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Everything posted by sentientomega

  1. It only changes in KotFE, Lana's attitude, which helps, especially if your char did not manually complete SoR, as is the case with a fresh lvl 60. They must've had that in mind when they were crafting the stories, and so every romance possibility for the player would be rebooted, as it were; like they never happened before KotFE, which does get me wondering whether level 1 characters who've romanced Theron or Lana during SoR get any special referential dialogue regarding that in KotfE.
  2. You make an interesting point there, *they* broke it off. That is, not necessarily a question of Lana dumping Koth and him still hankering after her. See, I had discounted the Koth romance possibility; for it to work, he'd have to care about you over Lana not be pining after her, and vice-versa with Lana. If either held out any hope for getting back with each other, it's likely they'd reject the Outlander's advances. They do not do so out of hand, so I think we can safely assume that as of the end of KOTET Chapter 9, any relationship you're involved with regarding any of them, should still be going strong. I don't know what happens with a non-start-at-60 Outlander regarding KOTFE/KOTET references to SoR romances, as my only Outlanders started at 60.
  3. No, none at all. They're free to do precisely as they please, though I would think that even Lana would tell you that you and she are through, if that was how she felt. Kaliyo wouldn't, but then she likes to hurt people.
  4. Well, the past doesn't matter; Koth is deader than a penny-farthing bicycle as far as my DS Outlander is concerned, she made mincemeat of him, ostensibly for his treachery, and my LS/Grey Outlander has taken command of the fleet and become a galactic peacekeeper, and I think Koth respects this Outlander enough to leave well alone now, and that's only if she, the LS/Grey Outlander, isn't having second thoughts about getting involved with Lana. I think I may've made an OOC mistake there, hence the ICly reservations I've had that character feel, since the Grey/LS Outlander was my first Outlander, and so romanced Lana, there being no other SGRs for female characters, as far as full-blown relationships are concerned, anyway. My headcanon for this Outlander is that they're an Ex-Sith, then Ex-Revanite, then Ex-Jedi, now Grey/Light-inclined force-sensitive with no fellowship that her previous associations would've afforded. My DS Outlander though, she has no regrets about getting involved with Lana, come what may, and since Koth is dead, and she's seized the Eternal Throne for herself, let anyone try and come between her and Lana, it'd be a classic duel to the death she'd be after. I'll tell you one thing, though, I was so happy to see Koth enjoying himself firing the Gravestone's omnicannon when I completed KOTET Chapter 9 on my LS/Grey Outlander, I like to see peeps having fun. When it all comes down to it, you, Lana, or anyone else are mere baby potatoes in the grand scheme of things. So what if someone you like and knew once got involved with someone else before getting back to you, it's not that big a deal, really.
  5. I've got to admit, it is pretty irksome they way Lana and Koth rub their past in your face as much as they possibly can; ironically, the use of subtlety and evasion could not possibly indicate anything more pointedly than these two did. It was all they could do to stop from telling you this straight out, I really hated that Koth so rudely interrupted my Outlanders and Lana, he had no right interfering and he knew he hadn't. No-one owns Lana, but he still seemed to think he did. To my DS Outlander, unless Koth has found a way to come back from the dead, that triangle's now a line, and she and Lana have no competition, for the time being. I am concerned about whether or not he'd try and see Lana behind the LS/Grey Outlander's back, though. It's possible that if you didn't cause him to leave, he ultimately respects the Outlander's and Lana's choices to be with each other. My Grey/LS Outlander would possibly point Lana back in Koth's direction if she found someone she loved more than Lana, though. But then, I'd not point anyone in either Koth's or Theron's directions. Granted, I'm biased, since I match both the gender and orientation of my Outlanders, but there don't seem to be any prepossessing male NPCs that I've come across, except Talos Drellik, in my view.
  6. Which is why I wish there were more female SGR possibilities, and I mean actual relationship possibilities, not just casual flirting, than just Lana. My DS Outlander, she loves Lana, my Grey/LS Outlander, she has very mixed feelings about Lana and would really rather romance a different woman, like Senya.
  7. Which is why I say, don't provoke Koth; because whether it's true or not, it gives him a weapon of sorts to use against you. And boy, would it sting. Make it about his actions, then he doesn't have a leg to stand on. EDIT: When put the question by Koth, my DS Outlander replied "My relationship with Lana is none of your business.", to which he replied "I guess that's true.", and about that, there was no more to be said.
  8. It's almost a kind of hazing, really. Harkun has an excellent voice actor, btw. Lord Cytherat's definitely male chars only?
  9. Definitely before she learned you were alive, at any rate. No, ofc not, but when you talk to her in the cantina that time she evidently puts you first; if you want to romance her, that is. I've no doubt that Koth and Lana are close, but unlike Lana, he does so pant after her still. It's actually not bad, the way BW:A's left some things quite murky, it means there's room for all kinds of views on the subject, that not everything's cut and dry. That Lana's teary goodbye could be evidence of her feeling guilt at having used Koth, or remorse at having lost a friend. Or, if you're not romancing her, someone for whom she still feels a kernel of affection, or perhaps even if you two are involved. Unless things are made abundantly clear, we'll never really know for sure, will we?
  10. But, the fact that Lana told Koth "There's nothing left between us.", but more importantly, I think, the way she said that, might that not mean she didn't even feel friendship for Koth at that point?
  11. That's what I thought, Lana might thing we'd jump to the wrong conclusion; possibly to the point of outright rejecting her, so it's no wonder she's studiously avoided the subject. Well, I've only seen a video of that so far, so if there's a way to not flaunt your relationship with Lana to Koth, even my DS Outlander would take that route, instead focusing on his betrayal, crimes and whatnot. That could be it, her guilt after all, not ours, as the video I watched seemed to make it feel like it should be. Koth is not exactly someone I'd describe as a long-term planner, perhaps not even Theron either. It sometimes feels like Lana's the only one who has any sense of a long-term approach to anything, especially regarding the fate of the galaxy.
  12. That actually makes perfect sense...a pity that Koth's very much behaving like a lost dog with her though, that's a complication. And no matter what, he may never take the hint; just like he can't see Valkorian's a multiple-mass-murderer... I do have to wonder, though, just what was going through Lana's mind when she said a teary goodbye to an imminently dying Koth. Is it possible the two still had feelings for each other, despite Lana telling Koth there was nothing left between them?
  13. It's been some while since I did Chapters 1-9, is there anything that hints at when, during that 5 years, Lana believed the protagonist was alive, and then tried to find and rescue them? Not that it really matters, since by the time Chapter 9 does come along, that conversation in the cantina ultimately settle things, so far. Lana's yours, and you are Lana's, if she's someone you have an eye on. And I, for one, was quite happy to have my BHs encourage Torian and Mako to get together, since they couldn't romance Mako themselves. I have a feeling this question can only be answered with a no, but is it possible to romance Lana, Theron and Koth all at once, behind each others' backs? When all's said and done, BW:A can write any character however they please, we can live with that or walk away. Lana can take care of herself anyway...
  14. There's something there, alright, they way they say goodbye to each other, if you ask me, it's a way of punishing a dark-side approach to romance. I think it's intended that the goodbyes, as the life ebbs away from Koth, are intended to guilt our DS Outlanders, and through them, us the players. But then, if you're killing Koth to bump of a romantic rival, then I would think you should well be ashamed. Romantic affairs are always so paltry and insignificant, next to the galactic kind. It's all a matter of perspective... Lana makes her attitude to a treacherous Koth quite clear, so there's absolutely no need to bump him off in a jealous rage. My DS Outlander adores Lana, would prefer to keep her as a life partner. But when it comes to Koth, the issue for her is that he doesn't accept her style of leadership, and so betrayed her and stole Alliance property, to wit: The Gravestone. Treason, especially high treason comes with the death penalty, as far as she's concerned. And whether or not Koth was killed right there and then, or subdued and subject to a criminal trial for high treason, desertion and grand theft starship, and then executed upon being inevitably found guilty by Chief Justice Outlander. And during all that time, DS Outlander doesn't even have to think of Lana, because she's hardly the reason Koth's in the mess she's in. My Grey/LS Outlander, a sentinel, is not terribly keen on Koth, because when the chips are down, he'd forever side with Valkorian. There is also no reason to imagine that Valkorian wouldn't once again be able to oppose you in the flesh, as it were, and try to kill you. These facts are uppermost in her mind, my LS Outlander would not expel Koth, but if he leaves, and wants back in, then she feels no reason to let him back in. She'll break up with Lana for someone else, if she feels it's not working out; as an Ex-Sith, Ex-Revanite, Ex-Jedi, in that order, and now Grey lightsaber-wielding-would-be-galactic-empress-with-force-powers, she does appreciate Lana's pragmatic approach, and feels her to be a much better Sith than the ones who caused her to defect. But Senya, or even the amusing Tora would seem better prospects for her, by comparison. She may well, in the event of breaking up with her, find Lana Koth if she wants him back, or someone else, do a bit of matchmaking, with the help of Morale Officer Vette. And that's if she even wants a partner anymore...
  15. Oh yes, quite, our chars are mere babes in arms, class story-wise. I'm sure I've mentioned Akaavi here, she'd be my number one choice. :3 Darth Acina, definitely. Basically, any mature-aged complicated person, or younger amazon with a strong sense of natural justice. Oh, and a pity that BBA info broker contact, Domi Omus, can't be flirted with; I've never been keen on the younger flirty broker...
  16. It wouldn't be a char creation option, only an appearance designer option, and only for peeps who want to RP, and make their own canon to accommodate that.
  17. I do regret not being able to romance Akaavi Spar as a female char, and I also regret that we have no age slider. I'd have to save up some CCs for that option lol.
  18. I'm not sure if this section's the right one to post this in. I have some on characters who had accumulated WZ comms prior to 5.0 on one char, and had transferred said comms to other chars, so they could buy the weapons, for PvE use, and now they can't use them because said weapons, like the N-300 Night Hunter Sniper Rifle one of my chars has been using since 4.x, now have a valour rank attached to them, and so can no longer equip them. It was equipped when I logged in, but I saw the flashing orange gear icon, and noticed the Valour 46 requirement in red, but I unequipped it by mistake, trying to link it to chat to find answers ingame (Ia'd momentarily, and found, as I expected, that I couldn't re-equip it. What gives? Why do this? Why punish players with a new system, for using an old system that the devs themselves allowed and even promoted. Would It really would've been so much trouble to simply duplicate those weapons with their credit price in the and valour rank in the vendor, leave the old valour-requirement-free versions people had as they are but remove them from the vendor?
  19. I'm quite interested to see how we can get gear between 1 and 70, so I'll have some faith that BW:A has that side of things well in hand.
  20. So long as the the RP servers (especially BC, EH and Prog) remain intact, I don't care if they merge other servers with them.
  21. Having tested with this latest patch, I'm afraid, for now, you've got to use the outfit in the main gear slots if you want the right colours to show as the outfit slots still mess up the chestpiece colour, and we're actually lucky to get this. The character selection screen will still show the wrong colours, but ingame it should look fine outside of outfit slots. And yes, please fix this, BW:A.
  22. Yeah, those vendors would be entitled Specialist Goods.
  23. I thought they did away with those fleet loot boxes, where exactly can they be found? Because I must've blinked and missed them... EDIT: I just checked the fleet vendors, supplies section, no such boxes exist.
  24. Please, please keep us updated here on any you find, especially on my servers, as listed in my signature (except BC). I'm thinking seriously about making more characters (yes, even with the number I currently have), some of them pistoliers, and the D-200 is the only pistol I'd ever consider for long-term/permanent use. I did manage to find two on EH, and have quickly snapped them up; EH and Progenitor, that's where my search for them is focused.
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