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Everything posted by denavin

  1. Its funny... Everybody thinks that BW can just snap their fingers and suggestions and feedback will magically appear in the upcoming release. By the time the PTS is opened to players, the game release has already been basically finished and is ready to go to the live server. Minor changes can be made, minor errors can be fixed but the majority of the game is already Set in STONE and Cannot be changed in a few days or in the couple of weeks before release. Major changes to game play will require many more weeks to months to, Write, Program, Troubleshoot and Test over and over again before it is even ready to be considered for an addition to the game. Your suggestions and feedback (if viable) will only be added to the game many months to years later and most will NEVER make into the game period and never just before release. This includes bugs as many are deeply embedded into the game code and can not be simply "Sprayed with Bug Spray" get rid of them. It will take time for BW to recreate the BUG, just because you report it does not mean they can find it or that it happens on their systems. Then they must fix the bug without destroying the rest of the code around the bug or create any new bugs as a result of the fix. I'm not defending BW by any means, there are many things that BW could and should have listened to players about. But there are also many things that BW DID listen to players about that wound up messing up game play, added new bugs and destroyed the story for many others.
  2. The DirectX drivers have been included with SWToR since it was released. Look for a folder called "Extras" you will find the DirectX 9 install files there. I also found that if .NET 3 is not installed on your computer this can also cause the "Play" button to be non-functional.
  3. Finding the HK-51 parts has never been hard, time consuming yes but hard, no. I have done this mission at least 15 times and it never takes more than an hour to find ANY part. Some are even found in as little as 10 minuets. A systematic approach is necessary in order to locate and find each part. As has been mentioned a GRID pattern will accomplish this. As for a Triangulation Enhancer your BRAIN is the only Triangulation Enhancer you need. Use it and you will find it easy to triangulate the location in your head. I will not bother telling you how to do that as it is something you should have been taught how to do in school HK-51 missions only requires that you have Patience, Perseverance but above all Intelligence. No you WILL NOT finish it in an hour or a day. IT WILL take Patience to hunt down, Intelligence to figure out what the scanner is telling you and Perseverance to find each piece. There is NO NEED for anything to be changed and as far as the Flashpoint, though it is a little harder it still can be done solo wearing GREEN gear. If it still too hard for you, then you can find a friend that will help you look for the parts (I believe that they do not need to be on the mission to search, they only need to have the scanner) and to do the flashpoint. Easy Peasy....
  4. BW Fixed it..... Much like you would FIX a male Dog, by cutting off it's....... BW did much the same thing. They cut off the games....... And we wound up with the same thing. A Neutered Game That Will Never Be Functional AGAIN....
  5. Reclaimed Treasure has not worked for close to 5 years and BW has their heads too far up their collective butts to fix it.... I even had a customer service rep aka GM try it with my character and they also could not get it to work.... that was 4 years ago... BUT BW STILL WILL NOT DO SH... CRAP TO FIX IT. I have several characters that CANNOT finish it
  6. My word are you two actually competing for WHO posted the workaround FIRST? Really.....
  7. It's a problem that has been around for years thou.... https://steamcommunity.com/groups/homestream/discussions/0/613938693171971956/ This is from 2014 in FF XIV...
  8. It's so weird... I can go for weeks without it happening then all of a sudden every time I click I'm looking at the sky. Then just as quickly it will stop.
  9. If you search hard enough you can still find old forum posts that complain about this happening in games from Wow to FFXIV and more. There is not much that can be done to help and nothing can be done to eliminate it
  10. True but I was on Koriban by the Sith Temple looking for I think it's the Head. 4 other people there looking too. When I found the piece I shouted out that I had found it and all 5 of us got the part. I know it's not much time but even now when I find a part, even if I don't see anyone, I will still shout out. If somebody has the mission and is near by they may still want to try and come get the piece.
  11. Many years ago this started happening when Microsoft upgraded DiretX 9 to 9.c. As far as I know it is a DirectX 9c bug. Microsoft has known about it for years and refuses to fix it because it is in an old DirectX system that is NO longer used. Except that SWToR is a DirectX 9 game. There are many mitigation attempts to stop it but most will only reduce the frequency of it happening. None will stop it completely. This happens in nearly EVERY MMO that still uses DirectX 9. Though some are more prone to it than others for some reason. I know for a while in EQ2 every time you touched the mouse you were looking at the SKY or turned around and running off of a cliff.
  12. The HK-51 mission is a log and arduous quest. It will take many hours of searching and looking in multiple location including going to the other factions home world and a flashpoint. It can be done, it just won't be done in one day. FYI Be courteous.... when searching for HK-51 parts, when you locate a part, SHOUT out in chat to others that might be looking for that part. They have one minuet to come to you and can collect the part you have uncovered. Be nice, help other players....
  13. Oops missed that.... 😧 But the thing is that what ever is causing this issue with the new launcher is most likely local to that particular PC and not so much with the launcher. Though they obviously changed something in the operation of the launcher that is now looking for a system that is no longer standard in windows, and with all the different versions and installs of windows that are it was inevitable that somebody would have problems. But it would also seem that the tools to fix and repair this were included in the games install files years ago since other than all the updates, my game files are the same ones I originally installed on my PC 8 years ago. And I have moved these files 5 times to different PCs as I upgraded my systems. Including yesterday when I copied it over to my new Laptop. I have NOT Installed SWToR in 8 years I simply copy it....
  14. No I did not install Visual C of any kind. I have been just simply copying my SWToR game folder to the new machine then copy over the 2 profile directorys from %AppData/local% to my new PC. I have been transfering my game from computer to computer this way for years. I never RE-Download the entire game to put it on a new PC. Other than the DirectX 9 files needing to be installed it has never before failed. It seems that the new Launcher may need a .NET version that is NOT included in the installation of the game.
  15. Just had that happen to me on a new laptop. I installed the game as I usually do but could not click on the "Play" button. What I found was that a .NET version was missing from my new laptop. In the game folder there should be a directory named "Extras". In that folder is an install for DirectX 9. I ran the installer and the first thing it did was to download and install a .NET version, I think it was version 3.0. It then installed any DirectX 9 files that were missing that SWToR needs. After doing this I was able to click on the "Play" button and play the game. Don't know if this will help you but it can't hurt to try.... Hope works for you too....😊 Oh something I just noticed in your post... My New Asus ROG laptop also is using an AMD processor but I am running Windows 10 pro not win 11. Have not gone that rout yet....
  16. If Player will leave because they can't have billions of credits, then so be it... LET THEM LEAVE. More will come to the game it will not die because a few primadonna's leave and the rest of the plays will enjoy the ability to finally be able to outfit their characters. And YES BW can take ANYTHING they want away..... In case you have forgotten. YOU OWN NOTHING IN THIS GAME. It all belongs to BW not you.
  17. Credit Syncs will only hurt players that do NOT have Hundreds of Millions to Billions of credits. It makes it very hard to get ahead when everything costs Millions of credits more, than you have. When you can't afford to repair your gear or use the local taxi, then Credit Sync becomes the problem. As a low level player I ran out of credits and did not have enough to pay the Taxi. I figured I'd go fight some mobs as I have done before. Well the mobs dropped NOTHING. I could not pay to get my gear repaired. Or pay for the shuttle off of Tython. I had to take a level 80 character and send credits to low level character, just so I could continue to play the game. I have not been able to buy ANYTHING off of the GTN for at least 3 to 4 years. I simply do not have the Hundreds of Millions to Billions of credits necessary to buy anything anymore. It's fortunate that I have played this game long enough to have been able to outfit my characters with enough collection gear that I no longer need to buy anything off of the stupidly over priced GTN. My suggestion for Inflation Control is a little more radical... Simply put, No Player can have MORE that 100 million Credits. NOTHING can cost more than 50 million Credits. Thus the Permanent end to Inflation. The permanent end to Credit Sellers, and Credit Farmers. The permanent ability for players to be able to outfit their characters they way the want, instead of what they can afford. Its not popular I know, but I don't care anymore. IT WILL end Inflation PERMANENTLY. Entitlement and Elitists rants.... To Follow....
  18. You most likely Vendor Trashed it.... If it's not in your collections, consider it gone..... GM's will return items only if they fell like it. Returning lost, deleted, sold or vendor trashed characters or property is NOT required and is only done as a courtesy. The most you can do is file a ticket and take your chances... But don't get your hope up if you do.
  19. Actually you can. Though you never have proof that Haken is ever reprimanded or arrested. After you kill the Sith on Kilran's ship, before you go back to the Esseles, when you talk to ambassador Assara, choose option #2 instead of #1, Ask to talk to her first. When you return to the Esseles, exchange between Ambassador Assara and Haken will be most interesting to say the least....
  20. Unfortunately being a "Founder" means nothing other than you get a special Title that nobody else can have. Kind of underwhelming I know but that is all it is.
  21. The chance of you getting a refund is more NONE than SLIM... Read EA's TOS and BW's EULA. All Sales are FINAL. There are NO refunds.... EVER. If they are feeling magnanimous then they might give you some time, but that has NEVER happened in all the years I have had a subscription running and I really don't think it will happen now. If you try to do an end around like a Charge Back. All that will accomplish is getting your account banned, your characters deleted and your subscription canceled. You Will Lose EVERYTHING. My suggesting is to EAT IT and GET OVER IT. Anything you try to do will most likely go very badly for you and your account.
  22. Try to remember this game runs on a highly modified 2008 version of a Beta copy of the Hero engine and uses DirectX 9c for its graphics rendering. All while using a Single CPU Core / Thread. In order to get the game to use more than one CPU Core / Thread, they MUST use 2 instances of the game running on your system simultaneously to achieve it. There is NO WAY this game could ever be Optimized for modern hardware. Not without a total rewrite and a new 64 bit engine using DirectX12.
  23. Level sync was useful at one time. But with the changes to level sync it now seems that if you're level 80 then you are penalized for being level 80. A level 40 character has more power and survivabilty on Tattoeen than a level 80 level synced does. My level 80's with 320 green garbage gear is weaker and dies easier and more often than my level 40 character with gear 110 points lower. So yes 90 to 110 gear has more power and mitigation than 320 rated gear. A level 80 with 320 gear will take about 90% more damage and do about 50% less damage than a level 43 character with 90 to 110 gear. Just another example of how Anti-Player SWToR has become. The general plan of BW now is to screw the player out of gear, power, and the ability to play and enjoy the game to the fullest for each player... Now BW only caters to the Elite and PvP players and all others can go Fork them selves.
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