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Everything posted by Nocturnalchemy

  1. Also, since there doesn't seem to be a better place to put suggestions for actual stronghold locations, I'd love to see: A two- or three-story Zakuulan penthouse (possibly up at the top of one of the atmosphere-breaching towers that isn't the Spire) Some kind of tropical island villa on Rishi or Rakata Prime A modest Alderaanian homestead (perhaps even with grazing nerfs outside!) A private space station or asteroid An underwater dome habitat in the shallows on Manaan Repurposed ancient Voss ruins
  2. A few thoughts (mostly on the Empire side of things, since that's where I tend to hang out): Red or white armored Imperial troops (as are found here and there throughout the galaxy) A Sith apprentice maybe taking some swings with a training blade (bonus points if it's not a Human or Maul-esque Zabrak; maybe a Cathar?) Those lightsaber display cases and the lightsaber crystal tray behind the (now former) Sith warrior vendor in the Odessen cantina Furniture with people sitting on (and/or otherwise interacting with) it Someone holding a hand-portable holo of another person (such as the one Blizz is holding in his spot in the Aliiance base on Odessen) A floating holoprojector droid with a full-sized talking and gesturing holo of a person under it Reclining dancers (like the one sitting on the floor next to the Hutt in the VIP area of Vaiken); male and/or female For that matter, Human and Mirialan dancers Personnel in Imperial military dress uniforms Some more T7-sized astromech and/or utility droid personnel Some Bith, Bothan, Cathar, Chiss, Duros, Gamorrean, Miraluka, Nikto, Ortolan, Rattataki, Rodian, Selkath, Weequay, and/or Zeltron personnel Personnel holding and using tablet computers (like the Evocii in the Vaiken Cartel bazaar) A Hutt
  3. My Sith's certainly not going to hold it against Lana that, while he was missing and presumed dead for half a decade, she got into a relationship with someone else. There are limits to chaste fidelity in a society - like the Sith - predicated upon embracing one's passions. After Koth's betrayal, she made her feelings (or lack thereof) clear to him.
  4. I was really hoping for that last title, personally.
  5. Between... ...they certainly seem to have sampled a few pages from Dragon Afge: Inquisition, though I'm certainly not complaining. I thought it was rather well done.
  6. Admittedly, not a difficult choice for my Sith marauder - save the first friend he made when he set out on this years-long journey to power; or a Mandalorian, whose culture venerates a glorious death in battle.
  7. Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing how the game grows around the premise of ruling one of the three biggest powers in the galaxy. Who knows where things go from here? Go out and recruit some more old faces from the class storylines and earlier expansions? Bonus side mission wherein we play a Knight of Zakuul (or a Scion, or whatever else) following some command of the empire's new leader? Hell, what about making use of the Legacy system to advance the timeline, actually have kids, and run off doing missions with them as they start to make their own mark on the galaxy?
  8. I managed to get 75 million or so for Senya's lightsaber on Jedi Covenant. I have no idea if the ones listed for more than that ever actually got bought, though.
  9. The packs being sold on the GTN are the same thing, yes, though I've generally found it to be cheaper to just directly buy what I want off of the GTN, rather than taking a chance on the packs. (Though, if you're looking for something of platinum rarity, you might - emphasis might - have better luck buying packs and trying to randomly pull it, or at least something comparable you can sell for enough to buy it with credits.) I earn the CC monthly, regardless, so it's not like I'm investing anything in that beyond my subscription.
  10. I have a tendency to just let my CC pile up and then go on a spending spree with it. This time, I did a smattering of alliance packs. Lucked out and pulled Senya's lightsaber from the very first one I opened, which nabbed me about 80 million credits on the GTN. That set me up nicely to buy pretty much everything else I was in the market for. I expect I'll do the same, down the line, when I've stocked up on more CC. If I get something awesome, I do. If not, I'll sell what I can for whatever I can get for it, and throw the rest at various alts and companions.
  11. I feel like this comes down to the notion that not everyone is interested in a relationship (Darth Marr, for instance, clearly loves only the Empire), and, even those who are, aren't necessarily interested in a relationship with you (Hylo Visz, for example, apparently goes for the "scummy and irresponsible" type). It seems very clear to me that what Vaylin wants is absolute command over her own destiny, without interference by anyone or anything else, and that requires absolute power. By your very nature as the Outlander, you stand in the way of that objective; you, in essence, exist to negate her foremost desire. Why she would fall for you is utterly beyond me.
  12. To be fair, those who've been wanting a romanceable male Force user are owed quite the backlog, at this point.
  13. It's not completely outside of the realm of possibility that a second chance with Vette may emerge during upcoming chapters of Knights of the Fallen Empire, but there's also no reason to necessarily expect such a thing, either.
  14. Captain Golah from Tatooine. He'd be a fantastic asset to Dr. Oggurobb's team.
  15. I'd definitely want that customization for 2V-R8 if such was available.
  16. Would I PVP if Expertise was removed? To be honest, I wouldn't PVP if you paid me to do it.
  17. I don't know if anyone's yet requested this, but is there any chance we might be able to get the lightsaber display cases behind Joal Torviss on Odessen, and/or the tray of red lightsaber crystals she's got sitting out beside her, as stronghold decorations?
  18. Whereas I'm all about, "Right, then. Time to get back to conquest and enforcing order on the galaxy." I mean, don't get me wrong: I actually love this arc with the Eternal Empire. But, eventually, I'm really hoping to get back to the central conflict of the setting.
  19. Indeed. I'm just saying that I think it's a safe bet to conclude that the alliance won't survive long past the completion of its primary objective. I mean, hell, my Sith warrior isn't doing this for the alliance - he's doing it to return the Empire to glory and to eventually claim its throne for himself. When that time comes, sure, he'll offer his new friends a place in that restored Empire but, if they refuse, then he'll just have to kill his new friends. And that's why the alliance doesn't work as a long-term entity - there are too many conflicts of interest and ideological differences for it to sustain itself after its goal is realized. I mean, picture the conversations: "So... everyone - subjugating entire planets, yea or nay? Because, I mean, this is a big thumbs-up for me, but I wanted to hear everyone's thoughts on it. Theron? Admiral Aygo? Both of you look like you want to say something..."
  20. But, that's the thing: the alliance is temporary. It can't last. The time will come when its objective is completed, and everyone goes home. It's a rag-tag band of exiles, misfits, and opportunists. An elite rag-tag band, to be sure - one which will eventually be capable of challenging the greatest power in the galaxy - but it's not a society, or even the foundation of one. The people from the Republic and the Empire who joined up did so not to create a new civilization, but instead to restore their original respective civilizations. The alliance answers the question, "What do we do about Zakuul, right now?" not, "How am I going to spend the rest of my life?"
  21. Certainly, but when all is said and done, those people who joined the alliance from the other side are going back to their side, and you'll all be trying to kill each other, again. No sense in shutting off one of the key defining characteristics of the game (Republic versus Empire) for the duration of a conflict that (one hopes, anyway) will not linger for the remainder of the life of the game.
  22. The way I see it, it's been made pretty clear that the Outlander is the only one who can unify the two factions, however grudgingly, for as long as it takes to deal with the Eternal Empire, and even that's going to be a stretch. We've been told that the majority of both Republic and Empire are quite happily warring with one another in a vastly lower-stakes version of the same conflict they had going on before Arcann rolled over the galaxy. There are a few representatives of the other side who are working with you because they absolutely have to, not because they want to, and they're pariahs and outcasts due to that choice. Presuming that the Eternal Empire will not also be the Eternal Antagonist, it seems pointless to figure out how to work around the faction coding for the duration of Arcann's arc, only to have it (quite likely) revert back to business as usual for Republic and Empire when the larger mutual threat has been dealt with.
  23. If we want to go waaaaaaay out there with theories about how to potentially get Darth Marr back... well, as the Outlander you've got Perhaps a massively ill-advised Dark Side choice (exercising Force abilities no mortal was meant to wield) is in order?
  24. It's somewhat disappointing that we're (thus far) unable to customize the outfits and appearance of the new companions. Hopefully, that's something that will be rectified in a patch in the not-too-distant future.
  25. While this may not necessarily be indicative of anything, I did at least find it interesting that, while working on my stronghold, I happened to set "Companions" decorations to "All," and I noted that both HK-55 and Darth Marr were present, there (though currently showing as 0/0).
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