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Everything posted by Valceanu

  1. Your point doesn't stand though as you're trying to say ep.2 was bad and it only made money cause of SW when it's really not. It's not the best but it's not bad either... Got a few awards in it's day if memory serves.
  2. Again you're speculating a lot. Hyperspace travel is not that straight forward especially hitting a moving target. And again, the damage a missile would do is the same whether it could fit a hyperdrive of not. As for it avoiding detection and destruction, a missile doesnt have the human intelligence and piloting skills behind it so it would presumably easily be shot down. It would probably never get close enough. I would assume that seismic charge loaded missile would be more effective if loaded on a ship with a pilot and fired from close range... That I could get behind. Hyperspace on missile? Can't really see that being as effective...
  3. Well as far as I know what he says about nukes is true... They detonate "above the ground"... As in, before they would impact the target. The impact would destroy the missile before it got a chance to do it's job... At least that's how i remember it. As for hyperdrive weapons... We have so far not seen anything smaller then an x-wing be able to hold a hyperdrive... It might well be impossible to fit a hyperdrive onto a missile. Sure, to can make a larger missile but how would that stop the enemy from simply "shooting it out of the sky" and destroying in before it has a chance to get close enough and make the calculations for the jump to light speed? It worked with the big ship simply cause it was to big to blow up before making the jump... But it's really not cost effective to sacrifice ships that way on the off chance that it actually works... It is essentially a "hail Mary". The whole resin it worked in the first place is because of the sheer mass of the rebel ship. A small object would probably puncture through but do very little damage to speak of. Would it even do more damage then your standard exploding missile? Debatable. Even if you were to combine them and assume that you could come crashing with it through hyperspace (assuming you didn't have to get close to begin with and that your target was stationary - cause a moving target I would assume would fudge up the calculations if you wanted to hit it) why would it deal any more damage on impact then a regular missile as it would explode instantly on impact?! Again, imho the only reason this tactic even worked in TLJ is the sheer mass you are propelling and the fact that it was large enough to not be blown away before it could do it's hail Mary...
  4. This is actually pretty difficult... Let's see: 1. A new hope - this is the one that started it all. 2. The empire strikes back - character development, getting introduced to Boba Fett, getting to see more of what Vader is about and ofc who can forget "I am your father" 3. Revenge of the sith - fitting conclusion to the prequel trilogy, the fall of Anakin... I actually thought Hayden did a decent job with the role in this one. 4. Rogue one - I thought this one was well done, gave us some back story, fleshed out the force some more and what it's about as we got to see more then just Jedi and Sith with the story of the Whills etc. I would like more SW that is not focused on Jedi in general. 5. The last Jedi - developed some on the new characters more and went even deeper into the idea that the force has a will of it's own and actively tries to achieve balance. I thought Luke's end was fitting for a relatively powerful but ultimately flawed Jedi which is what we saw in the OT. He was never established in the movies as any sort of powerhouse and I think the way they developed him was ok. 6. Return of the Jedi - the Ewoks while cute and funny bring this one down a lot. They are infinitely worse then the new funny little animals in TLJ because they actively change the outcome of the story. Requires quite a bit of suspension of disbelief. 7. Attack of the Clones - I like me some bounty hunters and I like Jango too. Also like the all out war type scenario. Not so much a fan of the interaction between Anakin and Padme but it is what it is. 8. The phantom menace - fudged it with midichlorians and in general I thought it was not that great of a movie but I did like Maul... Was just sorry they killed him off so soon. 9. The force awakens - too much of a copy of ANH for me which was disappointing from JJ. Wish he'd gone in another direction but I can understand why he didn't judging by some of the reaction to TLJ which I thought was a far better movie personally.
  5. Something tells me that this year will be better for swtor then the last couple have been. The reality of the situation is that ofc the game had lost players and that has lead to server merges... But the fact that they have performed the merges while at the same time investing consistently in hardware for the remaining severe tells me that they have observed a relatively constant player base over the last couple of years. If you look at it from a certain point of view the merges (coupled with the investment in hardware) are actually a good thing. Why? Because it suggests EA/Bioware have finally come to the realization that this (what we have now) is the by and large as big as the game is ever going to get. Why is that good? Well because it means that enough time has passed and enough data gathered (with regard to the player base) that EA/Bioware can now fairly accurately predict future earnings. Which might make them less apprehensive about putting money into the game. It may be that they have been fairly reticent to make any significant investment simply due to the concern that it will not yield good return (because of the relatively big fluctuations in player numbers -mostly in a downward direction I would assume). Now that they have a fairly accurate picture it may be that we will see slightly more investment coming TORs way. Will it be huge? Probably not... But more then in previous years? I think it's a distinct possibility. I realize the point I'm trying to make is a bit convoluted but hopefully it makes sense for the most part... lol
  6. Oh the number was pulled our of my *** admittedly. I never got into the EU much personally and only the Thrawn stuff really captured my interest to any significant degree and i never picked up something that didnt come well recommended (this is true for books outside the SW universe also). A lot of the stuff i accidentally came into contact with seemed poorly written though... and not in the sense described above with regard to ridiculousness... i mean the writing style itself. I very much include the novelization of the OT itself in this... it was all very simplistic compared to some of the more "serious" books i've read (i'm not gonna throw a curve ball and compare it to something like Dostoievski but with something in-genre like Frank Herbert's Dune series or virtually anything by Asimov). This ofc boils down to the writing skill of the author rather then his/her imagination. I'll be honest... a lot of my impression of the EU books is based on second hand information or reviews etc. but i got the feeling that a lot of the authors weren't very good and it was a case of writing SW cause SW sells. But if you have any recommendations of EU books that are solid in both plot as well as writing i'd be happy to have a look...
  7. If you didn't catch my drift I'm done feeding the troll. I'm sure you're far more qualified then all the critics when it comes to rating a movie... lol. You've shown your true colors... So we're done here.
  8. Ah I see... Presenting an opinion as fact. Trademark of an "adult"... lol. Methinks we have been baited by a troll...
  9. Mate are you slow? Nobody ever said the movie was perfect. Even I thought the bit with Leia floating through space was stretching it (though technically even a regular person can survive in space for around a minute) and I agree that the part with the casino planet could have been shortened or scrapped altogether... But overall the movie is enjoyable. That's it. I don't need to dissect it every which way. That is also backed up by the polls that were conducted which clearly show a high approval rating for the movie with the majority of viewers either loving or liking the movie...
  10. Yes yes Kevin Smith. Unlike you I don't have them prepared in advance to use in an internet argument. And no I didn't listen to all of it cause unlike you I actually have a life. Just bits and parts. But for both videos the tone was that while the movie had it's flaws (and the EU has plenty more to be clear) it was an enjoyable movie. Simple as that... Both overall positive reviews. Oh, and then there are the critics who actually know a but about the art of movie making and who have had overwhelmingly positive reviews. You can claim conspiracy theories but you have to prove them to have any sort of credibility. And you can't.
  11. This is very true actually... All of the video reviews I've seen are positive for the most part. Even the one from "Silent Bob" ... Can't remember the name of the actor lol.
  12. I don't care that some people didn't like it... There are plenty of good reviews on YouTube also. By all accounts more then half the people liked it which makes a simple majority. Just cause the same people keep whining over and over doesnt make them right. Also, the critics liked it... And these guys are more qualified to talk about the quality of a movie then a know-nothing fan who is upset the storyline didn't turn out like he wanted it to. You have no authority as far as movie making goes, no authority as far as star wars goes, and no authority to speak for anyone else other then yourself. You didn't like the movie... I don't care. And kid, don't presume you know anything about me...
  13. again with the "kids" stuff... after you have been proven wrong already on that point as there are plenty of adults who prefer the new canon to the EU. And that is a stupid argument either way. But whatever, you have proven time and again that your bias dictates your argument not reason or logic. It about you, you, you... The owner of the license can absolutely decide what is established canon and what is not (what we now call Legends) and it has done so. Cry me a river why dont you...
  14. hehehehe... you got bites. Must be using a good lure. Player vs Player but not with other players... good one... lol.
  15. come on guys it cant be that hard for them to do a "soft" reset... A certain traitor will surely be part of a plot to get rid of the alliance and the eternal fleet in the process by way of some super-weapon or another thereby forcing the player character to turn to their original faction for aid and allies. The player character is gradually re-integrated into the structure of his faction while working towards killing/apprehending said traitor and destroying the super-weapon that could potentially pose a threat to the faction itself... you would also be doing it to prevent the opposing faction from getting their hands on the super weapon. And then you go back to fight your classic nemesis which would be the opposing faction as the story rages on with yet another twist...
  16. That was for all the rights, and the EU contributed very little to that. The cinematic universe is where the money is. And how much have they made with the 3 movies out so far? Oh right, they have recouped the investment and are already in the green with some hundreds of millions in profit... So even from a financial standpoint they are doing quite well with the franchise...
  17. You can't speed up... That's my point. The sub-light engines have a maximum output which is presumably the speed at which the chase took place for both sides vessels. The ships don't go any faster then that. To go to light speed you'd have to use the hyperdrive to make a jump. We don't even know if such short jumps are possible in the SW universe given that light speed happens in hyperspace not in real space and they travel on known hyperspace routes. Naturally when the rebels run out of fuel they can't continue to accelerate which doesn't cause them to lose speed per say but they would be "slowing down" in relation to the first order ships which would continue to accelerate because they still had thrust. I didn't check of the rebel ships were effectively slowing down (which admittedly would be silly) or they were "slowing down" in relation to the first order (which would be logical). There is not maximum speed in this case... you would continue to accelerate for as long as you had thrust... unfortunately the rebels didnt have it anymore since they were out of fuel else they could have gotten away...
  18. just cause you say so doesnt make it true... quite simply... you are wrong. See, normally me saying that wouldnt make it true (cause neither of us can say definitively one way or another... we can only speak for ourselves and not in universal truths) but since i applied your logic (or lack thereof) then it means it is so.
  19. "Acceleration and Velocity in Space It's my understanding that if a space-going vessel continued to burn its engines non-stop, then regardless of the power of the engines (or the fuel used) the vessel would continue to accelerate until the fuel ran out. Then it would coast at a constant speed. A friend said that this is incorrect and that each fuel used in space has a maximum speed, and that once that speed is attained the vessel will be at a constant speed, even if the engines are on continuously. Which is true? The short answer is, "You're right and your friend is wrong." This question was answered by Newton when he concluded that acceleration (and not velocity) was proportional to the force applied to an object. Another of his laws was that once set in motion (such as when a spacecraft is coasting after burning its fuel), the object travels in a straight line at a constant speed unless acted upon by another force. Probably the greatest reason for misunderstanding this aspect of classical physics is the modern car. We know that to drive at a constant speed we need to burn fuel. What we forget is that a moving car experiences friction in the form of air resistance. The soft tires also consume energy as they flex and turn. The fuel burned in the engine is overcoming those forces to allow the car to move at a constant speed. Newton would have loved space. There is no air resistance. There is only gravity. Once a spacecraft is accelerated to a given speed, the engine is turned off and the craft coasts forever with its trajectory affected only by the force of gravity. The best example of this I know is the Voyager 1 & 2 spacecraft. They were launched in 1977 and went to Jupiter and Saturn. Voyager 2 went on to Uranus and Neptune. Their trajectories were affected by gravity during their swings past the planets, but they continue to coast ever outward. Today they are nearly 90 times as far from the Sun as is the Earth and probing the region where space dominated by our Sun meets interstellar space. And on they coast, not burning any fuel. They move at a constant velocity, looking, recording, and teaching us more every day. So you see, the beauty of space is that it is really much simpler than physics here on Earth. Dr. Charles Smith" - quoted from https://helios.gsfc.nasa.gov/qa_sp_ms.html Therefore the Empire WOULD catch up to the rebels once the rebels ran out of speed using only sub-light engines assuming both ships were travelling at maximum sub-light engine speed. As far as i understand it this confirms my earlier assumption. Continued thrust/acceleration would cause the First Order to catch up with the rebels eventually once the rebels could no longer accelerate having run out of fuel. Your point about light speed might or might not be correct. From what ive seen in SW movies in that universe Light Speed doesnt use the same engines it uses a hyperdrive and you "jump to lightspeed" rather then accelerate towards it . This requires quite some calculation, knowledge of hyperspace routes etc etc. It doesnt seem to be something you do so easily over short distances. It is unclear to me if within the confines of what we know works in the SW universe as FTL travel they could jump just ahead of the rebels or not. I would guess not since they chose to go with this... But i dont know either way. The chase itself though doesnt defy physics as stated above... at least from what i understand.
  20. Disney canon is still better then 90% of the EU as is very well exemplified in another thread on these very boards (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=940958). Also, odds are you are no older then the person you are calling "kid" as if it were impossible for someone who grew up with star wars to like the new movies. Well let me tell you right here and now... You're wrong. I grew up with SW. I had the movie on VHS as a kid and could mute the movie and recite the lines that's how much I loved them. I had the novelization of the movies which I read... But most of the EU I never acquired a taste for aside from the Thrawn books. Most of the post ep.6 EU for me was either poorly written and/or filled with ridiculousness. Sure, id like the old republic era to be canon, the KOTOR games and even SWTOR... but most of the post ep. 6 stuff I'm not sorry to see go at all. Trying to make an argument based of a presumed position of authority does nothing to strengthen your argument. In fact all you manage to do is seem bitter.
  21. This isn't exactly my strong suit but in my mind when it comes to space flight it's a matter of acceleration (and how long you can maintain it) rather then flat out top speed or indeed slowing down as it were. So the longer you can maintain thrust the more momentum you pick up over time essentially. The lighter rebel ships would accelerate faster which is why the first order ships couldn't catch up but once they ran out of fuel they were stuck at the speed they had run out of fuel at while the first order ships would continue to accelerate even though at a slower rate until eventually catching up. At least that is the way I interpreted it... Though like I said space flight isn't exactly up my alley. Please someone correct me if I'm wrong and explain how it works. All of this assumes that you don't enter the gravitational field of a celestial body ofc or encounter other particles out there capable of causing friction...
  22. Thank you OP for this thread. I agree with it so very much. Personally I hope official cannon stays away from the uber godlike force wielders like other folks exemplified. Ripping the core out of a sun by using the force... Really?!?!
  23. I actually also like the gearing system in place now. I view the creates as a "free" addition to other types of gearing. If i get some missing pieces in creates i don't have to spend components on them (or farm them via Ops). If not, I've lost nothing cause the crates come simply by virtue of me playing the game as i would anyway. Why would anyone care how someone else gets their gear? You like to do ops, great... You'll likely get it faster then someone who only does solo content. You like PvP, great... You'll likely get gear faster then those that only do solo content. You do only solo? Sure, you can get the gear, it will just take much longer... But you can still get it. And why not? You invest time and money into the game the same as everyone else. If you participate in all types of content (solo, grouped and PvP) you should be able to gear yourself the fastest... I don't see anything wrong with that.
  24. oh how rich... so whoever was not versed in or not interested in the EU is of less "quality" as a fan?! please... a lot of the EU is fan fiction level (im talking about the novels here mostly) and poorly written (there are a few exceptions ofc). But the fact remains EU is NOT cannon so i dont really care how one character or another was portrayed in the EU... it has no relevance to the cinematic universe which is cannon. Its as simple as that. I can start writing an EU novel tomorrow and develop characters in accordance with my own view. People can like it or not but it will still be part of the EU. So in terms of quality vs quantity it is in fact the EU that suffers not the SW fan base. As opposed to you i consider the opinion of those cant let go of the EU less relevant when it comes to judging the movie specifically because their opinion was always going to be biased against it. but thats just it... someone who learns how to fight WITHOUT the use of the force will generally be more versed in combat specifically because they do NOT use the force as a crutch to augment their fighting. When they finally do end up tapping into the force their fighting level will be higher then that of someone who has always only ever fought WITH the force. I'm talking about martial combat here obviously not the use of force powers... in the case of those it was made pretty evident that Rey has an incredibly strong innate connection to the force even by force user standards. Whether you like how it was done or not is a matter of taste ofc... but its not that hard to believe from where i stand.
  25. i very much disagree with your post mate. Ofc you are completely within your right to have an opinion but for me it doesnt hold water. For one thing Rey is a competent fighter right from the off. That fact is established from TFA. Due to having to survive on her own on Jakku she developed certain skill, combat skills included. She also had a very strong connection to the force naturally (i still harbor some doubt as to whether her parents were really nobodies or if we will have an interesting reveal in the next movie). As for Kylo being trained by the "one of the greatest jedi master of all time"... when is that ever established? Which ties in to your second point where you say Luke is the one of the most powerful Jedi ever. Based on what evidence? The fact of the matter is he was always portrayed as a flawed (albeit good at his core) individual. He ended up defeating an aged and half mechanical Vader only once he effectively tapped into the dark side (letting his emotions take control, using his anger when Vader threatens Leia etc.). He's always had that in him being the son of Anakin and all - which does a lot to explain his moment of weakness towards Kylo. Moreover, he was effectively butt-whooped by Palpatine and it was only due to Vader's betrayal that Palpatine was killed... Nowhere is it established that Luke was in fact all that powerful. Sure, he would have refined his skills over the year to a degree but he also cut himself off from the Force for a number of years before the events of TLJ... the astral projection thing understandably took a lot out of him as he did it over a significant distance. Also, saying he got "pwned" by it is a gross over-simplification... My interpretation was that when all was said and done Luke purposely chose to move on (effectively stepping down) to allow Rey to fulfill her own potential and destiny. The EU/Legends is not cannon so no matter how powerful one author or another chose to portray Luke that doesnt make it so in the movie/cannon universe. When it comes to force ghosts you have to remember that the Force has a will of its own, a fact established throughout the SW universe. Even in this movie we are told that the force itself is trying to "create" balance. The fact that Yoda (among others) can manifest as force ghosts at all is only by the grace of The Force... Effectively acting against the balance would surely go against the will of the force which could potentially wipe said ghosts from existence altogether when they become cut-off. What i'm saying is they can only do so much to affect the "real" world... only ever as much as The Force itself allows basically. At least that is my take on it. As for the light speed thing... its a needs must type situation... im pretty sure its not sustainable at all to start crashing very expensive space-crafts. Even a basic ship would cost millions or billions of credit to purchase from a shipyard. Its just not feasible. ...just my 2 cents ofc.
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