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Everything posted by Karlbadmanners

  1. I listen most often to Capsule, or Black Breath while playing GSF, I highly recommend either, though they are a far cry from each other genre-wise. Capsule: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7RycwGuhUM Black Breath: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGej0qn6CQo
  2. I am red/green colorblind and while there are some things in the game I have issues with(I'm looking at you 4-color core part of TFB), I've not had any issues in GSF, you can't target friendly mines, and honestly this person would be the first colorblind person I've heard of who has issues with colors that are that far apart from each other.
  3. I think a good step would be to remember T2 scouts are paper thin, and that when pilots around it's target are paying attention they are neutralized rather quickly almost always.
  4. I demand cake equality for all, wait no, nerf cake now! THE CAKE IS A FARCE!
  5. Rickrolling is a lot funnier if there isn't a POS commercial playing b4 the video actually starts so you read the title of the video well before you hear the soothing sounds of a tiny little white guy with a big ole' black voice.
  6. Fiddle with the sizing of your buff icons if need be, and keep a glancing eye down there works for me.
  7. Yea? Well my e-peen is THIS *holds hands outstretched * BIG! I even made a cool signature with clip art of my e-dong!
  8. "OH BTW, it's really fun watching people insist they deserve an advantage that harms the game overall. The knowledge that my opinion of humanity is correct always brings a smile to my face." Wow this one sentence makes you sounds like a complete jack ***, just in case it was unintentional.
  9. ...it's not hyperbole, and it's far from every match that ends that way, but it's common, I often see gunships right a kill or two ahead or behind, I played too much wing commander? EDIT: btw is there something wrong with really only liking to fly my S-13? Sure it'd be nice to get my other ships up faster but it's the one I like to fly, I'm not going to fly a ship I dislike especially when I've been waiting 45mins in the queue.
  10. I've swapped fully to quad cannons at this point for my scout(my primary ship) BLC's were just too situational for me. EDIT: I regularly win Deathmatch for max kills around 20-25 kills, nothing amazing compared to what I've seen others on here do but it works for me.
  11. Good in PvP is a whole diff ballgame, I am so tired of juggernauts running in the dps role in fps, maybe 1 in 100 is actually geared well enough and plays well enough to do anything but turn a run into a sludgy slowfest.
  12. Honestly I love tanking, and the fact that anyone could say we aren't in the "team" mentality is obliviously self-righteous. That aside, I make a point to blow through fps as fast I can based on the skill level/etc of the group, and STILL dps will sometimes start pulling mobs after running ahead, but I just can't fight the nature of the tank role when I play, it's my job to get aggro off everyone even if they were being an idiot. I don't want to cut of my nose to spite my face. I do however almost always point out that it's annoying me or that it's just bad form to be pulling as dps, in regular fps(tac fps are fair game, and frankly I dont even like running them with tanks in the party) ...sadly most of the time they can't understand what was wrong with running ahead and using Overload to knock one trash pack into another before I'm even in the room. EDIT: On a funnier note, about repair costs, I ran an fps once where we died a few times due to stupid things, so I made some off-hand comment about how much it was gonna cost, and one of the guys in the party takes it personally for some reason and begins to insist that repair costs never go over 3k no matter what.
  13. Alacrity over power? Seriously? I'm just surprised since that goes against almost all that I've read up on for gearing
  14. Hmm not a bad idea, though it'll be hard flying by the side of some of the pub players I developed unhealthy grudges for from GSF lol.
  15. These guides are amazing, just the kind of thing an experienced mmo player needs when getting into the endgame of a new mmo, thank you all so much for the great work!!!
  16. Well the BH is technically the equivalent of the Republic's Commando class, but thematically, yes it's kinda like that.
  17. SPOILERS: I obtained her LS version while neutral aligned myself, the dialogue choices IMO were obvious as to what brings her to your team while LS, basically tell her the Jedi are all lies etc, BUT that she should not turn down the path of hate, etc etc. EDIT: I did spare the old man on tat, but frankly I think the dialogue you have with her after the showdown with her master is the Key, so to speak
  18. Looking for some insight into my current dilemma, I am reading more and more that I really should have modded for power instead of crit, my str/end/acc/surge is all at levels I am happy with, however I am at a loss of how to swap out my crit for power. The only solution I see at the moment is drudge my way through collecting enough basic comms to completely re-gear, I am hoping there is something else I can do, or at perhaps some encouragement that I won't be the worst Marauder ever until I can swap mods. I could rustle up some planetary comms for new mods, but per item I'd be loosing avg of half of my other crucial stats, essentially I am unable to find Power statted mods that are a satisfactory replacement for my Crit mods Thank you anyone who can attempt to help me out
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