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Everything posted by feylyndiira

  1. All this just makes me realize how so many people can have so many different outlooks on one character. The way I imagine and write my Quinn is like the total opposite of what I'm hearing here. "Helpless" with "Asperger's"? Gads, no. I see him as a very strong person who might have been a bit more open and social in his younger days (though with Colonel Rymar Quinn as a father, I think that he has always had the whole "military bearing" about him), but circumstances conspired (Druckenwell) to make him take a step back and analyze where his decisions have led him. The past 10 years pretty much forced him to grow up a lot more and he chose to focus solely on his career and doing whatever he could to keep it intact. Once the SW came along, he had the opportunity to jump-start his career...he even says to her that serving the Empire as best he can has always been his #1 priority. Of course, he's going to react against her flirting and Vette's teasing, just because he finds it unprofessional in a military setting....which is the one thing that's been his constant his entire life, almost. Now you have these two kind of upsetting his routine and, since the SW is his superior, but also a Sith, he's not sure how to handle dealing with it. I actually commented in one of my fanfic chapters that he's pretty much a classic victim of workplace sexual harassment from a superior. I think it just takes him a while to reconcile the whole "My superior officer (Sith) actually likes me as more than just a servant" thing and it takes time for him to get comfortable with it. It's normal for someone who has been subjected to a rigid structure all their life. And the thing with Baras...well, it's just being stuck between two powerful Sith that you owe loyalty to and having to decide who to back...even though it's pretty much a "rock and a hard place" scenario where it's pretty certain he's going to die no matter who he chooses. I could go on forever....but heck, I've already written 29 chapters of fanfic, a good portion of which is digging around in his brain. It's what I like to do because I find him such a fascinating character. I just see him as being very mature and, in some ways, rigid, due to his upbringing and circumstances. You have to remember that he's in his mid- to late-30s when the SW meets him. So he's not going to be some frivolous young kid.
  2. I wonder what happened to that thread because I searched to see if anyone else had mentioned it before now and couldn't find anything (unless it was buried in some long unrelated-topic thread). Well, in my case, they're losing money because I'd spend CCs on Supercrates (maybe even a few $$ to pick up a few extra CCs needed to afford it), but never Hypercrates and definitely not individual crates. I can't justify dropping $40 for a hypercrate on pixel stuff and individual ones just aren't worth the cost. (Okay, I will admit I did drop $ on a hypercrate one time when they re-released the Gatekeeper Stronghold pack because of the sheer rarity of the items and because I'm all about SH decos....but that's one time in the 4 years I've been playing.)
  3. I noticed this a few packs ago that Supercrates aren't being offered anymore. Wasn't sure if it was just a one-time thing, but now it looks like they're gone for good? This makes me sad because I like to buy crate packs, but hypercrates are too much (I only try to spend what CCs I get from sub and SK), and supercrates were a slightly better deal than buying individual crates. I wish they'd bring them back.
  4. I will throw every like, vote, Euro, whatever at this idea. I've been running through the SoR stuff with my Hyperia clone and I swear, the more I play, the more stalker-creepy Lana seems to me. Everything she says to me, even if I'm blatantly disagreeing with her seems to always have this tone of "I admire you soooo much. You are my...I mean our...last hope. I always look forward to seeing you." etc etc. I mean, she comes off as "I want to be your bestie! Can I be your bestie? Oh, you spoke to me...we're besties now! You know, I really, really like you!". It just icks me out....even moreso when you get into KotFE/ET and she's ALWAYS there, hovering over you, being there for you, etc.
  5. Totally agree with all that you said, especially the last part. I would love for the story to go back to being about our character and his/her companions and have them stop being just the sidekick on The Lana and Theron Show.
  6. I'm currently on TRE, but also have about a dozen toons on TEH. Don't play much there though since I moved to Italy because of the time difference. Ditto. it's funny the looks I get when I tell people that I've been playing for 4 years and have never done a single Op. I'd love to do them...it's just...usually not convenient for me.
  7. Hello! I don't know if I know you, but welcome to our Gratuitous Quinn Worship thread! I just *knew* there was a reason I liked Hux. ;-) Oh, and new fanfic....see my link below. Lots of Quinny goodness! I'm about to post up a new chapter later today in fact.
  8. Bwahahaha! Well, I guess you're right on the whole "never touched a girl in your entire life" thing as far as I'm concerned, if you're talking abut the naughty sort of touching....being that I'm a hetero female. But the virgin part...well, I guess that makes my daughter the second coming of Christ then. And, damn, but I wish I was 40 again....
  9. Hyperia would probably be skirting the border between Neutral Evil and Chaotic Neutral.
  10. I'd honestly be cool with KotFE/ET being just some crazy dream sequence you had after being knocked out on Marr's ship...and either you and/or Marr protected you both from the blast with a Force cocoon or something of the sort. Sure, keep Zakuul and the Eternal Empire, but have your character wake up back home, revived by their LI (not Lana...unless she is your LI), their original companions surrounding them, and ready to fight against it for the Republic or Empire as the Wrath/Barsanthor/VoidWolf/whatever in their own story, customized for their class...or at the very least in a story tailored for Force-users vs non-Force-users. I know it won't happen, but it's nice to dream, anyway.
  11. Can't forget Jensen Ackles! I totally agree with this (well, except I'm a M/F kinda gal, not M/M). I'm the same way with fanfics: I don't mind occasional sex in the story if it's part of the plot and well-written...but I tend to skip over anything that's just pure smut. I write my own the same way...I prefer to leave some things to the readers' imaginations, not lay everything out in graphic detail. I know some people like to read/write hard-core smut, I'm just usually not one of them.
  12. Love the descriptions! To follow on from the other side....my SI needs her piratey husband, my Agent needs her buggy husband, my Smuggler needs her jealous husband (or wait, she didn't marry him, so he ignored her....so she ran to Theron...so I guess she needs her ), my JK needs her sleazy husband, and my JC...well, don't care...her husband was boring and so was she. Played her for the achievement and Legendary status and never played her again (same with Trooper).
  13. Am totally on board with everything else you wrote except this. And I'll just borrow your own meme for my response to that.... http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/195/646/1320529223886.jpg
  14. Chapter 28 is up! (If anyone is reading )
  15. Most of my Imperial characters are Dark of varying degrees, with the exception of one LS Sith Warrior I made just for kicks. My main SI is batsh*t crazy psycho Rattataki....like DS Jaesa and Kaylio combined...while everyone else is just calculating with a side of evil. My Pub characters tend to hang out around neutral, with a few venturing into DS territory, like my smuggler and Dark Jedi. And...new chapter up (kind of a mini-chapter, actually)... Thoughts and Regrets
  16. Don't see why it's really all that necessary...just expect server downtime every Tuesday and you won't be surprised. I still get a kick out of people who go crazy every Tuesday around 1300-1500 GMT with the whole "Why for are the servers down?!?! I planned on playing!!1!!!" Umm...because they almost always take the servers down at some point on Tuesdays for maintenance/patches/etc? (Unless you're asking for specifics as far as *what* maintenance is being performed....in which case, nevermind.)
  17. Is this including or not including the CCs you get for being a sub and/or using a security key? If it's not including that...and only the extra money spent...i'd say maybe less than $100 on my end. And that's with playing off and on pretty regularly for the past 4 years or so. There's rarely anything out there that entices me enough to spend money to buy CCs above and beyond what I automatically get every month. Plus, I guess it helps (or not) that when I do stop playing, oftentimes I forget to cancel my sub, so I continue to collect all those automatic CCs when I'm not playing...so by the time I come back to the game, I've racked up a few thousand or so.
  18. Ah...I'm on The Red Eclipse right now (though have a dozen characters still on The Ebon Hawk). I'm trying to get started on a new one. Turns out I totally messed up the timeline in my last two chapters, so I've been having to ponder how to fix it....and finally decided on it this morning. Essentially, since i didn't record any cutscenes for anything from her promotion to Lord, to the start of Taris, I thought that she had gone to DK to get her briefing from Baras, then went to NS to deal with Gonn, then back to DK again. Turns out the first DK visit didn't exist, she just contacted him via holo...but I'd already written two chapters about it. So.....I either had to do a lot of bouncing back and forth, or just skip over the whole Gonn segment. Decided to do the latter because the whole Gonn thing is such a quick segment, I didn't want to waste time and chapters with them running back and forth. Blegh....
  19. What server are you on? It might have been me on one of my fanfic clones. I always try to keep my Quinners looking spiffy. Ysara Teral and Quinn Hyperiaa and Quinn
  20. Ditto to all of this! And the expanded companion interaction that was mentioned a few posts later.
  21. As far as recording cutscenes, I just use the built-in NVida GeForce Experience in-game video recorder that's part of my video card software. Just click Alt-F9 to start recording then again to end it. Then, if I want screenshots, I can just play the video and pause, grab a screenshot from there. I still need to find a good free video editor, though. I have a couple that I need to do some clipping on (like the one I did last night on Corellia where I thought I had ended the recording, but didn't....and didn't realize until I'd recorded 10 minutes of my character standing in one spot because I'd gone AFK to make dinner )
  22. I currently have three clones of my fanfic Sith Warrior all on the same server. The first was the one that inspired me to write the fanfic in the first place, the second is the one I made after I started writing so I could go back and capture more cutscenes and brush up on exact events and environments....the third is a Jedi Knight that I have as a "what if" version (since she was originally a Jedi who was captured by Sith).
  23. Funny you should ask that, because I was pondering that very question for my fanfic since FimmRess has a slightly more expanded role in my SW's visit to Alderaan. My theory was Ravage, since he is the over the Sphere of Diplomacy and Expansion, it would make sense that he would have people stationed at House Thul to keep an eye on how things develop there in the Empire's bid to take Alderaan.
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