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Everything posted by Ayelinna

  1. Would you mind removing the word "brainstorming" because it's offensive to me as I know someone with epilepsy. Please change it to "thought showers" or "thoughts on some class changes".
  2. I think you have to pay 50cc for each message you send in chat if you are free to play.
  3. Are you buying these off the GTN or are you paying CC for crates?
  4. No i dont think Bioware can be bothered to put in events that are related to real life events, unless of course they earn money out of it
  5. Source please? And who do you mean by "we"? Your guild members? Or were you talking on behalf of the entire community? In your own personal opinion.
  6. The copy and pasted event will be back in December.
  7. I dont think lore outfits can be dyed, even though there is a dye slot. I guess you've just lost a black and black dye.
  8. Hope they don't bring it back. It should be kept as a memory. In my opinion.
  9. Oh dont take the title literally. They aren't literally impossible to kill, I was just exaggerating just so you know.
  10. Scoundrel healers can last longer than a sniper in warzones with the same amount of dps on them. Especially solo ranked when the scoundrel has a guard and is healing himself while they have 3 dps on him, not to mention those 3 dps are also being attacked and mezzed and stunned by the other people so its not like constant dps on one target. Scoundrel healers are better tanks than actual tanks. It seems u get them down to 2k health and they last forever or just disappear or something. Sorc healers and mercs are nothing compared to scoundrel healers.
  11. So you've never had to work for your pvp gear? You just instantly got the best pvp gear? You've never been undergeared? You must be so epic and l33t. How come youre not doing 4v4 ranked if youre so good? You obviously have poor understanding of the game systems yourself if you're complaining about people being undergeared. Obviously they need to play warzones to get gear. goodness me. Stressful for you? I think you take the video game too seriously
  12. I find it amazing how people can defend BIoware over re-skins. Reskinning items and then calling them "rewards" is just utter laziness in my opinion. I would rather they create something new.
  13. I remember Hatred, Fear, The Shadowsaber, Peace, Quiet and various other unique weapons that were dropped from raids and flashpoints, I have all of them. Are you still able to get these weapons? How come there are no unique weapons for the 55 raids? It all seems to be unassembled gear. It would be nice to get a unique weapon at the end of a hard mode raid with level 80 mods in it or something.
  14. Turn off defend mode for one second and understand that i never said i wanted to buy it, also understand that no one is forced to buy anything, so stop giving the over used excuse "dont like it dont buy it", I just wanted to voice my opinion of how lazy the item is because its a reskin that probably took 5 minutes to make and now theyre charging 1200 cartel coins for it. Here's a lesson for you: some people can have opinions on things even though they have no intention of buying it. And no, i wasnt the one talking about how excited i was for this item. Again, you are blindly assuming things.
  15. Just stick 8 people in a big circular pit and they all spawn around the sides, top 4 players win, bottom 4 lose or something
  16. Please read the forum rules before you start breaking any more, just a friendly reminder from one forum user to another Thanks have a nice day.
  17. The op was obviously referring to chairs already in place in the game. Its an emote, a chair which appears out of nowhere, therefore it doesnt count. So please, learn your facts and think before you post. Thanks have a nice day
  18. They are emotes so it doesnt count, so learn your facts please. And typical response from someone like you
  19. 1,200CC for a re-skin of the meditation chamber? Rather lazy in my opinion. But amazingly, people will actually buy it, and will defend Bioware over it.....
  20. Your post has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. Please read the forum rules and think before you post things that are off topic and irrelevant. Thanks have a nice day p.s i thought you put me on ignore
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