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Everything posted by JediJuliusDavin

  1. Except prequel robes were in KOTOR 2, so their existence prior to TOR is valid. And Relnex's? You mean that weird thing with the belt outside the robe and the wierd skin tight sleeves instead of full long sleeves? Oh and a tabard that looks tucked into the pants? It's got the colors and the textures, not so much the model (though the hood down on back is perfect size in my opinion, not too massive, but not too small for a hood flopped down on the back.)
  2. New Cartel Pack (for items anyway. They screwed up with the whole chance cube thing, thank goodness for GTN.)
  3. This thread suffers from a lack of a certain crusader for Prequel Jedi Robes. *Reaches out through the force.*
  4. Exiled Masters set, oh wait it has a huge nerf herding backpack. In all seriousness, I use Atris' robes with a Regal apparel miniskirt (on guys) Carth Onasi's boots and covert gloves.
  5. I sent you a PM about it. I hope this means that the robe without a backpack could be just behind the Exiled Master's set.
  6. I was reading that the backpack and straps were literally a separate model just tacked on to the robes. I wonder what the Firebrand pack(s?) hold in store for Jedi robes?
  7. The skimpy armor with no stomach or forearm covering doesn't count.
  8. They are making it so you can get this cube INSTEAD of one of your item rolls, THEN you roll it and you may very well get an older item instead of, well, you know, a pack item that you paid for?
  9. Because I buy new packs to get new items darn it! If I wanted old items I'd get the grand pack! Now it's going to be even harder to get new stuff from the pack because whooptee doo! You got a gold armor set from 3 years ago rather than the already hard to get new Gold set! They are just trying to get as much money as they can. These changes make me even less likely to buy any cartel packs (I never did anyway.) Luckily for them my sub is still helping with those paychecks. (For now Eric...)
  10. Me too. But hey if it doesn't, more time to save credits.
  11. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for today's maintenance/refresh. If not, then it'll be around 4.1. More time to save money for the Jedi Robes I guess.
  12. But this person has A. Done nothing else on their account. B. Moves suddenly and abruptly the exact same way throughout the environment. C. Does not respond to any attempts at communication. D. Ran into a wall for 3 hours straight. B and D don't sound particularly human in nature and A and C are similar symptoms to a macro. Im not aiming to ban the person, since the account is honestly none of my business. But they patched treasure chests giving out credits. So BW does care if bots farm an area, at least they used to. And gold sellers wouldn't happen if people never ever bought the credits. I never buy them, tell that to the people who do.
  13. So lately, I've been noticing bots hanging out more and around the Elites in the Black Hole area that consistently drop around 1000 credits and a guaranteed item of green or higher quality. Can someone look into patching this spot?
  14. Our speeders will never be able to move as fast as say taxis, since taxis are on a pre determined flight path. On speeders, we are probably close to the maximum speed for optimal rendering and loading. If we went too fast, we could very well have sync issues as well a graphical errors from pushing the engine too hard on a non fixed travel path.
  15. Ohhhhhh boy....yeeeaaaah...you don't really know the pickle SWTOR is in as far as engine and graphics go, do you? We have a modified hero engine, and while it works-kinda-maybe, the hero engine developers have/had a brand new, better, updated version, while we just kind of have our version, that is laggy, and somewhat inefficient. To overhaul the graphics,and by extension, parts of the engine, would require an investment of time and money. Furthermore,our character models would need to be proportionally reworked slightly if you desire photorealistic, which also means adjusting every single model currently in game and checking for clipping. To obtain photo realistic results is a laughably unrealistic idea right now with our take on the old hero engine without gutting the game, and causing a significant use of EA's/Bioware's resources, which further hinders the odds of it happening. I do support improvements where possible. But we are so far along in the complete game, an overhaul is very unlikely and inconvenient.
  16. Double focuses? And I agree, an option to have a saberless stance would be cool.
  17. This ^. The economy is already in turmoil due to the (patched) replication glitch, the brief lack of armor repair fees, the removal of skill train costs and the mission scaling to level (dailies give more.) A double credits time would make inflation even worse.
  18. Would you say the same thing if all the force user comps were male instead of female?
  19. 1. Apparently you are a sub to post on the site. 2. What do you mean cost less? Cost less credits or cc? If you mean credits, the credit cap is there as a sub incentive, but you can get just about any non GTN item you need for 350k (preferred cap) of less. If you mean CC, what would being a non sub have to do with that?
  20. If you used a single bladed lightsaber, all of your me lee attacks would do less damage than a double saber anyway. Juggernaut and Sorceror are your single bladed options.
  21. I have seen the set and the pictures/statue that inspire it. It looks cool, and I think the set still could come out very nicely. I hate that they keep skipping around the Jedi Robes as closely as possible. Best case scenario: This is just a test run of an armor set to see how Jedi robes turn out as far as texturing and clipping go without just releasing it and fixing it after the fact. Worst case scenario: All future robes have larger backpacks and spiked football shoulder pads.
  22. I really really want the Jedi Robe from KOTOR II, especially just the good ole 'Jedi' set on the page you provided. The Mical set would be nice too.
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