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Everything posted by The_Natoorat

  1. Advanced Purple crystals are made by players and are in constant supply on GTN, but you need lvl 50 char to use it. Derelict Purple is from cartel packs (no longer available) and can be unlocked in collections, can be used by chars at lvl 10. Colour-wise they are a bit more pale than "regular" purple ones. Stats wise there are the same. Advanced Purple crystals are worth sth like 60k or so, depends if you are lucky Derelict ones are expensive (from 1.5M on Progenitor server) because can be used by all characters (and companions) in legacy after unlocking.
  2. @DommeRani Nice chars, good names too. I always have a problem with making up names. However I can't help to notice that all of them are... feminine. Not a bad thing, I like girls too but an ugly gender should get a chance as well, dont you tkink? Back on topic. I'm taking a break from my Agent, and focusing on my Jugg: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=246493991
  3. Yeah! Now, here is a screen that I made earlier: http://burritojustice.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/asteroids-wallpaper.png
  4. Tusken Raider Battle Cry. With sounds. On a loop. Great idea imo, though could be abused by some
  5. @ Haggardbr I see you've changed hair. Looks better IMO. Now, I've decided to alter clothes. I ditched "light scout" look, for more "medium recon": http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=242143797
  6. @Haggardbr Very "nice" char. "Sweet" might be the right word here Now mine; Imperial Agent, Deadly Sharpshooter, Mal'varus: (please ignore last [first in some cases] pic, that's my warrior) http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197970390996/screenshots/?appid=sc_53312&sort=newestfirst&browsefilter=myfiles&view=imagewall
  7. Hi, As title suggests, with constant increase in number of emotes, the list grew out of the screen. As far as I can see, there is no slider, so I can't access some of my emotes. Pic here: http://s28.postimg.org/6l9sbbzy5/swtor_2014_03_10_18_19_38_33.png I am aware that you can just write in chat "/emotename" and be done with it, but I can't remember all the names
  8. Well, that's all well and good, but... Does SWTOR have any screenshot tools? Free camera for example? Lens length control? Eh... Anything?
  9. Sith Warrior on Dromund Kaas, in a camp outside Dark Temple, where one guy asks if I am here to help with his problem. My reply: "I'm here just to check the plumbing."
  10. Trooper/Mercenary/Sniper/EveryOtherToon : "I have one Pazaak card of every person I killed. Now I had to hire a cargo ship just to carry those blasted cards around!" But on topic: Brilliant idea! Asking for "Born to Kill" written on chest piece would be to much, but could be cool. More stuff with personal additions please!
  11. Ha! The first I saw it I thought it is rather cool (if not practical) looking set (apart from the head-bucket). Of the hypercrate I got 2 of those, so I guess it's going to be rather common armour. After putting it on my char, I have to say, it made my Sentinel look like sado-maso "adult-movie" (because the word "****" is blocked) star . I'll stick to Thana Vesh's chest piece, looks way better imo. But I have to say that boots and gloves look good. Will mix to get cool results.
  12. Yes! As the title suggests, I would like to see Cartel Market Certificates on sale directly through Cartel Market, as an addition to Cartel Packs. Now they are available only in Cartel Packs, but the chance of finding one is very low (I think it's 10%). The idea is that we can buy CTCs that we are short on, ie: I still need 2 Certificates to get a mount, and if I can get Certs independently I would do so in an instant. As such, I propose introducing Cartel Market Certificates to Cartel Market, with recommended price of 600CC. CTCs would still be available in Packs. Given that we need several Certs to get stuff from vendors, I think it would not be 'unbalancing' for game's economy or deterring people from buying Packs.
  13. I see this thread focused on Sticks-Of-Joy as primary means of control. Personally, it doesn't bother me much, but I'm a silly person (and I don'thave a joystick, as my previous one got broken in 'Dive, Dive, Dive' mission in FreeSpace 2 ;/ ). On the other hand, if you don't mind, I would like to paste here a post from my other thread in 'Suggestion Box' which everyone ignored. Oh well. It's just a collection of more general ideas concerning GSF.
  14. So, Galactic StarFigher is out. Has been for last couple of days, and people had a chance to try it out and see what's what. I think now is the time to start talking about what we want to change/add to GSF. So without further delay, here are my ideas: 1) Gaining XP. I've been playing GSF solely as my Imp Agent. My level is 25... and I haven't started Balmorra yet. I don't know what lvl requirement is to join GSF but lvling with it is so fast it breaks the 'main' game without adding anything to GSF itself. I would recommend lowering XP gain at least by 75%, or better still, get rid of it completely and give only legacy XP. 2) Ship customisation. At the moment it's very limited, just paintjob, weapon's and thruster's colour. We need more options: different wings, thrusters moved to different locations, more paint options, decals (symbols?), engine sounds etc. More ships are welcome but they should be very different from the ones already available. Just give more customisation options, being added regularly to keep us 'in the game' with the ship we have invested our time in. 3) Crew XP and level. Here is an idea! After each battle we get some 'crew xp' that we can allocate to any of our crew members. After getting enough XP, crew member rises its level getting small bonus to its skill/abilities. It would be a very small bonus, eg 1% reduction is skill cooldown on lvl 1, 1% increase is ability magnitude (eg secondary wpn ammo) with lvl 2 etc. 4) GSF Headquarters Right now GSF feels disconnected from the game, you just press 'h' and there you go. How about optional physical place that we go to, to launch GSF battles? Let's say we go to our faction's fleet, than to a new capital ship (through inter-fleet transport) and there in a hangar are terminals that open usual GSF window. That is only an option, everyone can still just press 'h' when- and wherever they want, but using HQ would give extra 5% requisition points (or whatever they are called). 5) Co-pilot comm chatter. I find it very annoying, mostly because co-pilot attempts to be funny. It isn't. Now I'm using an astromech droid, its squeeks are less annoying than other crew members. Please do something about that. The easy thing would be an option to disable comm chatter altogether, the more difficult thing would be making co-pilot's comments more professional (that is shorter and more to the point). 6) More maps and match types. I'm certain that it's just a matter of time before more maps/gamemodes will be added, just wanted to bring that point up. New modes such as 'Team Death Match' or 'Free For All' could be an interesting addition. Maybe turn-based Assault/Defence? Also new maps that have obsticles are welcome. Some people are complaining that they are crushing into the astroids, but that's the point! Dogfights (especially between scouts) in asteroid field produce so much more adrenaline. That's all for now, if you have anything to say/add do not hesitate show no mercy.
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