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Everything posted by LighterDarker

  1. Well... i've been hooked because of my guild. We're an RP guild on the Jedi Covenent and although we're rebuilding I just always think of the future of that guild and if there's any way to improve it. Maybe you should join a guild.
  2. Gree coming up, The Space Expansion and Double XP weekend... I'm a really looking forward to the months to come.
  3. I am a true patriot of the Empire, and the only reason is because I can't stand the Republic they lie to their people , the Jedi and the Republic are a bunch of hypocrites, The Jedi study and teach hypocrisy....... atleast the Sith and the Empire are honest about their doings :
  4. I agree with you on the first part, Jedi are no different they scheme and lie, remeber that one mission on Balmorra that you do for Darth Lacris? The evidence was as clear as day that the Jedi and the Republic were invovled. If you choose to kill Cheketa, the Republic and Jedi Lie that they were not involved at all. The Jedi are hypocrites, they practice hypocrisy, that is something I cannont stand. Atleast the Sith are honest about.
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