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Everything posted by BlissDivine

  1. I used the Bolsterizer on the training area of the Fleet. I have around 130k HP bolsterized. I used force barrier a few times and watched how much it healed for with Corrupted Barrier. It heals for around 35k which is just horrible. Before 5.0 you could reset a fight with Force Barrier / Enduring Bastion / Corrupted Barrier. There are classes that hit harder than 35k in 1 move. Corrupted Barrier should have never been nerfed.
  2. That's old school POT5, I can tell because it's level 55 with Lederhosen, LEM, Itchy'Eyes, Blackness, Devil. I'm pretty sure I've seen and killed that Devs PT MDDNY before.
  3. This might actually a good idea. Kind of like resolve bar for stuns, or how you can only take cybertech grenades affect every 3 minutes. The e-net break then another e-net is too OP.
  4. Now I know it is an iconic Merc move, but they did get rid of Phasewalk for Sin/Shadow. I don't think the problem is one e-net every 90 seconds, it's multiple e-nets, back-to-back e-nets after a break. It's just too strong. What 1 move can take away a sorc's every defense, a stealth's ability to stealth out, or a melee class's ability to get in melee range? Everybody knows ranked and WZs right now are filled with Merc's.
  5. Bastion is dead (R.I.P.) Harbinger is the only 24/7 server for pvp pops (lowbies, mids, 70s regs, ranked). The east coast servers all have times were the pvp pops die.
  6. The dead servers are actually hurting the game when new players come to this game and no group content pops because of population on those servers. The new players are not even seeing any of the group content. How is that good for the game, BioWare?
  7. From what I've seen in solo ranked, dps sorc's are now targeted 1st. You have to kite 95% of the time. Having 2 or more Merc's on the other team means you are going to be eating all the e-nets. If you break the 1st e-net and get e-netted again, GG you are dead. There are a lot of merc's in solo ranked right now. Also, force barrier / enduring bastion no longer resets a fight. It's been nerfed into the ground, so now they just stun lock you and kill you after barrier. Right now, dps sorc is just OK for regs. The sorc's with high ranked rating are playing heals.
  8. I never thought I'd see the day when PT's are squishier than Merc's. Merc's can go from 2% HP to 70% HP in 3 seconds and hit you for 40K at the same time. I thought Merc's were pretty good in regs in 4.0, but the problem was they were getting focused 1st in Arenas. Well, they are not getting focused 1st anymore.
  9. Yea, I saw that merc hacking in ranked today on Harbinger. He could attacked us before the match even started and then won in acid because they went though the wall the whole match. Couldn't even focus them. It's blatant trolling of ranked.
  10. I was in a queue for Harbinger yesterday, something like 146. So I just logged on to Shadowlands and did my WZ daily. Then I went back and got right on Harbinger.
  11. then I remembered BW took that away. . . So triggered.
  12. I would rather play on a east coast server because of ping, but all the east coast servers have times when the pops die out. Harbinger is the only 24/7 server right now. I get a ping around 40 on POT5 / Shadowlands / Jedi Covenant, and around 80 ping on Harbinger. It's not that bad. I use to play on Bastion all the time too, so I'm use to the west coast ping.
  13. Bring it back. I need to get that cool looking Han Solo gun (Kingpin’s Blaster Pistol) for my toons on Harbinger.
  14. The trailer looks great. Whoever is doing these trailers should make a Star Wars movie and / or tv show. I'd watch that.
  15. If BioWare/EA "Esports" it up, it would bring back players and a flood of new players too. Clearly, they need to do something to bring back players.
  16. I haven't tried it on a Smuggler before. I have done it on a Sorc and Sniper (only classes I've tried so far). Both in full augmented PVP gear and used my companion Lieutenant Pierce which was around level 32. I would say use your Heroic moment and the companion damage reduction ability you get from going full light side.
  17. I'm not going to mention the game, but I'm watching a $300,000 PVP competition on Twitch. I also know for a fact that a lot of former SWTOR players have gone to this game.
  18. I play on Harbinger and Shadowlands now because that's where the pops are. But going around and doing open world PVE is such a bore now. I could sleepwalk though it. And nobody is in the PVP Instances on those servers. I really miss the old PVP servers. When they had population the edge feeling in the open world was thrilling. You could be jumped at any time, any where. I never used my stuns or anything with a long cool down on PVE mobs because I wanted that ready for any fight that might happen vs. another player. I think the change to PVP / PVE Instances on all servers basically making them the same was a mistake. The most fun I had in this game was back when the PVP servers had good population. Sadly it seems those days are gone forever.
  19. The interceptions are probably the most impressive parts of that video. Very well played holotraverse for interception.
  20. You mean the roll bug? I actually haven't gotten a roll bug in months. . . not saying it's fixed, it just hasn't happened to me in a while.
  21. Concealment operative is the most troll class in the game. I was on my operative playing concealment the other day and it was just so much fun.
  22. Manaan is beautiful. I'd actually like to see more Manaan content in general. Maybe more story there or dailies. . . more Manaan content would be cool.
  23. LFG for the Fleet Datacron. It could be either Imp or Pub side. I've done it the hard way before on other servers (POT5, Bastion, Jedi Covenant), so I know how to do it the hard way, but a sorc/sage pull would be cool if set up.
  24. 6th times the charm. So I got into my 6th pug group for this HM flashpoint the other day. We wipe on Shield Squadron Unit 1 and I tell the dps sorc to respec heals. So we have 2 sorc healers a tank and I'm the only dps (on my sniper) and we got it done. I knew 2 healers would work cause there is no enrage. It's basically a healer check boss. Yea, we cheesed it, but I got my Legendary Tier for the Dark vs. Light event.
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