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Everything posted by ytrenor

  1. I tried on imperial side and all was fine. And I found this video in French were we can see there is only one occurence of text missing for the whole quest. See at 1:34 I also found a video in German where we can see the text mission at the exact same place. See at 3:37 It should be easy to fix. Please.
  2. It seems I'm only having the issue "repeatedly" with imperial characters so far. On republic side, it happened once only, like aroundt level 26 on Coruscant. On imperial, it is either all odd numbers starting at 13 on Hutta and DK (BH and agent), or even numbers starting at 12 on Korriban and DK with my SW.
  3. Same. Not all the time, but annoying when it repeats again.
  4. I don't see this issue on ship, but in any cutscenes, wheter it is class story or KotFE/KotET chapters and beyond. Since Lana is just about all over the place, I stopped trying to mix any piece of gear on her. And also I avoid any skin showing gear because skin texture is always replaced with some sort of tribal tattoos all over except the face. Forget the "slave outfit" or anything similar, it won't work well.
  5. I believe these are "fixed" with 6.1a. I was visiting a friend's Aderaan SH (she shared a key which I used while she was there) and : - I could not use the Thranta (the taxi droid was invisible to me) - I could not scan objects with my macrobinocular. It could be intended, but for the Thranta, it should be available to visitors, just not grant the achievement.
  6. My understanding is that this happens to players who already did the chapters and whom companions have returned. "Class companions" have their original gear removed and put into your inventory when they returned. Returned companions are new instances of the class companions, not the same. So the original companions who are the ones we see in chapter 1 and 2 are naked when you replay them, because their gear were removed when you recruited their new instance. I don't think anything can be done to easily fix this, since we cannot summon the original version of the companions to put some gear on them. I realized they were different instance in some occasions were I had claimed my companions at the terminal on Odessen, and when came the time to recruit them, a bug allowed me to have a copy of the original companion and a copy of the returned companion in my roster list (and both were summonable) (that bug was later fixed). Sergeant Rusk was one of them.
  7. Unfortunately, this is an old bug. Even if you drop the quest and start the bonus series again, nothing will work. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=849398 There are other planets where you may encounter the same issue, including on Balmora (the guy with a pumpkin head named Jojames, avoid him until you are directed to him during Balmora bonus series) http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=852039 Overall, avoid exploring a planet when you do the class quest and planetary main quests (you can take the side quests in the area where you pick up the main quest. Just avoid picking quests from area you are exploring on your own)
  8. Oh! That could explain why ! I thgought it died and that I just didn't noticed the moment it died. So it could have disapeared for no reason.
  9. I thought the same when reading the first part, then OP clarifies : "Koth has been moved to the unavailable category and his entry now talks about being killed by the commander, not romanced by him" So it seems to be something different.
  10. Reported here last week : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=976193 Add in any detiais on which planets and which levels it occured for you.
  11. Reported here as well last week http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=976193
  12. Have the same icon with HK-51 with similar message on low level chatacters that unloked HK-51 using 1M credits from Legacy. I don't remember seeing this before 6.1, but I suspect the gear HK is having is for level 50+ (because Sector X)
  13. There is still no text on some conversation choices during "The Task at Hand" on Republic side, using a French client. (6.1 and 6.1a)
  14. Yes old bug, annoys me every time. It is not only crafted gear, but also loot gear below level 50 (at least).
  15. You ovisously didn't experienced it. I wanted to answer something similar at first (level sync), but then when I faced the issue, I knew it was something totally different. Even with level sync, you health bar (and force/energy/etc) fills to max when you level up. Whatever your level. What we experience is leveling up and health bar litterally drop to 30%. You are close to death instead of full health. Plus, my experience last night was that it occured when reaching level 13, 15 and 17 on Hutta, and then at level 19 and 21 on DK. If anything happens on level sync, on Hutta it would be when leveling from level 10 to 11. Even though your actual total health would drop by 30% (let say from ~1800 hp to ~1300 hp) because of level sync, yet your health bar would fill in to the max. Hope this clarifies.
  16. This is the standard, what we should expect. --------- As for the issue by the OP, I had the same just now for the first time. Luckily, I was claiming my quests rewards, not in combat. On Hutta with an agent, going from level 12 to 13.
  17. I'm doing The Task At Hand on a French client. When we meet General Daeruun and Master Gnost-Dural, we are offered 2 options when Gnost-Dural suggest we could help the refugees, but there is no text on either options. I'm stuck there. Please fix. Thanks,
  18. Took me over 3 hours to get Wupp the Grophet (Sky Ridge Island (186, –2331)) on The Leviathan. And roughly 1 hour for the 2 others. And I was pretty timed in alternating from one point to another within the 4 minutes 30 seconds respawn . The respawn rate should probably set higher than 5% It is unnecessarily annoying to camp on a spot for many hours killing 10s and 10s of grophets before we get the champions. This is not fun, and playing should be fun. Please fix. On another note, I was not successfull in bypassing the Grophets and starting with "incredible smell". I'm fine with it as we should do the full sequence of actions.
  19. Maybe you should advocate for the removal of all quick travel options. Hey, just use your galactic map folks !
  20. In the Solo tab of the Activity window (Ctrl+G), it would be nice to be able to pickup the weekly automatically and travel to Onderon, close to the mission terminal. Just like all the other weekly zones. My understanding is that Mek-Sha only have heroics on the terminal (and even then, not all heroics...), no weekly and no daily, so I have mix feeling about this "planet". I don't feel it appealing to go back there. It is missing for Rishi as well, I know, but this is not a good example of "quality of life" for players.
  21. Yep, got the issue today as well. Tried it in group and alone. In group, no one get credit for any mini boss Sith killed. Reset or drop the quest didn't help.
  22. You may buy a similar looking from Ossus gear vendor (iRating 252). Bind on pick up. Now you can get them with credits only (20k). But... it has a silver look instead of gold. Else, like previous poster said, the trimantium main and offhand can be crafted, The schematic is usually very cheap and easy fo tind on the GTN (4k) or from level 8 Investigation crew skill missions.
  23. The conquest crafting boxes are still available, at least for toons below level 75. I just got one with a newer toon I made not long ago, this toon is level 66. So I guess a strategy could be to have one or more low level toon completing their personal and guild conquest, all while gaining minimal XP when doing conquest. Or just fix the conquest at level 75 to include these crafting box again... (please)
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