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Everything posted by MidnightTrooper

  1. Does anyone know what to do with in game cash or common crystals? I have over two million in game cash & 1000 common crystals, & after going to the fleet, I was very disappointed when all I could find were mods that I did not need & gear that you can not buy until you reach level 65, by then that will be worthless because the gear I already have from missions is much better than the vendors on the fleet sell. ***, Does anyone know what else I can use either for?
  2. I did not even know you could opt out until I read this post. They should make this known to all players because I hate playing the rakghoul plague.
  3. Dont understand why they keep telling us they are more powerful as you do have to fight Arcann twice in the story & both time you have to wear him down & my character still had full health when I did. Does not seem more powerful to me if I can beat him down to fifty percent health while I still have full health.
  4. Makes me mad. Trying to play my story lines & cant even get my missions because I take three steps in any direction & I have to fight rakghouls. Please make this voluntary instead of mandatory for anyone on that planet. I quit playing because of that & I guess I will have to wait until they take it away so I can continue my game.
  5. Also I do realized this game is all about wasting time, making you go all the way across the map to accomplish one mission or running five minutes inside a building just to get your missions. I just wish they would fix some of it.
  6. I suggest that when you go to a planet or other ship, your ship should land before you try to exit the ship. Why would you try to exit if you still have to land? When you need to get back on your ship, it automatically takes off, even if you only need to talk to one of your crew, & then you have to land to go back to where you were to start with, & there are characters like smuggler that require you to go to your ship to talk to Risha but then go back to finish the mission. Just think landing & take off should happen when you chose your next destination & not just because you get on or off your personal ship.
  7. As I said, there is no reason to do any bonus missions unless you just want to fight for no reason. There is no reward for XP & any gear or equipment you get from it is much less that what you already have, making it pointless to do any bonus missions.
  8. Have been at level 65 through fourteen chapters now of Knights of the fallen empire. The level cap needs to be increased at least to 70 as I have other characters not even to the KOFE & are already close to level 65. It makes me not care about any of the bonuses because there is no reward in it, like XP.
  9. I also wanted to say that half of those people in the Heroic missions were level 65 & as far as I can see, it serves no purpose for them as the rewards for the mission can not increase their level, they should already have plenty of in game money, & the equipment in much less than what they already have, not to mention they can not share it with another of their characters as the items are bound,
  10. I was on Drummond Kass doing heroic mission in the temple. Needless to say, there were two people who were there before me & we had to wait for three minutes until the boss was reset. Then had to wait again when the next person took their turn killing him, then had to wait again so I could take my turn. While I waited, three more people came in, none of them wanting to wait their turn & apparently the boss shows up to them before me, & they attack giving them credit, & now I have to wait again. The bosses should not take so long to reset as I finally quit playing after trying, wasting twenty minutes trying to get the boss, which everyone else jumps into hoping to get first. Why does it take so long to reset the boss. Why cant it be like a class mission when you go in & its just you & your group & others can do it but not interfere with you. It really sucks having to wait just to have some other impatient people come in & take it from you.
  11. I am not saying you should not have to do a mission for them. I realize that is part of the game. I am saying certain characters require much more in their missions to get them. Example : To get Yuan you go through & pick up four things & then back to him & mission over. Quyzen Fess wants claws from beasts that are on many different planets, taking a lot of time & not worth the time or effort. Pierce wants 20 war zones & for someone who does not like the war zones & will not play, that character is not an option. I am just saying why go through all of that for companions you will probably never even use.
  12. Throughout the knights of the fallen empire you can recruit other companions & a few of them are easy & no problem. However some of them want you to get them supplies or things which require a lot of time gathering these supplies & materials & in my opinion are not worth it. Most of the recruits do not seem worth the time & effort to get them, & probably will not use if given a choice. Just saying it should not be so hard or time consuming to get someone you probably wont use.
  13. I would love to be able to put a characters ships on my stronghold & while I know there is a way, it might as well be a foreign language to me. I only know it involves crafting, crafting materials, MK3 packages & or dark matter {Might as well be because I sure do not have a clue how to get any of that stuff even after reading about it.} I understand if you want it to be rare, but the current way only includes those that have nothing but time to sit & play & get or create this stuff. It should be made a little easier to get or at least more understandable, like how do you get the stuff needed to buy your ship you already have in the story, for your stronghold.
  14. Why does this even exist. Auto target does not work at all. It either targets enemy far away, or not at all. Being attacked by an enemy with them beating on you or shooting at you, auto target will not lock onto them at all. Half the time, while in battle, enemies I have clicked on to target just suddenly no longer targeted. I have to click on them again & often even though I clicked on them, my character will not attack that one & instead fires at enemies behind me or not the one I have targeted in red. I tried to turn off auto target, but the next time I play, its on again. It almost amounts to cheating by the game.
  15. I logged on to find that on all of my characters, the companions were all not wearing any pants. I did not do this, but their pants were in my inventory. Why just the pants? Did I intrude on an orgy or something?
  16. I loved it until chapter 9 when my character quit speaking during conversations. It really sucks. I did however enjoy all of it all though I have not finished chapter 9 yet, I think they did a great job with the new story line & I was captivated all the way through it. Did get some lag at chapter 8 & what I have done in chapter nine, but overall I do like it.
  17. I enjoyed it all the way up to chapter 9 when my character lost the ability to speak during conversation. It really ruined the rest of the game for me. I chose an option of what to say & your character no longer speaks while whomever you are speaking to does. Also selecting a new crew sucks as you do not really select them, rather you just go get them & do things to convince them to go with you. Before chapter 9 I was captivated & really enjoying it, but now not so much.
  18. I have a Jedi I took to level 60. I did it without the XP boost & actually finished the game at level 58 & had to replay a few of the last missions to get to 60. My point was even that Jedi had some missions that required 30 to 50 kills in just one area if you want the bonus, & without the bonus I would not have leveled up enough to finish the game if I did not do the bonus missions. Sometimes I don't mind & it becomes routine, but some of it is so close to the last ones, it gets relentless.
  19. Start by saying I like playing this game, but having said that, I was wondering if anyone gets tired of having to kill, kill, kill. I know you do not have to go for the bonus, but any time you kill one to get to your objective, a bonus pops us saying kill 15, 25, 35, & up to 75, If you do all theses bonuses, you end up being a serial mass murderer & by the end of the game, you have killed tens of thousands. Even if you are a Jedi, you still end up being a mass murderer. It seems fun at first knowing you are not really hurting anyone, but after a few thousand kills, it gets relentless & tiresome, Does anyone else get tired of it?
  20. I finally got it after stopped playing for the day. Tried the next time I played & after killing them all again, I finally got it. Six times through is still way too much. As for those who say it is just one particular warden, I found that is not true. The one I finally got it from I had killed five times before & in the past, I got it from a warden in a different location.
  21. In shadow town one of the first missions is to get three access codes. I get the first two easily & then the third one will not drop. I have covered the entire area killing all the bad guys five times over, & while it keeps dropping the other two codes repeatedly, I can not get the last one. This is not a one time thing or bad luck. Every character I have taken through ( and I have been through at least twenty times) has had this problem, but before I never had to go through this many times. Why wont anyone fix this problem. It gets frustrating enough that I have to quit playing or drop the mission all together. This is wrong & another waste of time in this game. PS: I made a new thread because the last comment on this was from two years ago & obviously no one cares.
  22. I did not mean I have been playing the sorcerer for years, I meant that I have tried several times over the years to start a sith sorcerer but after getting to points that I can not beat, I left the character alone & eventually deleted it, then later I tried again. I did this at least four times & each time as I get higher up in level, I get to a point where I can not defeat the missions, & I try many, many times. At one point I was doing great with the sorcerer until they weakened the force storm, & since then, my sorcerer has been ok at best, but not good enough to get beyond level 44 which is where I am stuck now. As I said, I am beating some of the tougher enemies, but its the normal ones with lower ratings that cause trouble. Often times some of the things like interrupt do not work at all & sometimes even though they are stunned, they still fight like they were not stunned. I know it was suppose to work on them because they start being stunned, then they take a few shots & go back to being stunned. I guess I will just give up with the sorcerer as from what I read on the forums, the sorcerer is the worst of all classes.
  23. example: outside the missions, enemies have a health rating of 2400 on average in missions I am fighting enemies with a heath rating of 2400 average. I do have to fight some of the tougher ones with a 7800 health rating outside the missions, I can beat them as well, & in the missions as well, but I can not beat three enemies with a 2400 health rating in the missions. Lucky if I get one of them killed.
  24. Yes, I am actually geared for level 44 both me & my companion. Don't see why you would ask since I am beating enemies with the same numbers outside as the ones I can not beat in the missions themselves.
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