in tacticals, in which case it shouldn't matter much. Well I've been reading that tacticals now are more difficult than before, but anyway. During 3.0 I FS'd my way to 60 and it was fast and I had a blast, even after it was nerfed /cry.
  12. I get your point about childish responses, and their needing to be careful in their responses. I think we're slightly talking cross purposes here. I was stating my doubt as to the "mile of red tape" needed before any kind of post can be made, strictly due to the game being part of the SW franchise. I meant to say that no involvement from the authorities at SW was needed to respond to technical problems in one of their games. From BW, OK, just like in any game I'm sure. That being said, what is your solution to increased dev communication with us? If you are saying they should avoid any acknowledgment of a problem because someone will misinterpret that as a promise of immediate resolution, then what else can they do? There will always be people who are quick to riot when things don't go their way, but I'd say there are more of us out there patiently waiting for news and updates.
  13. Well, I'm hoping they intend to eventually fix this bug, correct? It's certainly not intended. So a statement like, "we are working on it" seems pretty safe to me. I agree that they shouldn't make promises they can't keep, but it's not like this is major content that they promised and failed to deliver, like new operations or something. This is a small feature that was working fine, got broken, and hasn't been fixed in weeks.
  14. Pretty sure OP isn't demanding to know the remainder of the storyline. He's more concerned about:
  15. I really doubt they'd need authorization from the top to say, "Hang tight we're fixing this respec bug."
  16. Wow, OP. I actually feel bad that you have deal with certain people here... way to be patient. I really don't see how anybody can be so against what you said. More communication from the devs about pending issues in this game cannot possibly be a bad thing. Well, when the topic is particularly volatile, I can understand their wanting to be more silent. But there are a number of things out there affecting all players equally, and it would certainly be nice if we could get an update or two.
  17. So this one DF GF....PLAGUED with problems. Draxus was the real issue. 1st pull, a Tank gets knocked away by a Dismantler, out of range of the fight and DCs, causing Draxus to reset. Fun stuff. Tank reconnects, but then one of the healers suddenly pipes up, saying that they had a previous run with said Tank's guild, whose members were behaving unprofessionally. The healer states their refusal to raid further with anyone from that guild and leaves. (That tank was the only one of his guild in this run). So after a bit of waiting we find a replacement, but they can't quick travel because somehow we're in combat, so we /stuck. One guy doesn't /stuck and just sits there, and when he finally does, someone else DCs. That person doesn't come back, so we find yet another replacement. So everyone arrives and we start a new fight, but something seems fishy: I don't hear Draxus's voice when he transitions. In the back of my mind I fear the fight is bugged, which turns out to be true later on. First we have to suffer through the mess of guardians and the people who get obliterated by their purple. We finally get to last phase, and as Draxus's health approaches 0, he suddenly vanishes. We stand around in combat for a while, bewildered, until finally he reappears enraged and kills us all. OK, Draxus. Thankfully there are no other complications for the rest of the run.
  18. The jerks, and also the rest of the people that stood around and did nothing. They are equally at fault.
  19. The "must guard" haha. It's fine to guard your favorite dps, but when another dps is a constant threat problem, it's time to switch. Just as an example of this and to the other post above about gear: a former guildie of mine had a toon in a well known guild that ran tons of SM ops. Their "must guard" dps: IO Merc (highest parsing spec at the time), full 192 set bonus. My former guildie: 4th (lol) Arsenal Merc (he sure loved arsenal), 186 4-piece. And by 4th I mean not his best geared. Here are 2 examples of fights, my guildie in green and "must guard" in gray. Bulo left, Torque right. https://gyazo.com/a99c421fbe4b7bb28ae148ee00e785f1 Guard was never switched. The gap wasn't this large for all fights, this is just an example.
  20. Don't take SM "elitists" too seriously, most are themselves terrible. Not sure what op you were doing, but dps can be an issue on a few fights. Underlurker comes to mind. When that happens, it IS good to know your own damage output so you can defend yourself against blame. I usually parse when I DPS, even in SM ops, just to see how terrible I'm doing. Gear also isn't everything. I'm willing to bet some of your group members in full 198s weren't doing the 2800 dps mentioned in chat. In my first ever guild waaay back, we did SM Draxus one day and were hitting enrage. We couldn't figure out why until someone discovered that a particular guildie was doing a horrendous rotation on his lightning sorc. And by rotation I mean, "Lightning strike, lightning strike, lightning strike, lightning strike, lightning strike..." Yeah, you didn't mention hitting Draxus enrage back then... it's embarrassing. So yeah, damage does matter. The only way to know for sure is to get a parser and see your numbers. Gear will take you so far, and the rest is all your rotation and using the right skills. But if that pug couldn't carry a new person through an SM op then they have no room to say anything. Once you start running harder content, you'll realize how much stuff you can get away with in SM. Then the SM super elitists will make you smile.
  21. HM Rishi on my Jugg. Zone in, tank drops right away, and doesn't respond to whispers. We decide to forge ahead tankless, but I realize I'm not able to leap to mobs. Whoops, had just gotten her a MH on my other toon and forgot to pick it up, so I zone out to do so. The other 2 pull out companions to continue, including 1 tank companion. I get my MH and as I zone back in, I must have desummoned said tanking companion just as they engaged a group, because I saw them get obliterated followed by the healer scream to the other dps: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHY'D YOU TAKE AWAY YOUR TANK?" Then he got mad and left and the 2 of us joined a DF.
  22. I'm so happy for you that you find a full hm fp group with a tank boring. It still doesn't change the fact that when you join a random group, you should play the role you are queued for. Do what you want with your premade group. Don't force 3 random people to play your way just because you want to feel elite.
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