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Everything posted by JediJuliusDavin

  1. I'm an East Coaster and /signed. It defeats the point to put a 'West coast' server on the East coast. It makes no sense and is a slap in the face to many players.
  2. I'm glad someone else noticed that thread lol. I'm still sad some of the cool Jedi sets like the Stormguard and Resolute Guardian suffer from a big-butt glitch. Apparently the devs actually fixed it once earlier in the games life too. Hopefully it'll be fixed along with the shiny eyes. Both are quite annoying visual bugs.
  3. They have been bringing back lots of the old Rakata/Columi gear via both Cartel Market (especially during and just after the Nightlife packs) as well as the Galactic Conquest crates recently. I really do hope they bring back the Centurion Force Master gear in someway. It really was an awesome set.
  4. I'm still angry about them removing the old planetary vendors and Flashpoint loot. Just why BW? What did you all gain from removing those?
  5. I second this request as well. The wait times especially on the Possessed Hunter and even still somewhat the Face Merchants are too long. I'd even add the Mandalorians for the Personal Challenge (2+) Heroic on Dromund Kaas respawning faster as well since you have to kill a bit more than half of them just to fight the final boss and its not instanced. Plus, if we are going to get multiple servers of people jammed into each megaserver the Heroics really have to be adjusted to remain accessible.
  6. So I think when 5.2 (approximately) hit, I noticed that in many full length, tucked under the belt robes, my Jedi's...rear, is inflated beyond its usual size pre-bug. I've noticed that it affects the Jedi Stormguard, Resolute Guardian, Guardian's Maelstrom, and other similar robes. Valiant Jedi appears unaffected. Some Agent and Smuggler style knee/calf length Jackets (such as Troublemaker's Duster, etc) also appear affected. Here is a quick imgur album I made showing the problem with some screenshots, using the Guardian Maelstrom chest (big butt) as an example and the Dashing Hero chest (normal butt) (exposed chest and abs) as what the butt should roughly look like pre-bug. https://imgur.com/a/GGRp4 If we're getting the shiny eyes fixed, maybe the devs could take a look into this bug too? (It was fixed once before). Thanks for looking and reading! Edit: Here's a thread in August also noticing the issue http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=929002&highlight=big-butt
  7. They were 'replaced' by old, fairly rare (these day) Shipment 1 armor sets, which is when they still actually kind of released armor based on the 8 classes. It is kind of welcome (imo) to see such old armor sets and weapons from Shipment 1 up for pretty cheap direct sale for those that don't have them. Whether or not they actually view it as a 'replacement' is unknown to me. That being said, it does seem very weird to remove the 8 original class-inspired armor sets (Valiant Jedi, Sith Raider, etc.) I hope it's an accident or only temporary since those 8 sets were generally pretty cool and a good base template for each class. Also, yes the Phantom armor Hood does need to be fixed or corrected to be accurate in the picture.
  8. I know right? I'd take those any day over the the 'Agile Sentinel's' set, or really any of the sets they've been putting out lately.
  9. I'd be slightly surprised if we didn't have a sale either around Black Friday/ Cyber Monday or Christmas time. It is about time for another one imo.
  10. I'm definitely going to buy at least two of the four. I LOVE these direct sales they've been doing. Much better than gambling imo.
  11. Exactly, the KOTOR 2 Jedi robes are darn near perfect! I'd love to see them in the game along with the other KOTOR 1/2 stuff they've added.
  12. They've removed so many of the good armor sets from the game. Rakata/Columi/Centurion/etc kind of make sense (progression and all that) but removing nice armor sets like the former Flashpoint armor sets is kind of annoying. I still use the Maelstrom Guardian and Marauder sets on those respective characters. I also wish there were more crafters making old armor sets too for the looks. I definitely enjoyed the earlier armor aesthetics and class archetype armors of Vanilla SWTOR more so than all this abstract Outlander/Iokath/Umbara stuff.
  13. Sad thing is, there actually IS an NPC wearing a hood down Exiled Master robe. http://imgur.com/rRCZkF3 I don't know why they won't give it to us players.
  14. I don't know why they keep releasing hair styles with the coloring problem. I don't see why they don't just give them the same colors as vanilla hair. Is it a glitch? Just not trying? An inside joke? Either way, its not worth the price until they fix it imo.
  15. Oh come on, they have to be teasing or mocking us. They give the Exiled Master Robes with the hood down to an NPC but won't give it to us?
  16. What a shame, I thought I was imagining things when my Knight's rear looked larger than usual in his robe. Then I noticed the big butt on just about all of my characters. This is not good. Plz Bioware, you fixed it once.
  17. Somebody hasn't played Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II, which takes place before SWTOR. http://imgur.com/9ha8ELu These robes were in it.
  18. Thank you for the comparison. Now I definitely prefer the KotFE Lana over the KotET Lana.
  19. Yeah, I want Lana back to her 4.0 appearance. I don't know why they had to change her from Vanilla KotFE to KotET.
  20. Thank goodness, I thought I was just seeing things. I'm so happy some other people have noticed this! I also think she looks worse than in KoTFE, but since her model change was a bit less obvious than Senya's I thought it was just the lighting or I was going nuts.
  21. Yeah, I think that the robe animations/physics have always been pretty mediocre when it came to actually interacting with the player model. Maybe a bit more weight and stiffness would help, but even when it was heavier, high speeds and rapid turns could make it goof up with certain abilities. I think it really needs more improvement as far as collisions with the player model go.
  22. -The new character face wrinkle system is excellent. I love seeing people's face actually form wrinkles properly with a variety of different expressions. It makes everyone feel much more organic and less perpetual baby/perfect hollywood faced. I love that it even works on players, so that we actually look a bit older in a lot of shots. -The cloth animation system has changed. Back in Early vanilla/beta, cloth on robes, etc was much lighter and would blow in the wind significantly even when just running. It also sprang around following momentum. After a little while (maybe 2 or 2 1/2 years ago from now) the cloth was changed to be much heavier, sticking closer to the player. Now in 5.0, it is much closer, but not quite as light as the beta/early cloth. I think it is a decent balance in cloth animation that we have now. It flaps in the wind and lot and feels light, but it isn't almost weightless like in beta/early vanilla. EDIT: Maybe i spoke a bit soon about the cloth animations. I love how they look when running, but it appears that some abilities cause them to catch on the player a bit more than when they were (much) heavier. -The new optimizations feel very good, well done. Just some things I've noticed. I think the changes/improvements were all quite nice and much needed! Anyone else noticed the lighter robe physics/animation (flapping cloth when you move, etc)? (which I honestly REALLY like.)
  23. I'm always happy to see more optimizations. I'm also REALLY happy to see improvements to character facial expressions. In the livestream, it looked like an actual kind of simulated wrinkle system (raise eyebrows, forehead wrinkles appears, squint your eyes, get those wrinkles around your eyes.) It'll really help make faces look much better.
  24. If you are just going to reset the achievements after the event, doesn't that defeat the point of achievements?
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