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Everything posted by Lord_Garrex

  1. Title is pretty self explanatory. Anywhere in your profile or otherwise to see how many MVPs you have on each toon? Thanks and Happy Holidays.
  2. Sorry to bump up an old thread but I have two questions: 1) Can you get the original light side look (best looking, imo) if Jaesa is Darkside? 2) What gear/outfit is she wearing in the pictures from the link? Thanks!
  3. I'm sorry but if that's true then my opinion of the viability of our class and of combat spec in particular just went down the toilet. It's not actually a burst opener with insane burst damage then, nor is it a high burst spec or a spec that requires a lot of skill to play -- just luck, nothing more. The reason I'm not convinced is because prior to 2.5 dropping, I was getting that first double PS window about 70% of the time, which is not reliable but at least often enough to support KBN's suggestions as something more than an ideal, best case scenario which only happens when all the stars are properly aligned. If you're saying that it's all RNG then this isn't a skill class, just an unreliable one contingent upon pure blind luck. I'm very miffed right now because I've been screwed enough by RNG in this game and if I'm suddenly having to compete with luck just to try and pull the numbers I was doing previously (3200-3300 with only about 50% of my gear being 78s and no Dread Forged pieces) then I'd like some recommendations for a class that actually does require skill to play where I can count on my abilities rather than random chance. Hopefully I see a better answer when I come back here because bad luck just isn't going to cut it.
  4. Ever since 2.5 dropped, I'm only getting that first HoJ which triggers the first of the double Precision Slash windows in my opener about 30-40% of the time. Sometimes OA isn't proc'ing in the right places either and I even had one instance where I did get my first double PS window only to not have enough focus for the second Blade Rush. Has this been happening to anyone else? I'm feeling severely glitched...
  5. Hello everybody. I'm looking to join a solid raid group of good players who know all the ops and are in need of a top notch dps who parses well over 3000...and can regularly be an aggro whore. What I'd like to bring to your group is someone who is also a good player with experience in all ops, a good personality, and is very knowledgeable about my class. My Gear: Mostly 72s with a handful of 78s, including a 78 offhand A four piece set bonus (two underworld, two arkanian) Main stat augs All gear has the correct stats for my AC Ops I've cleared: SNV SM and HM TFB SM and HM EV SM, HM, and NIM EC SM and HM KP SM, HM, and NIM DF SM and only Nefra on HM DP SM (no experience yet with HM) What else I'd contribute: Stims and medpacs. I have Vent, Teamspeak, and Mumble Basically I'm tired of not consistently clearing these ops because I'm doing them with random pugs or only occasionally clearing them with my guild. Doing full clears is a lot more fun than racking up huge repair bills when you've been raiding for 6 hours before the ops is finally called after your 12th wipe on Operator 9. So, I wanted to put myself out there and hopefully get the opportunity to talk to a GM or raid leader. Feel free to message me or leave a reply in the thread and we'll talk. Also: If there's a better place for something like this to be posted, please let me know. Thanks!
  6. So I was doing my weekly TFB SM run the other day with a pug group and when we got to the second phase of the Terror, my toon decided to get stuck in auto run. This left me jumping from platform to platform for the entire encounter while several people in the group kept telling me to stop at one of the tentacles and even got pissed off when I ran right by every irregularity in my path. I kept trying to type in chat that I was glitched but my keys were occupied by steering my character on his kamikaze circuit around the arena. There was nothing I could do to stop it, I couldn't die, and dropping off the platforms would only cause me to start the process over again from the top platform. Fortunately it was 16 man story mode and we cleared the ops despite my stellar contribution.
  7. That's what they told me to do as well but gimping my rotation just to keep aggro off me doesn't sit right. Could the tanks be doing something differently/better to hold aggro?
  8. It seems that lately, in every HM Ops that I run with my guild, I'm pulling major aggro off the tanks and having to burn a force camo at an inopportune time that occasionally leads to death. I'm literally having to pop all of my cool downs plus a medpack just to stay alive and sometimes even that isn't enough. I don't know if I'm just not getting enough heals or if I'm sentinel tanking and taking damage that I shouldn't be (maybe both?) but it's getting frustrating being the first one or the only one dead on a boss fight. Putting a guard on me helps a ton but our raid leader typically only wants guards on the healers. Any suggestions?
  9. That's not entirely accurate. Among many other things, by dropping to f2p you won't be able to run ops or flashpoints unless you buy a weekly pass. I had a payment issue at one point that caused me to lose my subscription for a few days and it sucked. As a level 55 sentinel, I really need the extra quick bars and being without them was a severe handicap. Not being able to run ops and fps on top of that along with an absurdly low credit cap caused me not to play at all until my payment was properly processed and my subscription was restored. Bottom line: I wouldn't recommend anyone switching to f2p at that level. You'd be better off quitting and saving the money that way.
  10. This has been happening to me as well, in both PvP and PvE. Just last night, I tried to force leap to Commander Zaoron in the Tower's Core on Oricon only to get a crazy looking animation that ended up with me in the exact same spot that I started and with force leap on cooldown. It's definitely annoying and even game breaking to "leap" at something, only to go sailing past the target, to the right or left of the target, or nowhere at all. Even worse is a bug I reported months ago where certain abilities only do a partial cast unless I key them a second or even third time. To see your sabers wind back for a Blade Storm, for example, only to not actually perform the move unless you key it at least one more time is a significant to potentially huge dps loss that can undermine your entire rotation and screw up your procs. Customer Service is content to do absolutely nothing about these things and will more than likely tell you it's not happening or blame it on your ability to play so the best you can hope for is that the problem goes away. It hasn't for me but I just play through all of these bugs as best I can, which is becoming less and less as they continue to pile up. Good luck
  11. Is there anywhere to pick up the non-lettered 78 adept and initiative enhancements? If not, does anyone have any idea as to when (or if) they will be available for crafting?
  12. ^This. I enjoy being melee on this boss fight because of my force kick interrupt with its sweet 8s cooldown. That makes my job extremely easy and helps keep the raid alive. Failure to interrupt the corrupters leads to a wipe so having a class that can efficiently handle this mechanic is a vital component to clearing it. As long as everybody in the ops knows what they're doing and executes you shouldn't find it impossible to get past it regardless of composition.
  13. Ah geez. I'd forgotten that you'd have to fill up the bottom tier of the focus tree in order to allocate points to any of the skills in the second tier. I did respecc two points into Crusader but a pretty infuriating thing happened in that my accuracy is now at 97.44% instead of the 100.44% that it was at previously. Steadfast still has points so why did I lose 3% accuracy? I can't get it back either.
  14. Here's a list of things I've been thinking about: 1) Fleetfooted vs Jedi Crusader. I've heard some people talk about swapping the two points spent on Fleetfooted for Jedi Crusader. What are your thoughts on that? 2) What do you guys think about pulling a point each out of Swelling Winds and Insight and putting them into Swift Slash and Jedi Enforcer? I honestly don't use my force sweep or cyclone slash very often and for awhile I was using a pvp build where insight had zero points in it. It seems to me like a critical chance increase of 7.5% on one of your most damaging attacks > 2% deduction of force critical chance. It also seems that increasing the damage dealt by Rebuke by 7.5% along with increasing its duration by 2 seconds (especially if the points in Fleetfooted are traded for Jedi Crusader) outweighs a 10% damage deduction for two abilities I rarely use. EDIT: Or, for that matter, how about pulling both points out of Swelling Winds and putting them into Enforcer? 3 extra focus points + 2100 damage + 4 more seconds of 20% damage reduction seems pretty sweet to me. 3) Doc/Gearing Doc. In soloing the two Heroic 2s on Oricon, my Doc was verging on being a liability. Not only does he regularly pull extra mobs into a fight but I don't think I got any heals from him against the dread host commanders (or at least not many) because he was constantly being stunned etc. That made for some really close calls. Any tips on keeping Doc in the fight? I also had to rez him after nearly every fight in those heroics which leads to my gearing question: I don't have any augments on him yet which would obviously help both his survivability and mine but that's partly because I think I may have gotten some bad advice in the past on what to stack on him. He currently has a decent mix of crit, power, surge, and alacrity but should I get rid of all his crit in favor of power just like for our sentinels? Likewise, should I get rid of all his alacrity in favor of surge? And how about his augs? Thanks in advance. Sorry for the novel.
  15. Hi everyone. I thought this would be the best place to ask this question because I feel that I've been getting a lot of potentially incorrect and/or conflicting information about gearing Doc on the fleet. Right now he has a pretty decent amount of crit and alacrity (based on what I was told) but should I go with no crit and all power like I do for my Sentinel? Similarly, would it be better to replace all of the alacrity with surge? Thanks!
  16. I might have to disagree with this. I dueled an assassin once who went stealth before the countdown was up and he was flat out gone. Not just the pseudo-invisibility of force camo where you can still see the player's outline either. I'm talking full blown disappeared from the screen. It was like he wasn't even there any more.
  17. Lame. That would be sick if it could be used to get in close to an enemy without getting stunned or knocked back.
  18. Just a quickie. Can a Sentinel be stunned or knocked back while force camo is on?
  19. Hi Slayer. As for your final question, the dummy is on the Gav Daragon Bridge Deck. There's an operations dummy and then a couple of others there for you to practice your rotation(s) and parse away. I was parsing as high as the low 2800s recently but was told I should be squeezing out a couple hundred more dps so I decided to switch up my rotation to follow the one in this guide. Mine was *similar* in that all of my heavy hitters were within PS windows but there was quite a bit more random chance to what I was doing than what seems like a more steady, controlled rotation here. As for what I'm doing wrong: I'm just not sure. The only thing that stands out off the bat is that I've been popping Zen in the moment right before I force leap as opposed to afterwards. Maybe that's the problem but then there's the fact that the other 75-80% of the time I do trigger HoJ and get that second PS window. Miskeying was initially what I thought it could be (maybe just old habits creeping into the fingers) but then I'd slow the pace down and keep a keen eye on the animations or even toggle each ability reading right off a sheet of paper I'd written it down on and still got the same frustratingly inconsistent results. My fear/concern is something I'd expressed a long time ago on this forum about excessive false casts and "partial" animations (ie, my sabers **** back over my toon's shoulders for Blade Storm but then go back to the starting point without actually "throwing"/casting the BS attack unless I key it a second time) as well as excessive lag that I sometimes have to deal with far more than anyone I know. If it's the latter, then if nothing else this whole exercise in relative futility showed me once and for all just how much of a disadvantage I've been at in areas where there's a high degree of lag potential. I don't know. If there was any consistency at all to what was happening I might be able to pinpoint it better but it seemed to be pretty arbitrary without being the consequence of anything I could definitively see that I was doing wrong.
  20. Alright I've been trying out the recommended opener to further push my dps but it's very inconsistent. I'd say at least 20-25% of the time I don't get that 2nd PS window after TST. When I do get it, it happens anywhere between immediately to within a split second after my TST animation. About another 20-25% of the time PS is still on cool down at the end of the "filler" segment (S>ZS>BR>S>Cauterize>S>BR>S) and then I'd say a good 70-75% of the time I don't get the second PS window in that segment. The one encouraging part is that opportune attack is almost always up for that first cauterize and was up again for the second one. Aside from that, I think I only made it cleanly through the whole rotation where everything actually worked the way it was supposed to 3 or 4 times in two hours on the dummy. Does anybody have any suggestions as to what's causing this or what I can do to improve it? I'm going to keep practicing it but to have it only work a few times in two hours (possibly a little bit longer) was very frustrating and made it virtually impossible for me to duplicate.
  21. Hello again everybody. In a recent thread I'd asked a question about nerfing the second tier of my Arkanian set bonus (reduced CD on Valorous Call + 4% extra damage when Zen is activated) and it was pretty obvious after a reminder that keeping the set bonus would be more beneficial than if I replaced the two 69 armorings with 72s. However, now that these new 78s have been thrown into the mix does your answer stay the same or would the 78s without the second part of the set bonus yield a higher dps? (I do intend on keeping my 8% bonus damage from Master Strike) Thanks in advance and have a great weekend!
  22. Oops. Wrong part of the forum. This was supposed to go in the Sentinel class area. I'll keep it here too in case someone gets to it. Good old sleep deprivation.
  23. Hello again everybody. In a recent thread I'd asked a question about nerfing the second tier of my Arkanian set bonus (reduced CD on Valorous Call + 4% extra damage when Zen is activated) and it was pretty obvious after a reminder that keeping the set bonus would be more beneficial than if I replaced the two 69 armorings with 72s. However, now that these new 78s have been thrown into the mix does your answer stay the same or would the 78s without the second part of the set bonus yield a higher dps? (I do intend on keeping my 8% bonus damage from Master Strike) Thanks in advance and have a great weekend!
  24. I'd forgotten about the decreased cooldown on Valorous Call. That makes this a no-brainer.
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