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Everything posted by IzumiCurtis

  1. I still run the dailies from time to time. Mainly on my toons I haven't taken through KotFE. Gives me a break from running heroics and builds up cash a bit on toons who aren't my main.
  2. No, they're different missions. Wealthy gives you more. Like say purple mats, blue mats, and a companion gift for example.
  3. I agree that the gear planned on basically makes sure that I'll do it enough to get Bowdaar and then never touch EC again. My toon that I'm taking through KotFE is already in a mix of 208 and 216 and by the time this comes out, might very well already be in full 216. (Depends on how much time I spend playing my other toons.) So no thank you.
  4. Way I understand it--I started playing well after legacy stuff was added--anything you complete before the system was added isn't recognized as being done. Like if you finished Chapter One before the system was added, for example, it won't know you did it.
  5. Yep, I've gotten plenty of both. Most of which get sold on the GTN, since they're mainly ones my toons already know.
  6. I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't get to watch the movie until this weekend. So no, we have not all seen that spoiler.
  7. Max of 50 huge HK-51 statues, 10 Ebon Hawk models to stick to your walls and a regen toy of you flying a remote controlled Ebon Hawk.
  8. I tested a chunk of the heroics yesterday and found them much better. For some I was toast soloing after the nerf, I was able to manage although I had to keep an eye on my health in places. Seems about right to me.
  9. No, in this case, farming means someone killing you over and over for sh**s and giggles. They don't get anything out of it except being a jerk and killcount for the planet you're on.
  10. Nope, too late. You have to level another Sith Warrior to unlock them.
  11. I just hopped onto a new toon I created but haven't actually started playing yet to check and he has 22 mails.
  12. This is making me laugh really hard and I don't know why.
  13. I haven't transferred any toons, but I've heard that filling the legacy hold is a very bad idea if you want to keep what's in it.
  14. Yep. Ended up rage-quitting last night before finishing going through my toons to check mail and do comp missions as my wrap-up for the night. The amount of lagging out wasn't worth it.
  15. Considering that I've managed to die a couple of times, no.
  16. Maybe a little more. But honestly, probably not that much more. I don't particularly enjoy being called homophobic slurs for not being omg perfect and leet when I haven't had much experience or chance to get any pvp gear to up my expertise. Some pvpers are helpful, yes, but they're sadly outweighed in people's memories by the ones who seem to be terrible people.
  17. I can skip doing hard mode for the second one? Awesome. (I don't really have a problem with doing hard mode, per se. Just doing it with other people. )
  18. Welp. I know what the first thing on completing the download of the patch is going to be. (Assuming it doesn't finish late enough I just go to bed instead of playing.) Put everything back up for sale.
  19. Can I have your stuff? Since you want me to ask.
  20. Welp. The DNS flush turned out to be a temporary fix. Back to 40k+ lag spikes. Sometimes I lose connection, sometimes not. Usually, I do. So glad to see that I get to keep continuing my trend of not queuing for flashpoints because I'm afraid I'll lag out.
  21. Ah! That, I did find. Now it's on for the next few hours to see how that goes. FTR, flushing the DNS seems to have worked beautifully. The game's actually spending most of it's time in the blue instead of a red bar. I'm still getting some 10k+ lag spikes, but they aren't lasting as long. I'll see if the improvement sticks around over the next couple hours or so. Thank you!
  22. Did the DNS flush. Will see if there was an effect in a few minutes. I clear out my files... generally at least once a week. I usually also have a couple other things running like firefox. I've tried playing the game with and without other programs running, and I've never noticed a difference in it's speeds or anything. If I did, I'd totally just run SWTOR and read a book during slow moments. I haven't upgraded to 10 yet to give them time to work out the bugs, so Windows 10 problems aren't to be worried about. I just looked at my Norton, and it's possible that I'm either just being blind or looking in the wrong spot, but I don't see a gaming mode?
  23. Today, I'm spending more time at the server select screen than at the character select screen, much less ingame. And when I am ingame, I'm generally at 15k ms. Needless to say, it's unplayable, considering it's impossible to do anything. (I'd be willing to take the 100-whatever ms people have been complaining about, because at least then they're capable of frigging moving.) I wish they'd fix whatever's screwing things up for everyone, even if it's just by lighting a fire under someone else's *** if it's not something they can fix directly.
  24. It means they've been used up before you tried to use them.
  25. None. I play for the story, so I'd be skipping what I play for, defeating the point.
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