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Everything posted by Garanaga

  1. I ended up with pvp flagged purely from exploring, so you can imagine I wanted to get out of there asap, but sitting around town is annoying when you do not know when your flagged state will vanish. Another thing that irks me is the fact you stay flagged even if you log out, so when you log in you still end up having to wait anyway.
  2. I don't know about anyone else, but I would very much like a timer to be placed next to my flagged for pvp state when in a safe zone so I know how long it will take for my flagged state to be removed. Anyone else feel the same?
  3. You would think this game was run by Cryptic/Atari with the way things were going.......
  4. *Wonders if some of these people have been paid to say nice things about the game*
  5. I have to say, I am finding the release of this new "expansion" a bit perplexing, Especially considering the current state of the game. Do not get me wrong, I do not mind paying a sub fee and purchasing an expansion, especially if I enjoy the game. I just find it difficult to understand how they are able to charge subscribers a sub fee and on top of that making us pay for an expansion as well, when this game is pretty much a free to play game. True this game did not start off as a free to play game, but that is what it has ended up as. Most free to play games if giving an option to subscribe, subscribers get access to pretty much everything, and it is the free to play players who have to pay for expansions and such.(Dungeons and Dragons Online for example) Free to play games in general release free expansions all the time, and continue to use their cash store to fund the release of said expansions, paying for server rental and all that. (Perfect World International just to name one). So why is it we are having to pay a subscription fee + pay for an expansion on top of that? It is not really the expansion I was expecting, (Was expecting or more to the point hoping) that we would get a 3D space sim expansion. I do not know how anyone else feels about this, so please enlighten me. Do you agree? Disagree?
  6. I did 1 of each space mission on 1 character, and every other character I avoid them like the plague. I hate the very idea of rail shooters in this game and always will. I only did it on the one character to see if I would like them. Plus the added exp did not hurt any. I was yawning my head off while doing them, not because I was tired but because I was bored senseless. I know the only reason why the rail shooter was put in here was because they were doing a slower version for the Star Wars : Clone Wars Adventures online kids game, and they didn't want to spend any time doing any REAL space combat so sped up the railshooter and tacked it onto this game. Really annoyed by that by the way. Stop wasting your time and ours on this railshooter and actually add 3D space combat.
  7. Let me get this straight.....you are annoyed because they held back making you able to run faster? Are you serious?!?!?!?! Instead of whining about that, should you not simply ask the question "Why do they not increase your mount speed so it feels like a speeder and not a slower?". Mount speed feels so slow it is beyond a joke. From what I see here, it is not the PVP community that is doing the QQ, it is just you.
  8. What a selfish person you are. Do you think about anyone else but yourself? Let me guess, you got your backside handed to you on a silver platter by other players in PVP and now you want it removed because you suck at it. Well too bad for you. It does not work that way. Besides, this is an MMO not a first person shooter. Some people do not like first person shooters, so you telling people to go play these games is a moot suggestion. I primarily play games to do the PVE side, but I do also like to play PVP when the PVE gets boring or have done it that many times that the PVE gets stale. I need something else to do in the meantime, or I just leave the game entirely. So no, PVP should NOT be removed. It is part and parcel of MMO games these days, and removing a significant chunk of the game just because you suck at PVP is a selfish reason (Yes I am assuming you suck because what other possible reason could their be?). I suck at PVP too by the way, but I have fun playing it so do not care one way or another. Now on a better note, I do agree that balancing PVP is a hard thing to do when you also end up messing with PVE skills too, which is why it should be said that they should be doing like what Guild Wars 1 & 2 have done, and that is to create 2 entirely different sets of skills for PVE and PVP. That way any balance changes for PVP will be made for PVP ONLY. Why no one else does this is beyond me.
  9. I say *We* as in people I have spoken to. Friends and family who play this game. I have NEVER said that the majority of the game hates it. If you like it, great. If you don't, great. And starfox is fine as a multiplayer or single player game as a standalone. I just do not want to play it in this game when the devs are capable of creating something a LOT more fun like a 3D sim.
  10. I think what he means is that not everyone is bothered about warzones and want world pvp. It does not mean he would say for the devs to stop working on warzones.
  11. I don't understand why the devs just don't realise this. People have said that they wanted 3D space since before the game was launched, even when it was first stated their would BE a SWTOR game. Yet for some stupid reason they have gotten it into their heads that we like the railshooter. Like always they dont seem to see the big picture. A railshooter is great.......for 5 minutes, and then you are bored senseless. A 3D space sim gives you freedom of movement and the ability to go as far as the game will allow. You have ZERO freedom on a railshooter. Seriously do they even take note of anyone writing in these forums or do they purposefully ignore everyone that disagrees with them? :confused:
  12. Actually we DO want space missions. Just NOT the crappy rail shooter missions. We want ACTUAL 3D space, not a rail shooter that you cannot get off until it ends. If they do that, then they will not be wasting dev resources. Until they do this, then they ARE wasting resources.
  13. See now I don't see it like that. I see that as a continuation of the game to keep you playing instead of having nothing else to do. And you could switch out how you made credits, harvesting and selling the mats, space battles and selling the loot, questing making money that way, dungeons, all sorts of things. ButI guess if you didnt like that, then its fine. But some of us actually enjoyed that part (even though I didn't make any money at all because the population currently playing the game already had everything they needed and i couldn't make any money at all because hardly any new players came into the game) On the upside, you do like the space and that is always a good thing. we need that in this game asap
  14. Pretty much got it in 1. I loved all that stuff and it would make this game EPIC if some if not all of it was added.
  15. See I don't mind either of those. I never got to see the character class that could make them because it was locked out by the time I started playing. I did however see some of the pets people had, like rancors and such. I thought it was pretty cool. But we are not the same and you probably like stuff I cannot stand and hate something I love. Meh. Individualism for the win It does not mean "some" of those things should not be added, just because you don't like something. As long as it is nothing that gives people an advantage over others I think it's fine.
  16. Here is another question. What is it SPECIFICALLY that you do not want added and why?
  17. Explain please. How does implementing things from SWG that people like detract from the game?
  18. I used to love SWG. I started playing a year before they shut the server's down, but left due to the game feeling so empty. If the game had more players I would not have left. I loved being able to go questing and if I got bored I would go flying in my Tie Fighter and shoot stuff out of the sky. It was amazing. I wish this game had that feeling where we had FREEDOM to choose. Instead we have a mini-game rail shooter and the usual grinding quests. No real innovation, no real choice. The player city's were a brilliant idea. Being able to head out into the unknown, come across a player city and look around people's store's to see what they had was amazing. And the fact people had all these wicked items adorning the walls was nice to see. Shows how much effort people had put into playing the game. I also really loved the crafting and the way to get resources. Setting up a factory to make items, and setting up harvesters all over the place to get resources was so much fun. Building ships, making weapons and armor, making costumes, speeders, seriously their was not much you couldn't make. It sucks that SWG lost so many players because of the NGE. Had that not happened, it would have been a really popular game. But these things happen. You cannot help feeling though after experiencing these things that you want to experience them again, or have them improved upon and implemented here. If you have not played SWG then you really dont know what you have missed.
  19. This game really is getting me down and sucking out every little bit of enjoyment I have ever had for this game. Loading screen's are abysmal and take way longer than they should do. When entering a ship, instead of this massive wait time for the next screen, why dont you have it so it shows a small sequence of the door opening up and you entering, and give the option to skip it entirely for those that dont wish to see it. The PVP system needs a bit of a revamp, more importantly we need to be given a choice of which warzones we wish to participate in. See I have this real hatred for Huttball. I cannot stand it, and the only thing I feel like doing every single time I see it is to quit the game, or at the very least exit the warzone. I hate leaving a warzone because I feel like I am letting the team down, but at the same time it is driving me away from wanting to even pvp for fear of entering that godawful game. Please give people the option to opt out of certain warzones. I emplore you. So far this is my only real annoyances with this game, however I can assure you there is more, but I just cant think of them right now. If anyone agree's with me or not, please say so, and if you have anything to add, please do.
  20. I will not touch any space missions till they are ACTUAL space missions and not some tiresome railshooter.
  21. Actually I do rather well keeping the enemy occupied while the others score goals in Huttball. I just don't like the entire concept of Huttball. I prefer unadulterated violence and nothing but said violence. Having to chuck about a ball as well? pfft sod that for a lark.
  22. I am sick to the back teeth of being forced into certain "warzones" when I don't wish to be in them. I want the ability to choose which warzone I want to be in. Please make this happen.
  23. Ok I will bite. Personally I want the story to follow on from the KOTOR games, but the game engine and worlds to be like SWG. The crafting, the leveling, the planet sizes, the jump to lightspeed expansion 3-D space sim and all that good stuff. Give me that and I will never leave
  24. Both rewards are granted to any character that meets the following criteria: Your character(s) must be on a qualifying server (including destination servers) and your account must be active by July 30, 2012 at 11:59 PM CDT / July 31, 2012 at 4:59AM GMT. Your account must not be banned. The rewards will be sent via in-game mail by August 7, 2012 at 11:59PM CDT / August 8, 2012 at 4:59PM GMT.
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