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Everything posted by ArtMonster

  1. again...it's 'dynamics' baby...dynamics. that's why mmo's are different than SP rpg's.
  2. you DO realize that you can run right through them with no ill effects dont you? lol...you report people for sitting in thier speeder? no wonder the support ticket system is so clogged..... .
  3. I took the catalytic converter off my big speeder just to increase the emission ilnesses caused by it. smell my exhaust pipe ...... breathe deep now.
  4. dynamics baby......dynamics. ...it's not all about being in a 'group'. but if you dont realize that...there's no use in trying to convince you otherwise.
  5. I guess your right. I didnt spacebar at all for either of the ones I play. not into it ...voiceovers and story are the best part of the game IMO...like I'm in my own movie. maybe I'll skip some of the basic grind vocal stuff on later toons... but I still like the story over anything else. makes this game so unique over others. (( another reason I dont group as well...I hate being pressured into spacebarring past stuff becasue someone else is in a hurry to loot a chest.= or two ))
  6. honestly.... I have one Rep 50 and one Imp 42. and I am really worried about my health and lack of life sitting at the screen for this long....lol. I thought I was the ultimate dork geek nerd ... guess I've been trumped. not knocking you OP...I know you are disabled and stated previously, therefore your ability to spend a lot of time. but damn !... I wish I had more gumption to do what you did. I cant get enough of this game as it is...but I just cant do anymore than I am now. swtor is addicting as they come when it comes to gaming..... setriously. like crack ! it's like freakin' crack !!! *sob. my name is Anonymous Joe, and I'm an mmo-aholic. (still would like a screenie though I'm still thinking it's darn near humanly impossible with each story reaching over 200 hours and all. ) (( can you tell I'm plotting to try and figure out how to do this myself?))
  7. I didnt know 'we' cared.... at all. guess I'll flag it to confirm or not. . dont let the door and all that jazz....
  8. actually.... it was The Twilight Zone. (episode: To Serve Man) old school.
  9. every mmo has different control patterns compared to others. nothing new. .
  10. I got around this by skipping them and coming back in a couple levels and solo'ing them. felt better getting it done myself rather than in a group too. .
  11. I'm starting to lean to the side that wants "a screenshot or it didnt happen". no offense, jsut want to keep the thread honest. kudos if you are a lvl 50 master, shame on you if you are just pulling our legs. prove to us either way please.
  12. 'non-forgiving' games are no longer being played..... it's funny how you learn that they arent really that much fun after all. some of the best games in the world are the ones that are 'easy' to play...but they are really high on the entertainment factor. I'd rather have 'fun' than have a 'challenge' any day if I had to choose one or the other .... cause fun's what it's all about IMO. I dont care if it's difficult (or not) at all when it all boils down. '...therfore solo is more fun than the frustration of yet another group.
  13. selling 'junk' on the GTN is fun and profitable for some of us
  14. ya maybe 'misrepresenting' was a bad choice... how about mis-classifying ? not-a-fully-representational-crosssection? lol... not an english major... I will admit I dont get much practice in debate phrasing. .
  15. this can be disputed. I find that I work harder solo than when in a group.... in a group I can get away with pulling back for a few hits.... solo I cant. groups have better buffs, Groups can rez you, solo you cant..... etc etc. I can fart around in a group and still accomplish/finish the mission. groups have many more benefits over solo...so dont say grouping is harder. It isnt. I have yet to find a group that is harder to function in than solo. .
  16. heh, nah... but I did just get done flushing some more 'chips' to the Imp fleet deli. . ( where's Andrew Dice Clay when I need him?)
  17. too bad we can't weld outriggers on these things......
  18. running solo fixed this issue 100% for me. .
  19. Hey OP, If you go Trooper you'll never go back to the 'farty fart farting' angry Imps. jsut sayin'..... We got better chow on Rep Fleet too. *poke poke. .
  20. and .... can I get another 'amen' ? amen. well worded and I agree wholly.
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