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Everything posted by MidnightTrooper

  1. I realize it is the nearest in view, however, that is not what it is doing as many times the nearest enemy who was standing in almost the exact same spot as the one I just killed, yet it does not target him, instead, targeting the one farthest away & off to my left.
  2. I have found the settings to make my next target the closest one. but it still keeps targeting the farthest one away from me, if it locks onto anything at all. Often I have to manually click on the target to fight them, even though I have four enemies standing right in front of me hitting me with their swords or blasters. I have also found that many times, even though the enemy is locked in as my target, even my basic strike will not do anything until I manually click that target again. It gets frustrating when in battle & you can't do anything. None of strikes seem to work even though they are ready for use, & finally after clicking again on the one already with the red circle showing its my target, then the strikes work again. I was just wondering if anyone else has this problem. or is it just my system, which is a new pc with good graphics way beyond the requirements of this game.
  3. The picture shows the size after scaling up with global scale. As I already said before, I already use interface editor global scaling.
  4. I am seeing if anyone can help. I bought a new PC and 4K monitor, & it was not easy, but I eventually got SWTOR to work. Everything runs and looks great. My only problem is when I get into character selection screen, all of the writing is very small. I know I can make it bigger with interface editor in game, but does anyone know of a way to make it bigger? My pics show it, and even after interface editor, the names above character is still very small.
  5. I am having same issue. When I activate them, let them explode, it does not count showing I need three of them altogether. Even logged out and back in and it still does not work.
  6. There are a few missions that tell you to get or kill so many in a certain radius which you can see on the map. My problem is that some of the missions tell you to get 5 of something in that radius & it turns out that the item you are to get is two inches by four inches and lying on the ground so it is difficult to see at all, but it is much worse in the snow like on Hoth or Illum. To make it worse, you have to constantly kill the enemy who is everywhere in that radius & you end up have to kill the same enemies over & over again trying to accomplish the mission. I was on a mission on Illum that wanted me to kill so many enemy forces, collect five of something, & plant & defend a bomb. I managed to finish the first two, but plant & defend the bomb had nothing I could see or find. It just showed a radius & I went around the entire radius killing the enemy soldiers repeatedly because I could not find where to plant & defend the bomb. I never did find it & got frustrated & I just finally abandoned the mission since it was not a main one. My point being they should make it a little easier to find, especially when it is on planets with snow & ice. I know the items usually glow in a blue glow, but in the snow & ice, not to mention that many things like rocks & other objects look like they glow in blue in the snow & it is very hard to find if you do not know what you are looking for, something like I mentioned before about the planting the bomb, maybe it should show where that is on the map instead of a general large area.
  7. I know weapons tuning is supposed to be strictly cosmetic, but I cannot see what they do. I look in the preview to see what it looks like, & I can see no difference. Either the previews do not show it or they don't do anything? I looked at topics & I see people complaining about the drop rate, but I cannot see why you would want one. Can someone please tell me what weapons tuning actually does? Thank you.
  8. I was used to attacking from a distance with the sorcerer, but I finally got it by running all the way up to the console & basically standing in the same area as him & he finally stepped back enough that I was able to loot him & continue. I do wish they would fix that problem, especially when the enemy goes into a wall & cannot be harmed because you can't shoot him or hit with a saber because they are behind walls.
  9. I am playing with a sith sorcerer & my next mission said to go to the orbital monitoring station. The first part of mission is to defeat & loot the security chief. I have killed him three times now & each time, he falls dead behind the console he was standing in front of & he is so far back, I can not loot him which is required to continue with the mission. I quit & reload to start it over, & again when he died, he fell so far back behind console I could not loot him again. I tried a third time & same results. This is not the only time this happens as it happens throughout the game, but most of them are not required to continue the story. I find this on every planet, where an enemy dies & falls behind a wall or even still alive & you can not hit them because they are behind a wall or under the floor. However, I did not expect it to happen three times in a row on a mission required to continue story line. Am stuck now, please help.
  10. I started a new character the day season 6 started. When I got the new stronghold, I just landed on Belsavis, the third planet you get to. However, some of the missions I will not be able to do until I get my character that far along. My question is can I do those missions with other characters to accomplish those missions. I know your galactic points carry on no matter which character you use, but I was wondering about missions for the new stronghold. Can anyone help?
  11. When I first began playing SWTOR, I was able to go into settings & change how the targeting system was set up. Now I can no longer do that, & every time I go into combat, it locks onto the farthest away target, even though I have two enemies in my face, hitting, shooting, & stabbing my character. I know I can change targets, but I am tired of it always locking onto the farthest away. Sometimes it won't lock on to a target at all. I have had many times where I attacked an enemy & when he is killed, the other two shooting away at me, & my targeting will not go to the next one until I actually click on that enemy. I know I can usually defeat them easily anyway, but there have been times where I was attacking a group of four, & after killing the first, my targeting system locks onto a different group & my next shot goes in their direction causing more to join the fight, & in situations where those groups have a leader or boss, it becomes more difficult to beat, & often I end up getting killed quickly because my targeting system will not lock onto the correct enemy. Does anyone know if I can change the targeting system? I looked and could not find anything.
  12. Thanks for your help, but I had to do some digging around in my graphics control panel and I found the setting in there that was causing the problem. It set all games to the higher resolution & once I changed it there, my SWTOR settings are back to normal.
  13. Does anyone know if there is a way to change graphic settings outside of the game? I updated my graphics driver & all my games resolutions got set to the highest setting so when I log into SWTOR the graphics are so high that I can not even see anything but what would be the top left corner of the screen. I can not see the options buttons or even the play button, nor can I click on anything because there is nothing on my screen to click on. My graphics are usually 1360 x 768, but now is at highest setting. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. Thanks, the VPN was the problem. I turned it off & I no longer get the one time password request.
  15. I recently moved to a new place in the same town. I know that they ask for a one time password because they do not recognize the new address. However, they keep asking for a one time password every time I sign in on the game or the SWTOR website. How long does it take for them to recognize my new address? Is this a bug or will it stop asking me after so many times? I have been in my new place for over a week & I have played at least five of the seven days & I keep having to get a one time password. Does anyone know how to fix or how long this will go on?
  16. This sucks. I have tried with a level 76 Jedi & a level 80 sith. I can not beat Gemini captain no matter how many times I try. There is no point in trying to continue game. Interrupting & heroic moment do very little to help & I so no way to continue to play. I guess I will just have to cancel my subscription.
  17. I had quit playing for a few years, so when I started playing again, I started a new character & started from the beginning. I worked my way up to the KOFE story & at the battle with the Gemini captain, I can not beat her. I have tried so many times with my Jedi knight & did my best the first time through, but after that is seemed liked she killed me quicker & quicker. I even quit for a few days & tried again & got the same results. I even tried interrupting her deadly moves, but it did not stop them & I was killed pretty quickly. My Jedi was level 76 & I eventually gave up & started a new character, this time a Syth Assassin & this time I maxed out at level 80 before getting to this fight. I even had the skytrooper with me to help & got Gemini down to a quarter of her health & suddenly she started blasting us with her pulsing thing & my companion died & then me within seconds. I tried & tried & I can not get past the Gemini captain. Can anyone give some advice of how to beat her?
  18. I do not know if this is a bug or not, but since the 7.1.1 update, every time launch the game, I have to wait for the game to update. Then when it says I am done & ready to play, I hit the play button & the game freezes during the loading screen & when I quite out of it & restart, it has to do another download, but not as big as the first. It does this every time I launch the game.
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