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Everything posted by Jack_Deth

  1. There aren't really any low pop servers anymore. Jung Ma, the lowest population server is alive and healthy, it is the only RP-PVP server so I don't think we would want to see it merged in with another server.
  2. What happens when you get that adaptive armor, you never go back. I agree of course that we need to revisit old planets, add areas to planets that have end-game content, dailys etc. The best thing they did regarding this was the Rakghoul Plague and the missions involved with that, was both good for pve and open world pvp on tatooine.
  3. Sounds like bad RNG for you. I've bought about 20 cartel packs, occasionally you get one that is a stinker.
  4. The changes are what the armor was supposed to look like from the images shown in the Cartel Market.
  5. You guys do realize that the picture of the Phantom chest in the cartel market had shoulders on it right?
  6. They would need to remodel though, Revan in game was body type 2. So the model would not work for Body Type 1, 3, 4 or Female of all body types.
  7. It's not difficult, time consuming maybe but I was able to complete it all solo, except the Flashpoint part.
  8. Even MMOs that are considered failures go on for years and years, and this one is far from a failure.
  9. Exactly, adding Christian holidays to fantasy worlds is immersion breaking in my opinion. Life Day is all that was needed since it is in the Star Wars lore.
  10. I am looking for a YouTube video that has the classic over used Male Inquisitor line "Murder and mayhem awaits". Anyone know a video with that?
  11. I am wondering if buying the Cyborg species will unlock all of that species particular cybernetics. For instance, the cybernetics on Cyborg Trooper are different than the Cyborg Agent. If I purchased the Cyborg species, would I be able to make a Cyrborg Trooper with the options from the Cyborg Agent.
  12. They do nothing, its just for picking your advanced class at 10.
  13. Smuggler and Bounty Hunters do make more sense working for Hutt Cartel, additionally, across the 4 ACs you have there, you have tanks, DPS and healers. There is your 3rd faction. Not going to happen though, it is a pipe dream.
  14. Ensure that you are creating on a higher population server. http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us and sort by population, the top 30 have decent populations.
  15. OP shows why a WZ Lockout for quitters is needed.
  16. It has been fixed, at least it was last night. They removed Ilum 1 as the problem was only on that instance. Ilum 2 and 3 worked last night and you could not even choose Ilum 1. Of course, no one bothered to post because they were all on Ilum.
  17. Just to add another voice to this thread, Jung Ma Ilum pvp is broken as others have stated. But I still <3 Bioware
  18. Yes, the Consular story is a bit of a snoozefest, better than any MMOs story (none have a story) but is my least favorite of all the class stories.
  19. Champions Online did not use the Hero engine. Yes it used the HERO System for its rules and lore.
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