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Everything posted by Ayelinna

  1. Like I said before...there should be NO risk for the pug to change the loot rules mid fight because they shouldnt be given that option in the first place
  2. Please quote where i'm wrong with my opinions oh wait its my opinion which means its not wrong and its not right your points are invalid. thanks have a nice day also stop harassing me thanks
  3. Well...thats your opinion that its in my opinion that its in your opinion
  4. This issue should most definitely be addressed by the devs. Unfortunately some people think its not an issue, when it clearly is. My other thread got closed because one certain person was trying to force their opinion as to whether or not its an exploit But the fact someone can change loot rules mid fight is certainly exploiting other players, and so I think Bioware should properly address this obvious issue.
  5. Runescape has a similar sort of system where the longer you subscribe, the more loyalty points you get each month...and it gets higher and higher each month. I agree with the OP...the longer you subscribe, the quicker you gain rep levels or something
  6. in before "you get cartel coins every month" and "subscriber gives you more benefits compared to free 2 play " and "stop being so greedy"
  7. Dont like it? Dont play it Who are you to dictate how people should spend THEIR OWN money? How does it affect you? dont like it? dont play it then, no ones forcing you sorry op im just jumping on the bandwagon
  8. I'm not talking in terms of software < clear enough for you? Your arguments are now entirely invalid. Have a good day.
  9. Please quote me where I said I denied that this wasnt a "SOFTWARE exploit" Have you been drinking?
  10. I never denied that this was a SOFTWARE exploit.. Therefore YOU are wrong in saying I was wrong Thanks have a nice day
  11. Thanks for bringing that up. Kilora was right in saying this isn't an software exploit. And I never denied that. But the person who ninja'd the gear was exploiting other players, thats for sure.
  12. Im not talking about exploit in terms of Software. Bioware isn't god. Just because they haven't called something an exploit doesn't mean its not an exploit. I'm sorry, you are wrong. By the way, the earth isn't shaped like a triangle. Thanks have a nice day
  13. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/exploit 2. to use selfishly for one's own ends This person was exploiting other players yes. And to do this, they exploited the loot system, therefore changing the loot rules mid fight for somebodies own benefit is an exploit.
  14. I know lol its ridiculous these people cant accept the fact I have an opinion that they don't share
  15. Actually, YOU are wrong...in my opinion. And its just your opinion that i'm wrong. You havent told me any facts actually. This person was exploiting other players, by taking their time and resources in order to benefit themselves, they did this by changing the loot rules mid fight. Hence this is an exploit.
  16. That wasn't a mistake. The group leader advertised that the ops would have a round robin loot rule. The group leader then changed the loot rules mid fight... i didn't know you were allowed to do this. I guess its my fault for not knowing people can ninja the gear by changing loot rules mid fight?
  17. Its my opinion that this is an exploit, i have stated before, so accept the fact I have an opinion that doesnt share yours. And thats your opinion that it isn't an exploit. See we can just go back and forth all day
  18. I'm not on a role playing server, and if you are serious then this exploit should only be on the role playing servers then, because not everyone on a PvP server is okay with the group leader "role playing" and taking all the loot.
  19. Thought I'd make this aware for the devs Basically the group leader can tell everyone the loot is on round robin...10 seconds before the boss is dead, the group leader changes the loot rules to master looter...then takes everything that drops.
  20. Well I still blame Bioware for letting these people change the loot rules just before the end of the fight and to ninja all the gear. And its still my opinion that this is an exploit.
  21. This isn't a game feature. It's an exploit.
  22. I dont think you understand the thread. This isnt about pugs. This is about changing the loot rules during combat which means the group leader can take everything the boss drops. I only join pug groups that are round robin. This group I was in had round robin, thats what the leader said at the start.. What I didnt know was that the group leader was going to change the loot rules just before the end of the fight and take everything the boss drops.. Why are you telling me to take responsibility when its clearly BIowares fault for this issue? This "risk" should never be a risk in the first place.
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