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Posts posted by EvanSnowWolf

  1. I'm confused.


    I thought you circle strafing keybinders are the ultra elite PvP squad of the universe? Aren't you untouchable by normal plebians?


    If so, then isn't your skill so amazing that letting the "mongoloids" autoface you completely insignificant in the face of how awesome you are?

  2. Wow can you try and not interpret everything in such a literal manner Webster? Forgotten as in the game is going to fail and be another one added to the failed MMORPG pile that has been accumulating for the past 12 years.


    You made a specific example and he busted it. Either you are being literal and trying to make a sound argument, and are subjected to legit rebuttal.....




    ... you are making broad generalizations and are ranting like a homeless guy on the street.


    Your call, bub.

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