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Everything posted by Ayelinna

  1. So you're basically telling us to shut up about it because it doesn't affect our gameplay? Good lord what has the community come to...
  2. I don't see anyone saying that the dye modules aren't fluff. The point you're making is completely irrelevant to the thread.
  3. I completely agree with you OP, you speak the truth. Bioware knows how rare the dyes are, so they will start to charge for them, because Bioware knows that people will actually pay 2000 cartel coins for them.
  4. The reason this game didn't do so well in the beginning is because it wasn't worth a subscription. People got to end game in less than a week and unsubbed. Rightly so. Thats what happens when you release an unfinished game with one of the most famous IP in the world...being star wars. If this game wasn't star wars, no doubt it would have been entirely F2P or even shut down. That would be considered a flop, but i also consider this game a flop, even though its managing to get back on its feet again. (in before why are you here ) if TESO is a good game, and has a subscription, it will be successful. Then again you could argue that every MMO is overhyped....but how many other MMO's out there have a huge label on it like Star Wars? ESO will learn from SWTORs mistakes.
  5. this way -----> http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=88 This thread has no place on the general discussion section, a section used for talking about the game, not forum signatures. Go on Andryah, disagree with me, i wouldn't be surprised... And I was just checking your post history...500 posts in 18 days! I tried looking back further but maybe there's a limit! Also my signature is pretty cool in my own personal opinion
  6. I'm getting that as well. I'm doing a repair right now, hopefully it will fix it.
  7. Probably because if these people wrote on here they will be attacked by the elite defenders or banned from the forums for criticizing the game.
  8. Yeah....not looking good for you Andryah Try harder next time. It doesn't surprise me you'd defend this game about anything lol. If you think they're trolling, why post? Your posts are nothing more than troll bait: No thank you Please leave Quoted for truth. But anyway OP, like they said, its a system where it will take a few days to show up (no idea why they made a system like this lol) so don't expect everything in this game to work perfectly the first time
  9. 1. Racist 2. 2000cc is way too expensive 3. People will still buy it 10 hours down time for this, totally worth it !
  10. I nominate TUXs Firstly I think most of the stuff he posts is logical and reasonable. He isn't a biodrone elite defender like some of the people on this forum, he doesn't attack or criticize anyone for having a different opinion to his, and he certainly doesn't try an act like the big guy/wannabe moderator who tries to fix/diminish the problem by forcing his opinions onto other people. He is one of the few people left on this forum who doesn't defend the game with his life, and he doesn't seem to be on here 24/7 because he obviously can find his pleasure and meaning in his life by doing other things
  11. Saying you are rating the thread and trying to give it one star because you don't agree with my opinion (or most likely you don't like the fact I have an opinion) is very childish IMO. You should have just voted and said nothing about it. You seem rather annoyed i'm able to post things you don't agree with You like the armor? Cool, maybe you need to realise other people don't like it. Also, saying that has nothing to do with the thread topic, so please read the rules before you start posting. It's considered hijacking and spam, you could have easily edited your first post. Thanks have a nice day
  12. bind on pickup??? AWW I bought loads of packs to get the table so i can sell it on the GTN for in game credits!! OH WELL!
  13. http://dulfy.net/2013/08/29/swtor-possible-models-for-the-dread-forged-new-pve-armor/ More like Guild Wars than Star Wars http://dulfy.net/2013/08/28/swtor-oricon-reputation-vendor-items/ hk-51 Crysis game skin, a recycled trooper gear with a stupid box on it ( why, bioware? why? ) and a MICKEY MOUSE COSTUME YAY Yes we know you can take out mods and put them into whatever you want, but in my opinion these new possible PvE set models are ridiculous. If you showed them to someone who doesnt play this game, they'd have no idea it was Star Wars. Why can't bioware put a bit more effort into these armor sets...you might as well just give us the mods and armorings and enhancements separately instead of making me pay like 35k credits to take them all out the ugly armor in my opinion. But hey, at least the new possible pve and pvp gear isnt recycled versions of the last tier ones. Some people (like me) actually want to show off their gear and in game achievements to people but are disappointed because the gear is UGLY... This is all in my opinion.
  14. Can I have a source on that please? How do you know its the majority? Or is that in your own personal opinion? Thanks have a nice day
  15. Awesome, so will the free 2 players be able to queue for unranked arenas??
  16. Can pre mades who do a lot of ranked warzones in 4v4 still be able to queue up for 4v4 unranked areans and basically win against a group of 4 people who have all queued solo?
  17. EVE has been up since like 2003...which means it runs very well on old computers
  18. Simple question, I find it impossible to kill a scoundrel, because he can heal, roll, go invisible, mezz me, heal up, kite me all over the map etc... I spent the whole time in one warzone trying to kill one of them but they were kiting me everywhere, i pulled them to me and they just stunned me and went invisible...basically they were taunting me the whole match but i couldnt kill him... I'm fully geared/augmented, half my gear is conq BiS, I have no trouble killing other classes but i cant kill a scoundrel. If they're a scoundrel healer with guard with another healer on their team...well theres no chance they're gonna die even if 3 of you are attacking it
  19. EVE online i think you're referring to. Probably the best and most successful sandbox game today. 200-500 players...lol you can't even get that many on one instance, and it would be a huge lagfest because this game cant handle 16 players at once without lagging.
  20. Ahhh there it is. But anyway, you've added no reasoning behind your posting. You said this is a great game, but you gave no reason as to why, in your own personal opinion, think it is a great game...the rest of your post is talking about other people, or "complaining about the complainers". I will taking the appropriate actions. No doubt someone will come along and......oh wait, they've already posted Thanks have a nice day
  21. What about if you fully augment your PvP gear with the 1 billion credits you have? You'd have an advantage over other players because they may not be able to afford augmenting it.
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