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Everything posted by Hluill

  1. /signed My inventory is cluttered enough! Tokens, certificates, and the like should all go to the currencies tab, especially since most are bound on pick up.
  2. /signed I'd been thinking about this very idea for some time. Seems pretty straight forward. I think it also gives room for more colors and patterns as well.
  3. Guild Wars 2 does this. It doesn't matter which avatar my girlfriend or I feels like playing, we can group and have fun in any zone, for any event. After experiencing this, I don't understand why any MMO would not incorporate dynamic leveling into its design. I really don't understand why this isn't a standard mechanic for MMOs that want to encourage grouping. For those unfamiliar with dynamic leveling, it's a mechanic that scales character's levels down to the areas they occupy. Level fifty-fives would scale to level ten or less on Korriban. Granted, with gear and abilities, they would still be pretty uber. The mobs and quests would still grant experience and they could help their low-level friends and not ruin their experience. No longer would I be able to return to Dromund Kaas and farm the greyed heroics for planetary commendations, while lower levels, for whom the content was created, wait for a group. I hate forced grouping, but for content designed for groups it seems grouping should be a requirement. By not having dynamic leveling, MMOs actually hinder players ability to find groups. Ruining a lowbie's experience gain creates a reluctance to help out. Dynamic Leveling not only helps out grouping, but developers as well. New content doesn't have to cater to the endgamers. A new expansion or world boss or event could be any level and still offer a challenge to the fifty-fivers. New events could happen anywhere and have more meaningful participation. Level Scaling to the environment keeps the environment alive to all levels of players. Fifty-fivers could organize ops groups on newbie worlds, teaching the less experienced the skills needed. This would certainly make many guild leaders' jobs easier. Too many are discouraged by the learning curve to join elite ops. In general, guild events would face less challenges. SWTOR is a very anti-social game. Players are isolated by their story, their faction and their experience. Dynamic leveling might make it less so.
  4. /signed I enjoy some of the interesting attacks used by mobs, but I quickly grow tired of watch my prone character get bludgeoned. Remember the old days when games used resistance rolls or saving throws? Yeah, I miss those days. The level mechanics in this game are so generalized they almost suffocate at times.
  5. While I agree that Shockstrike (and Gut) are fun animations and useful skills, they wouldn't get used much in reality (forgive me for using the word in a MMO context). Slamming an enemy with a weapon stock, especially when the weapon is equipped with a grenade launcher and high-tech targeting devices, is just silly. Using rifle combatives in close quarters is an immersion breaker for me. High Impact Bolt could be modified to be an awesome finishing move. Multiple, center-mass hits, if ineffective, are often followed by an aimed shot to the face. But all of this opens the can of worms concerning hit-point and damage mechanics that are so popular, and yet so ridiculous.
  6. Would it be boring if the Trooper focused more on shooting animations and less on melee and special attacks? I love watching my trooper in her high-ready frame, aiming in and closing. In my dream world: The weapon would be slung patrol style across her chest. Unslung, the weapon would be at a high ready. I want three main attacks: Aimed shot (Channeled/focused and interrupt-able, but does a ton of damage), Quick shot (like Hammer shot, but even faster) and Grenade (Like the Smugglers and Agents have, replacing Explosive Round). Bayonets and rifle-stock smashes are great if I am out of ammo/energy/power, but that's when I'd transition to a pistol. Spray and pray is nice too, for those "Oh Darn" situations. The Trooper points out the glaring shortfalls of the level-based, heath-combat system. But that is another rant.
  7. Awesome and accurate rant! I rolled an Operative and find his play-style more parallel to my skillset as a Soldier on Planet Earth. Grenade, aimed shot, spray and pray skills would make the Trooper class much more fun and immersive to play.
  8. In my opinion, Guild Wars 2 slams this one home. Characters scale to the zone. They're still powerful, but the content is not trivial to them, and they can group and have fun with their lower-leveled friends. This is the most innovative MMO feature I have ever seen. I truly don't understand, and am disappointed by, any MMO that does not include such a mechanic. As it is right now, I just farm grey, heroic quests for the Planetary Commendations. I don't group. While I am not a fan of "forced grouping" , I think it should be encouraged for group content.
  9. In my opinion, Guild Wars 2 slams this one home. Characters scale to the zone. They're still powerful, but the content is not trivial to them, and they can group and have fun with their lower-leveled friends. This is the most innovative MMO feature I have ever seen. I truly don't understand, and am disappointed by, any MMO that does not include such a mechanic. As it is right now, I just farm grey, heroic quests for the Planetary Commendations. I don't group. While I am not a fan of "forced grouping" , I think it should be encouraged for group content.
  10. /sign I agree. Account-wide storage would make things a lot more user friendly. I am in a constant state of forgetfullness over which alt needs what and which alt has it. Would it be that hard to implement? What would be the drawbacks?
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