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Everything posted by Lightning_

  1. lol @ necroing a thread that was discussing classes before the game was even out sorry folks, but version 1.6 and an old beta from 2011 are _slightly_ different
  2. For up to date guide I highly recommend NoTomorrow's Sniper guide: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=576490 And yes, no one has posted any guides in GS section for a loong time.
  3. Awesome guide! Really everything you need to know about PvPing as a GS. Thanks for sharing
  4. Spec: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700bZMIZGbbkrMGdhR.2 If you need more information on how to play this spec, first I suggest to read the Dirty Fighting section in this guide.
  5. Hmm... Been playing DF since 1.2, but this is indeed a good incentive to try SS again.
  6. So does it reduce Smash damage? I remember when the skill was just introduced, the first testers said no.
  7. I vaguely remember those elites guarding controls to be quite hard when I levelled my GS (was a looong time ago tho). They surely did require proper usage of CC, interrupt and medpac. As for comparison to a healing specced class, it's not fair. You can't die as a full heal spec while questing at appropriate level. Just can't. However, killing speed is much faster on a GS.
  8. Well, I'm glad people are stacking Endurance. I wish they'd stack Defense and Absorb as well. That way our class will appear less OP than it is, and won't get a nerf.
  9. Done all the levelling with Corso/Risha. Corso will die often, but in the meanwhile you kill all the mobs , so it's not a problem. Since you don't have any healing abilities, you can't expect your tank to survive longer. Just use the speeder to resummon him. And how exactly he's gonna die less? Damage incoming will not change, and their health/mitigation is quite similar.
  10. Arguing with someone named lulzbot is pointless from the start
  11. Yes, field tech bonus is not desirable enough, but enforcer is almost completely useless
  12. BW don't read class forum section. Ever. I've never seen a single BW reply there. And not like those forums are all "Nerf/Buff" whines (for that go to PvP section). Most of the threads are quite constructive, many report bugs/issues/suggestions. For example when the sounds got broken in 1.4 there were many posts in several class forums, but we only got a response once it's been reposted in General (although was not fixed anyway). So I don't quite understand they've put that Class Feedback there, cause they've probably forgotten about it long ago.
  13. Sadly, until they fix ability sounds (which will probably never happen now), there'll be no good sounding blasters. Instead of boom-boom sounds of Charged Burst, Quick shot and other abilities we now get something suitable for a water pistol...
  14. Well, I guess you could take Sab's Utility Belt and just spam Thermal Grenade on non-boss mobs, so this means Saboteur spec. But seriously, why do you even level this toon at all? As a Gunslinger you gotta love cover, otherwise you're struggling against the current and gimping your enjoyment of the game...
  15. Full Field Tech set should be your starting point. After then you can buy additional pieces to customize the stats you want.
  16. PvE or PvP? In PvE (Operations) you just won't reach the top DPS possible in other specs. It's just a technical restriction of the tree. You will not be far back, 5-10% max, but still, you want to do as much damage as possible. In PvP, if you like Saboueur, you're fine to stick with it. Not in ranked probably, but in normal WZs it has its uses, and damage output can be quite fine.
  17. Roll a Powertech. Seriously, the best run and gun animations ever! As for GS, well, you'll be quite bound to cover intil level 30-40, after that just go Dirty Fighting, that's the best you can hope for. Although you'll never will be totally free from cover, especially in PvP. No cover -> jump -> Smash. Or pull -> Pyro burst...
  18. The fastest levelling spec would probably be Scrapper. Just because it's DPS. (Dirty Fighting is also DPS, but not really well suited for levelling). However, if you like healing and plan to do heroics and flashpoints often, you can go Sawbones, and have a lot of fun healing. You may find solo questing a bit slow on higher levels this way, but you can just stealth past everything and get your XP from flashpoints or PvP. As for the spec, just take the spec for 50, and go up to full 31 points in your main tree, and only touch other trees after that.
  19. Are there going to be more videos? Both the duelling guides and the rwz stream were awesome!
  20. BH implants have awesome Cunning value (while WH do not), so definitely take them. If you worry about having too much Alacrity, switch some enhancements in the rest of your gear. As for relics, 2xWH Boundless Ages is a good bet, however, if you have 300 daily comms, grab one DG relic of Boundless Ages. It'll help with bursty nature of the Ops. And even if you just use it on cooldown, it's slightly better than WH one.
  21. It was acknowledged in one of the threads, however, it has not appeared in any BW plans or comments since then. A real shame though, really - it significantly dimisnises aesthetic appeal of the game, which was awesome before 1.4. It does affect other classes - BH is affected, and also lightsaber sounds are different.
  22. The main problem I see when playing this in PvP is that most players see Sage as an easy kill, and TK Sage as super-easy kill. So as soon as they see Woop-Woop snowball, it's instant aggro...
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