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Everything posted by Valceanu

  1. Jeez... The sense of entitlement on this thread is embarrassing. Vote with your wallets of you hate it so much...
  2. Plenty of non-force users have killed force users... Think of bounty hunters in SW lore for instance. There's no suspension of disbelief needed there imho...
  3. Why would you plan your vacation time around a game?!?
  4. like ive said... a delay is better then BWs usual MO of releasing extremely buggy content. A step in the right direction for me... even if the delay itself is disappointing. one thing that does baffle me in this thread however is the number of people who adjust their real life program to fit the launch of a video game patch/expansion. Seriously?!
  5. while you do ofc have the right to your opinion, plase don't presume that you speak for all players. that is all...
  6. while this is disappointing, I'm gonna try and look on the bright side. in typical BW fashion they would have gone forward with the release anyway and we'd be looking at another couple of month of fixes due to buggy content. id rather the delay then that. so, assuming there's a good reason for the delay, im gonna call it a step in the right direction...
  7. I'm not in the mood to do the math atm but if you're gonna make PvP and PvE gear the same (which I personally like cause I do both and detest carrying around multiple sets) then you have to make gearing time equal between the PvE and PvP. So basically, assuming even distribution of gear, and a set group of players, how many NiM runs do they have to do so that each of then is full BiS. Multiply the total number of runs with the average completion time of an ops and you get a certain nr of played hours. Then you adjust PvP unassembled component reward rates so that on average it takes the same number of hours to get to BiS. I've ignored crates for the purpose of this exercise as both modes benefit from them and also the fact that you get components even of you fail (lose) whereas you have to actually complete the content in PvE to get the gear... But as a general rule that's how I see it... So if there is a sizeable imbalance then it needs adjusting, if not then no. Simple...
  8. only came back to the game after after 5.0 so inevitably i play far more. Im enjoying it more then i did the vanilla game though which is when is when i originally started... as for the "alts-r-us" era of gear being handed out like candy... i probably wouldnt have liked it much. Im of the mindset that the game should be set up in such a way that makes it clear to the player he has a main and alts... and that there is no divine right to gear unless you put in the work. Now, 5.0 obviously didnt do the best of jobs but with 5.2 we are getting close to it being set up the right way. I dislike CXP for an entirely different reason then many... since imho only the hardest content should reward BiS. The fact that you CAN get BiS at all (even if its RNG) while doing solo content devalues said gear which should only be obtainable through PvP and Ops.
  9. It's an mmoRPG... Not just an mmo. For some reason a lot of people forget that last part and what it means... Agreed that it was not enough content. I never days I didn't. I said I would not trade one for the other that is all. I would ofc like more content of all types as incidentally I participate in all aside from maybe gsf... On the plus side, what we got was free-ish. I too hope for more content as I said... But for entertainment value swtor trumps most mmorpgs on the market in my view...
  10. You are ofc entitled to your opinion... Plz allow me to disagree... I enjoyed the whole story just fine as well as how the character is placed within it...
  11. personally i havent played all those games (except for WoW)... do they have fully voiced dialogues, scripted interactions and other such nice storytelling features as SWTOR? Do they make me care about whatever plight im trying to stop at one time or another... do they make me care about furthering my cause? ... or do they just put me through the motions? I know WoW doesnt, or at least didnt when i played... which is what makes it far more boring the SWTOR regardless of the amount of content. You're not wrong in your description of the way they have handled this massive IP per say mind you... they should certainly be doing better.
  12. again... everyone would like more content... but personally i wouldnt give up voiced dialogues and scripted interactions and actual story that you play through for that. I couldnt go back to text quests, Ops or FPs where i wasnt at all invested as i had no proper interaction with either the quest giver or the villain in the story and such... but thats just me... cant speak for anybody else ofc.
  13. Do they need to invest more money and have larger and more frequent content releases? Yeah... I'd like that. Would I trade that for the proper storytelling, cinematic dialogue and voice acting? No, no I would not. I did my time in WoW... Find it distinctly boring which is why I quit a long long time ago... To each their own I guess...
  14. ...altoholism is a disease. there you go OP, I finished your sentence for you... lol
  15. Well I wouldn't have been playing it without the dialogue choices, cut scenes and voice acting either... Or if I did I would have gotten bored really fast... The storytelling style is what keeps me coming back in addition to the star wars name. I did the whole text quest thing in WoW... Wasn't fun at all... So I'll take the trade any day. Do I hope for another SW mmorpg using a better engine in the future? Well ofc I do... Still hope it tells the story the right way though...
  16. How are people still missing the point that they can't make UC legacy wide unless the same option is granted to UP drops from PvE... I don't believe they would allow for such discrepancy. The difference from before is that now the gear for PvP and the one from PvE is the same so now one affects the other whereas before it didn't. Secondly, i feel quite the opposite...as it is you have a reason to play alts in that you want to gear them... If UC were legacy wide most players would just play the FotM class to gear out all their toons... The reality is that most players will look for the path of least resistance every time. Thirdly, like I've said this is an RPG, so it's about the character you are role playing in the role-playing game's world not about the convenience of the player behind the keyboard... That's what having character development in an RPG is about.
  17. Personally i haven't done master mode yet (have done PvP though) but i know it's hard ... but what you say is very true thank you... Slipped my mind on dailies/weeklies as I was at work when writing that post. But your points only reinforce my post and gives further weight to the PvE side. So then why should the PvP path have it easier and have the tokens be legacy no less?! Or are you agreeing with the general sentiment of my post?
  18. ill try to answer both here... the numbers add up if you think about it. Which is why PvE matters to the discussion. They arent going to make it faster/easier to gear via PvP then via PvE i dont think.They will try to keep it as balanced as possible between the two else they will **** off one side of they player base or the other. So, considering that... and then looking at time invested in OPS to gear up (this is all pre the changes in 5.2 as i dont know exactly how everything will work yet) then the same-ish amount of time needs to be invested in PvP. If an ops now has 2 drops for 8man that means you have to run each ops 4 times so that each individual player will have all the gear. If an Ops takes an average of 150 minutes to complete (2 and a half hours) and there are 9 master ops to get all the guaranteed pieces then in very simple math its 4x9x150=5400 minutes spent raiding so that each individual player gets the gear. How if we divide PvP in matches of say, 15 minutes... then, to reach the same time invested (5400min) you'd need to play 360 matches. Assuming a 50/50 win-loss ratio those 360 matches played in ranked group mode (sort of like how an ops functions) would yield 1980 unassembled components... roughly what it would cost to go from tier 1 to tier 2... and i think that is not surprising at all. Sure, for the purpose of this example ive ignore the random drops from Ops, the fact that if youre on the side of the Imps youre likely to win more then half your game, the fact that you have to actually beat the content in PvE to get anything at all, etc. and ive used rounded up numbers in general... but im sure you get the principle behind the calculation. Well, you might say PvE gets to tier 3 in the same timeframe whereas PvE only reaches tier 2... true, but considering the fact that you can PvP in any gear and still never be below bolster level (and do get rewarded even when losing) as opposed to PvE where you need some gear to even atempt Master mode... i think it makes a lot of sense... And that is why the number of neccesary components is irrelevant to whether you make them legacy or not and why PvE is relevant to them being legacy also... what would stop anyone from just loading up on components on their imperial FotM class and gearing up all their republic toons with those components?! ... some may not have an issue with it but personally i think it would be a work-around from how the game is intended to be played, not least of all because this is among other things an RPG and those have character development as opposed to "player development" (meaning that inside the game universe it's a specific character that achieves something as opposed to the player - again, RPG)...
  19. are Ops Unassembled Pieces transferable to alts? If not then no, it doesnt need to happen... increasing the rate at which you get them maybe but other then that... Either way, personally id have tier 1/2 purchaseable with tokens (which are already legacy wide) and then only restrict T3 and T4 to the PvP and PvE scenarios... However... i dont see why youd start another thread on the topic... it's being/has been discussed plenty on the forums already...
  20. well personally ive been struggling against mercs on both my 70 marksmanship sniper and my 70 shield spec vanguard. I have won my share in grouped PvP against them but in arenas for instance if the last 2 remaining players are merc on one side and virtually anything on the other the merc has the upper hand more often then not. While i know the game isnt designed for around 1v1 encounters the disparity shouldnt be this big... it should be down to skill more so then spec. All things being equal (skill, gear, cooldowns etc.) at the moment the merc player has the upper hand by default... I accept that you cant have perfect ballance but still...
  21. they really do need to tone down on the immunities, dmg reflect and such imho... plus, healing wise the different specs should really be equally desirable both in terms of PvP and PvE.
  22. You can ignore cxp completely starting with 5.2 if you're gearing through raids though right?! I mean you'll still get it but it will be like a byproduct of playing the game... If anything drops then great, if not, no skin off my back...
  23. granted its weird... but with 5.2 you have unassembled components from PvP (effectively PvP specific tokens) and unassembled pieces from all Ops bosses ... so GC will just be a bonus you get and will speed you up when you do grab those couple of extra gear pieces. Admittedly what they tried to do with it at the start was a huge mis****...
  24. white knight as opposed to what? the special snowflake brigade?!? Id rather have someone telling it how it is (i.e. you dont need BiS unless youre playing hard-core, and if you are then odds are youre willing to put in the work to get BiS) then someone feeding peoples egos and need for self gratification...
  25. its not the act of changing itself...its the space it takes up and/or fact that i have to carry it with me since i que up for PvP as im doing dailies for instance or whatever else. As for hurting myself... havent had much trouble so far though ofc i dont really play super-competitively to be fair. You havent adressed the RP issue though which for me is an important one... and the changing of gear makes very little sense...
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