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Everything posted by Ayelinna

  1. I pretty much agree with you on this. Yeah its about money, no wonder EA was voted the worst company in the world twice.
  2. I completely agree with you OP. Its a shame that today people want everything so easy, they want to put additional money into buying pixels, it seems they've never actually played a game to earn something in it. If people want to pay for recolored versions of pixels, thats fine by me, if they want to feel they have achieved something by purchasing something instantly, thats fine by me. And youll hear "BUT I DONT PLAY THE GAME ENOUGH, LET ME BUY IT INSTANTLY" everywhere. Long gone are the days of traditional MMOs, but in the end we're all gonna have to accept that the kids are spoiled. Youll also hear things such as "well go find another MMO out there", as one defender has already suggested in this thread. Funny that, because 80% of subscribers after launch seem to have done exactly that. But anyway, like I said, some people want things instantly now instead of playing the game for them, which is why this game is still alive. Before the CM, this game was dying. All of the items on the CM seem to be cosmetic, therefore it isnt technically pay to win (if you exclude the fact you can sell these items on the GTN for in game credits) (in before "exactly what do you win"), but it seems to be biowares only hope of keeping this game alive
  3. Because people have spent real money for even a chance to get something and then discovering they had no chance at all. Thats why people should be given some form of compensation. 1. Let's be honest, you don't know what peoples intentions were when they bought the packs. Some people may have bought the packs just for the table. I know some people who bought packs just for the mount. Therefore your first point is invalid. 2. Random chance means you have a chance. In this case, there was no chance you could get the table, because they weren't even in the boxes, because Bioware didnt put them in. BW made a mistake, people spent real money, therefore the people need to be compensated. I find it amazing how you can defend them and sit there and say "oh well put it in the next pack". What if people only put money into this pack just to get the table? You expect them to put more money for the next packs after being conned the first time? So what if you don't feel cheated? Doesn't mean everyone else feels the same as you.
  4. They should give everyone one for free.
  5. Lol, such a shame, people today want everything so easy. Its a video game, how about play it for once?
  6. 90% speed, difficult to knock off when being attacked (like the tank mount) Do it BW. I dont care if you put it in random drop boxes so you can milk people (look what happened to the varactyl situation, I bet you got loads of money from that didnt you?) Now put that money into making a bantha mount. I got a full set of bloodguard sand people thing, it would go nice with this mount. No i dont want a midget baby one.
  7. I never said anything about sacking people. I simply implied by moving more people over to the content team.
  8. Well that wouldnt happen because its all about money and theyre going to do as much as they can to get as much money as they can :/
  9. Actually yes it does. The content team and the cartel pack team are both being paid by bioware/EA whatever. They should put those resources (salary) by putting more people into the content team and less people into the cartel pack team. Unfortunately this wont happen because people seem to enjoy blindly paying money for random drop boxes, and this means there is a demand for more cartel pack content, which means the subscriber content isnt getting enough potential.
  10. Its a shame because Bioware are focusing too much on it when they should be focusing on subscription stuff. But if you enjoy giving additional money to bioware for recoloured pixels, then i fully support you being able to do whatever you want with your own money
  11. Well thats just your opinion that i'm harassing you. In my opinion ofc. Thanks have a nice day! Stop slapping me in the face!
  12. Honestly, if this game wasnt Star Wars, it would have most likely been shut down ages ago
  13. 1. Do not take my point literally, I was just comparing what it would be like. Also, there are 4 classes in the game that don't use lightsabers, therefore they arent required to play the game. Just saying. I was referring to the fact that lightsabers are an iconic part of star wars, and also these mounts are. 2. Exactly. Its a shame people are pumping cartel market money into this game, which means bioware make more and more stuff for those people, which is a shame.
  14. So? That's just your opinion though. People can suggest whatever they want, there's nothing you can do to stop them bringing ideas to this game..
  15. Why is all the cool looking stuff in the cartel market but all of the end game gear is just recoloured versions of the tier before it? This is just a big slap in the face.
  16. Doesn't surprise me actually. You've seen how much attention the varactyl got, god knows how much money bioware got from people who bought loads and loads of cartel packs JUST for the mount. And now they are adding even more recolored versions of the same and a dewback mount, because it's what people want. It's obvious they put these mounts in random chance boxes just so they can milk people. For me it's like them putting lightsabers in the random boxes, because Bioware knows a lot of people want to have a lightsaber.
  17. Heal to full? Is this a thing now? what does it mean and where did it start
  18. Clearly do not like the game? is that your opinion or have they actually stated they do not like the game. Because theres a big difference between someone who is disappointed with the game ( but who wants it to improve) and someone who hates the game. Why would anyone bother to post here if they hate the game? Wouldnt they have just left? Well if a paying customer is upset about something, then they can post about it, assuming it doesn't break any forum rules. There's nothing wrong with venting frustration. But I agree with what you're saying.
  19. I think the forums would have been a lot more "positive" if they met expectations at launch for the only Star Wars (one of the biggest franchises ever) MMO game that you can play.
  20. Really? Why the hell aren't Bioware doing anything about this?
  21. Ive never played a scoundrel or operative healer before, but it seems in warzones they are way harder to kill than merc/sorc healers.... Do they have a tank tree? Because they seem to kite melee dps a lot whilst healing themselves, and they seem to have really good cooldowns, also they get to go invisible and roll away... Obviously theyre almost impossible to take down if they are guarded
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