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Everything posted by TechbotAlpha

  1. That would have been fine and dandy...and, for your information, I DID use my heals when we got to the boss/mid-boss (whatever it was) fight, and I DID use the kolto stations once or twice. For whatever reason, at least one of the times I used the KS it didn't heal my team mates. And, as I said if you had actually read my initial post, I was level 19 and not geared properly (hence trying to do FP to get some data crystals so I COULD get slots for my gear....that used to work but it seems that the devs and 4.0 have right-royally ****ed that path...) so my heals were doing pretty shoddy numbers. Couple that with a team that did not communicate in the slightest, didn't even pay attention to the adds that spawned during the mid-phase, and then you (should) start to see why them placing blame for the wipe squarely on me and then vote-kicking me rather than, y'know, communicating and planning was such a ****-head move. The problem seems to be as much in the hands of 'veterans' as it is anyone else; if you (i.e. long term players in general) know so much about the game and how things work, for **** sake SHARE WHAT YOU KNOW. Don't just assume that newcomers know it all, or that they should have to read up on every single encounter before even playing the game. That's not only dumb, it's bloody arrogant too. And there's apparently a lot of that going around these days...
  2. Wow, man, gotta just LOVE all the hate for new/returning players... I tried a GF the other night, mostly for the introduction so I could actually get some data crystals to equip my fresh-off-Hutta level 19 character. Instead of, y'know, actually having scaled level bands for FPs, nope...I got chucked straight into the Assault on Korriban FP. Which I have a) never played before, b) never knew existed. So not only was it new to me, it was kinda spoilers thanks to never having got that far on Imp side before (my highest character is a level 44 Trooper) So, thanks to being Agent, it flagged me as a Healer character. Well...at level 19 you have a grand total of 3 heals (I'm specced for Concealment, which makes it even more 'fun') and one of them needs Tactical Advantage. Despite scaling with your level, they still go off your stats...which, given I was running FPs to try and GET my gear (kind of the point, surely?) you can imagine how well that went... Everyone else was higher level than me, some by a bit, another was about 50+. The FP was, of course, 50+...we actually survived ok, until we got to what I assume was the final boss, or at least a stage boss. We wiped, there was a quick round of '**** sakes Healer, OMG!' and then a vote kick. I was promptly dumped back on the fleet with nothing gained, a waste of my time, with no one having ONCE communicated or explained tactics....and it's MY fault?! Yeah, go do one. No wonder this community is so split and toxic when there's elitist BS attitudes like that going around...
  3. At least it's not as bad as the utter ****ache of a grind like WoW has. 100 levels, soon to be 110, and you have to slog through everything? The answer really is simple, at least in a design sense. They can either make the game truly about the Journey, making all missions relevant, fun and rewarding, or they can do what WoW does, and what they sort of do at the moment here, which is make the 'end game' content what they want people to aim for. Given the penchant for moving the goal posts (i.e. upping the level cap) that end game will always shift further away, meaning that the levelling arc has to change to fit with it. If levelling actually mattered at all, like if we could, say, pick our own powers rather than being stuck with a formulaic unlock system that's been outdated for years and yet STILL seems to be the default system in most MMOs, maybe it would mean more. But, really, what do you lose by levelling now? Is the game 'less challenging'? Well...WoW clone combat has never really been challenging in the first place? You need certain stat numbers, and then a 'best' rotation. That's it. There's no more nuance or tactics or choice. Rinse and repeat, ad infinitum.
  4. Christ, I thought this was a problem that would have gone away after my few years break from the game. Guess I was wrong! Here's a hint, devs; whether or not I have a Security Key is entirely up to me. I should not be 'encouraged' by inconvenience every other time I try and log into the bloody game! If you want to encourage, actually encourage people, to buy them, then maybe give them some more incentive to buy one of the bloody things, other than "it'll stop the bloody annoyance of having to log into your email every other time you want to play". Seriously! What the hell, guys?
  5. I gave up and re-rolled my character. So no more now-unique Black Talon Inquisitor robes for me, having to make do with synth crafted robes and secondary purple dye. Nice work 'customer services'...YOU DUN ****ED IT UP </angryjoe>
  6. Still stuck as hell. Still no good CS response. How bloody hard can this be? Older games with less staff and less money have less trouble with simple **** like this!! Alternatively, where the hell do I get a robe that looks like the Black Talon's Inquisitor robes? So I can just re-roll and get **** sorted again...
  7. Well, I'd like to say 'bloody well not fixed!' If they hadn't borked up the drops from the likes of Black Talon, it wouldn't matter; I'd just re-roll my Inquisitor and go get her gear back pre-21. But I can't, and I'm not losing the look she has as it fits her perfectly. This is a **** example of customer support. How hard is it to go into whatever system they have, and re-flag a mission for a character? I can do that BY MYSELF on games like Skyrim, so what bloody excuse do this lot have?!
  8. Is there any ETA on when there MIGHT be a fix for this, or are loads of characters (Balmorra seems to be a hotspot for this) just doomed to be stuck forever?
  9. Frankly, I couldn't care less. I'm sick to death of 'end game' for pretty much every MMO, or every MMO based off the WoW template, focussing on these things to the exclusion of all else. How about breaking the mould (except that the odd game like the late, great City of Heroes did that years ago, and everyone else is still playing catch-up) and giving us more LEVELLING content? Story content? Stuff that's NOT all end-game related and requires you to grind 'yet another 5 more levels'. because that stuff is OLD.
  10. I'm personally glad Jorgan uses a sniper now, much more fitting with his backstory. That said, I'm all up for options. I still think it's damn stupid how you can't CHOOSE what weapons your character is good with. Having a healing Commando with a blaster pistol, or a Vanguard with an Assault cannon (kinda fits the name, y'know?) or sniper troopers, pistol Agents (true Bond style) and Jedi/Sith should be free to use whatever kinds of saber they damn well want... But that would require more effort and work, so of course it'll never happen. Unless it's in the Cartel Market. Sigh.
  11. Bump. Not letting this slip to page 2 again, no way jose.
  12. Still waiting for anything on this. Real pain in the butt. Can you still get Black Talon gear? Or is my Inquisitors robes now unique? If I can get new ones, I might just re-roll. This is such a damn pain.
  13. Well, Customer Services replied and said I needed to submit a Bug Report, as it was apparently something they couldn't handle? No idea how true that is... Character: Chasiika Class: Sith Sorcerer Missing Mission: Into The Pit World: Balmorra Level: 21 Ticket: 21240598 Really, REALLY don't want to have to re-roll her, even though she's only 21, mostly because I have no idea if I can get the same armour appearance she has, which I intend to stick with for a long time. I don't even know if the Black Talon still drops the gear it used to....
  14. Character: Chasiika Class: Sith Sorceror Server: Progenitor Class Mission missing : Into The Pit I don't know the ticket number that I raised, but I'm kind of glad that I'm not the only one with this issue. Means there is a decent chance of this getting resolved. Was the last mission on Balmorra, too
  15. I guess the answer to that question is 'RP is dead, give up now'?
  16. While I do prefer some of the crafting changes, some make absolutely no bloody sense, like this need for sliced materials in virtually every crafting profession (if that's the case, give us more skill slots, devs!!) along with mis-match of some stuff, like how the level 32 Cybertech earpieces have shield rating as an option, but the level 40 ones only have Absorb. Seems kinda stupid and inconsistent. I'm still of the opinion that crew missions still cost too much, too. But then I'm a poor returning player, not one of the multi-million marketeer old hands, so what do I know?
  17. Whether tongue in cheek or not, I can safely say that nothing will actually change in in-game situations like this, at least mechanics wise. The other day there were some Imp players on Tython, due to some bug or other. Being on my level 33 Trooper, I thought I'd jump in to lend a hand if needed. I was 'handed' my backside, through the floor and via my face. The level 'sync' does nothing for the actual stats, and a level 60-65 player will still annihilate a low(er) level character without effort. I'm not entirely sure how to feel about that; on the one hand, it means that higher level characters aren't pointlessly gimped. On the other hand, surely a level 33 character synced the same as a level 60-odd shouldn't be THAT badly outmatched? I can understand a level 5 character getting maimed, but less of a gap should mean something, surely...
  18. Ahoy forums. So, quick question. I played TOR about a year ago, and have returned given the boost to enjoyment that x12 exp and then the EXP and companion revamps have given me when playing the game. The main query I have, though, is how the RP is in TOR, especially with the upcoming time-skip of KotFE etc. I've still never got a character past the 34-5 mark (working on it) but I've always been an RPer since I started out in MMOs, so getting in on whatever is going on on Progenitor is of interest to me. Do people mostly RP in guilds these days, or are there certain hubs? How are people reacting to KotFE, or not reacting as the case may be? Any majors 'do's and don'ts', other than the obvious stuff like 'No godmodding, be respectful, eat your damn consequence greens' etc?
  19. While there's still slightly more to it than that (godmoding is never good RP, for instance) the principle is sound, yeah. Whether it's hitting mobs, planning missions or two smugglers chilling in a bar, so long as it fits the game-canon and all, it should be fine.
  20. /Signed. As a new player, and not only that but a player who had never played a Raid/Gear MMO before (City of Heroes, may it RIP, had a totally different [iMO better...] system) I made this mistake once or twice before it all clicked together. Some people aren't trolling, they just don't know any better. Not like the stat system is ever explained very well to begin with...
  21. Meh, GTA is just...GTA. Sure, it steadily gets better each time but...well... Personally, I'd be WAY more psyched if Rockstar did more period games like Red Dead Redemption. That was quality.
  22. Just...please, stop talking. I don't think The Stupid™ is infectious, but it's still horrible to have to read. Go and do whatever it is you do, but stop telling people they are 'doing it wrong'. ANY RP is RP, it's that simple.
  23. This. Also, frankly, it'd just be nice to have a short, to-the-point title without having a large mouthful like 'Knight of the Republic' strapped to the back of your name. In my case 'Jedi Kal-idris' sounds better than 'Kal-idris, Knight of the Republic'. It's just a preference, one that Sith can cater to and yet Jedi can not. Seems stupid to me.
  24. No means no. My Trooper is a crafter. A cybertech crafter. I bought the CM Trooper armour so that I didn't have to spend half the game looking like an idiot, and hey, guess what? I can KEEP that look all the way up to 55! Using my, get this; Crafting skill! Whadya know, eh?
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