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Everything posted by Obviousenuendo

  1. something something something about OP's being overpowered agreed les nerf it
  2. you don't need to get friends and premade to play as a team, just know your role, if four dps focus the one dps on the other team and he dies, game over for that team, since those same 4 dps can just move onto the next healer and burst faster than one can heal. it depends on what classes the dps are though, if they have off tanking or off-healing abilities that matters, but I've lost to four dps with healers and a tank plenty of times, as I've beaten appropriate teams as full dps.
  3. Obviousenuendo


    The ttk in this game is intentionally suppose to be low, since having healer's + tank/guarding is apart of pve and Pvp, anything that is undefended completely is suppose to shatter in a couple of seconds, that's why dps races are actually fun here.
  4. Obviousenuendo


    when I play a void star and a shadow comes out of stealth with 2 seconds left to cap and I get stunned by his teammate you damn right im going to leave and there better not ever be a penalty for it, bad enough wow did that crap.
  5. I just want you to know, I giggled here. I also rarely come across pt/van tanks, always shadows/sins and jug/guard tanks, probably because they're better. But even against one, They don't need to drop 'oil slick' to reduce the damage they take by 75%...80% of the time, seems whenever I fight one theres a very small window where my burst will hit for acceptable damage. In fact, I rarely see oil slick used, possibly because they're bad, but if that's the case why are they still hard to drop? I remember about over a year back when I didn't fully understand the game, pvp'd as a tank with pve quest stuff at 55, and sadly enough I was still hard to takedown, I could last a couple of minuets being focused by 2-4 people. I would have stayed being a tank if I didn't like matching big numbers fly across the screen more.
  6. guardians still don't have 9 lives, not working as intended more buffs are required
  7. I want FPF fixed so that you can actually queue up for FPs that still require a group to do, even if it's not "recommended" like.. A LOT of FP's
  8. ..oh, you mean the one or two abilities that stay off to the side that get a replacement at 57? im not even complaining about that. minus replaced stuff mercs specifically got 3 extra abilities on top of the bloat that was there already, in a patch that claimed would be reduced, same with scoundrel.
  9. deleted my gunslinger for a scoundrel awhile ago, simply because of sucker punch. I had an assassin too but I chose to delete him since I didn't want 4 toons anymore and felt scoundrel was the better choice.
  10. it doesn't matter if they're useless, I said in the OP, all abilities go on my action bar. For the moment I removed the 6 heroic moment abilities, if I decide to use it i'll just have to open my abilities window :\ but it's just, I've played wow since 2005, and from that point to now on any character I've never had this problem, I could keep every ability, no matter how trivial, my professtions and other misc. stuff on the second bar, and just use 5 bars with ample space to spare. here, even though It's still 6 bars, everything feels, smaller.
  11. Just throwing the idea out there, for ranked, regs, any pvp.. it might stir things up, for the better. using damage reduction is just too easy, 3 dps classes can be almost as effective as an actual tank. taunts give a 30% reduction on a short timer, times this by 3 or 4 in regs and its hard to focus someone down..this isn't including healing. I recall reading in the patch notes they toned taunting down for non tanks because they didn't want them just spamming it randomly for damage reduction(?) anyway. now adding guard to the mix sometimes more than one, it just gets crazy. In arenas, and possibly huttball, these are good things, this is an mmo where you get a lower amount of hp with high damage dealing abilities, the game is suppose to be burstly, unlike wow, where you get a large hp pool and deal less damage because each class is more..tanky ish in comparison (referring to pre and post recent xpac) given the context of the game with lightsabers and lasers, that's cool. but come to objective pvp, long drawn out fights are actually just frustrating, in some cases it's better to die go to another node then do what you can to live. The real goal of those battles is to put out the bigger burst while throwing out heals. Taunts are one thing, but multiple guards are atrocious. Normally to beat a guard you'd stun the healer and use a knockback or pull to separate the guard from his target. but now every class and their mother's uncle has anti cc and roots to stay on their target (new override force speed pruge on shadows, guardian leap etc.) and then usually there's 2-3 tanks in one wz... ~Now for the actual thread- Why not make guard useless or inactive while said tank is stuned? *note, <I'm not saying have guard turned off for that player, but just simply negate it's effects> I mean, you can't defend someone when you don't have control of yourself. But more importantly, it would encourage more tactical gameplay like this game intends to be. I would even go as far to say cc should deactivate any taunt thrown out by the respective taunter. I think it would lead to more interesting battles in all areas of pvp. especially now since (supposedly) most cc can be cured by healers, so if healers want their guard, or dps with cures, they have to keep the cc on their tank to stay alive. It would make uncoordinated regs move faster and be less forgiving for -herp derpa I speced tank u can't keel meh" players. and good grouped players think even more about their stuns AND their healers cleansing others. Just give it some thought, I understand if this generates a lot of retaliation... But you have to admit tanks and healers really do have it easy, and minus guard swapping take even less effort to be good than a dps understanding focus fire.
  12. ive been in an arena match where there was a total of 5 people on my team (I noticed after someone else pointed it out) I've also been in a few huttballs where we had a total of 10 players two didn't show up in ops frames but they were two ppl from the same guild talking in small party chat.
  13. PT's and vanguards needs buffs because they can't heal to full, they can only make them pay.
  14. This, This so much. I don't even care about video games, I spent my whole life around them and only partly by choice. I'd much rather spend time with the girl that meant a lot too me, as a friend or relationship either one would have been fine. But no despite how nice caring, and casual I was, she saw the best of anyone in everyone, except me, no I was apparently the evil bad guy up to no good. Friends of mine guys and girls alike will talk to me just fine if I run into them but that's it, never once have people gone out of their way to contact me, I didn't even know it was a thing. After some endless rage towards losing in games, which I hate doing but it just happens because.. Seriously I mean that, I'll rage over a loss and 10seconds later go "ugh why did I do that? stop, all of this means nothing... I decided to get off my *** and get a job and life, well I got a job, but even less of a life which I didn't even think was possible. Though there was this girl there I saw often, she looked alright, was around my age, even seemed to show interest towards me, or so I thought. But as usual I'm wrong, guess she hated me too and the cycle goes on. Now instead of just sitting wasting my time at home sometimes getting pissed off at stupid in games, I do that AND waste my time at work getting pissed off at stupid there. Everyday, for the rest of my life. I've always tried to be good guy, I encourage myself to be even against the BS people have pulled on me irl and such. But as more time passes it's like, why bother? people are going to have a problem with me regardless, if they're all going to see me that way I may as well show them what they SHOULD hate about me. Friendlyness doesn't do anywhere, people are offended by it immediately because it seems like some selfish mastermind plot to have your way. Anger might not solve anything, but Im not accomplishing anything by holding it back. That's just my story, hundreds of thousands of people online, though the stories and scenarios may be different, the feeling is the way. We're here not because we want to, but because it is the only thing we have.
  15. well yeah, shadow/guardians have the least amount of active abilities on their bar in the game, as ive stated I think 4 times now.
  16. well, I only pvp at endgame and im not afraid to throw out insults when I feel they're required nor am I offended when I receive them. That's what you do to survive on the internet and especially real life/work place. yeah, insults are no different than discipline, If everyone I worked with was all nice, forgiving, and prepey, I wouldn't be half the effective worker I am now. Insults allow people to reflect on themselves and see what they truly are from the outside. I mean, would you prefer physical violence instead? it serves the same purpose with the same outcome.
  17. all these carebear conservatives in this thread reminds me of scene
  18. what's all this bullcrap about switching AC's? just make flyby a smuggler ability again, that's how simple it is, stop trying to bring up stop nonsense in a simple topic.
  19. yeah I guess you have a point, we should try to help each other and try to benefical tou one an other for the sake of improving us all.. so let it be my advice given here. Please stop breathing
  20. fxt btw electro net prevents the use of being able to barrier..just thought you should know.. my main is also a guardian and that's how I feel about him
  21. I seriously hope the OP was put on ignore and called something much more insulting than 'idiot' as long as you stay away from my reg wz's, you won't have to worry about what I (and others much worse) would say to someone who makes mistakes like that.. Now, its it's something like bing in the wrong; spec/gear/stance, because you were using something else and forgot to switch back or something. That's fine and good, it happens, it not all about senseless elitism, but DUDE... DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD dun do dat. wat da faqk mehaaan
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