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Posts posted by EvanSnowWolf

  1. well... autofacing for casters is a HUGE help. I still dont get why they introduced it. I'm a big noob but still autofacing make me sad :(



    Why? Because they destroyed that spinning top strategy in PvP? Good freaking riddance.

  2. Yes I am an American. I am a world traveling American so I am not culturally isolated like us Americans tend to get. With that being said, I got the whole master and servant connection from the books. It just felt like they went over the top with it in the movies.


    I actually had it explained to me in the RPG books.

  3. Non mmoers obviously have no clue how to keybind and move properly.


    Nice snob attitude there. I don't agree that keybinding is the ONLY correct way to play, and if you don't you are not doing it "properly".


    I rebound A and D into strafes, so I don't keyboard turn anymore... too much of a hassle, but I don't see the problem with backpedaling. In fact, every time I see someone ask about it, the snobs just "lol" without actually saying why people like me are going to hell for back pedaling.


    I was told I needed to rebind S into something else, because if I backpedal I am "doing it wrong".


    I found it made my playing much much worse. There were so many times when it would be easier just to take two steps back, instead of completely spinning my camera 180*.


    As for that whole PVP argument, I've never had that problem. Maybe it is my class. I get one of you Sith Marauders that thinks he is some kind of carousel, spinning around me and circle strafing and all I have to do is hit Freezing Force and start backpedaling. Bam. You are now 100% in front of me, for the rest of the entire fight.

  4. I keep hearing this Tin-Foil hat crap about how everything is already in place and that this is all just blocked... and/or all they would have to do is basic coding to switch it over.


    Exactly what hard data is being used to make this declaration of truth?


    And for that matter, how many people holding this "theory" have pursued any existing romances?


    Because what I have seen so far goes behind merely just hitting the Find/Replace command with some pronouns.


    My main has done everything with Doc up to the actual marriage proposal, which is waiting for me but I ESC'd out of it... and I can tell you that there are Flirts up to this point that are not exactly voiced in a "neutral" capacity. There is a lot more references to these scenes than just gender-specific pronouns. Doc in particular would need to be completely redone for a same gender romance, and he is probably not the only one. Implementation may be a lot more complicated than some of these knee-jerk conspiracies would suggest.

  5. To be fair products like Dragon Age and Mass Effect are played in their own toybox. You can always have your own little green army men do whatever you want.


    It's when you start playing with other kid's toys (Ex: Star Wars license), that it starts to get tricky.


    As for the why we can kill people/torture/blah blah but not have gays question... it is actually really, REALLY simple.




    In 40 years, it will be so common and everyday that this entire thing will look stupid.

  6. I really hope they don't enable a toggle, as that would be quite offensive. (Blue.)


    I still don't agree with this whole "toggles are offensive!" garbage. At this point I would think you would do cartwheels just to have it in the game PERIOD.


    Bioware has not even SPOKEN about it since before Early Game Access and people are already micro-complaining.

  7. I profess my relationship commitment with a marriage proposal and BOOM... she doesn't put out anymore, she won't talk to me and will only send me letters via galactic snail mail... really? Can I please put in for a galactic divorce and romance someone that will put out on a regular basis!!!



    If you were married in real life you would know this is normal.


    Actually no...


    I don't get regular gifts.

  8. It will sound a lot like this:


    "What are your plans to implement <FEATURE> into SWTOR?"


    "Well, poster. Thank you for asking. As you know, we are constantly adding new features to the game.. and we know that is something players have been asking for. We are always listening to the community and <FEATURE> is definitely something we'd like to see in the future."

  9. No more debating about the underlying issue, please. As has been stated multiple times, that discussion has no bearing whatsoever on this topic.


    And the toggle, even for both, is *not* equal in practice, even if it is technically equal in mechanics. There has been absolutely no demand for one, UNTIL same-gender relationships enter the equation. You do not hear LGBT gamers complaining about the optional hetero-romances, or being approached by the opposite-gender. They just want their options in addition to that, so they actually have a choice in the matter.


    Those opposed are "conceding" a point, that if SGRA's are going to be added, it should be hidden. And just for fairness' sake, they should be able to hide OGRA's too. While not a direct parallel, it bears some similarity to racial tensions of the "seperate but equal" variety.



    1.) Please explain how something that impartial is not fair.


    2.) I am sorry, but you are flat out wrong - there ARE LGBT gamers complaining about the heterosexual romances in game. One poster even called it wrong and backwards.


    It sounds like you are saying that homosexual content needs to be blatantly visible in all game content wether the user wants it or not... or am I reading this wrong? Please clarify.

  10. Actually, it kind of is offensive if one considers heterosexuality a default. Not just does it marginalize LGBT persons, it's a faulty way of looking at the issue. There are many more brown-eyed people than blue-eyed in the world, but that does not make brown somehow the default eye color of humanity. Sometimes society makes things seem like they should be default and makes being different difficult - it does not mean that it is either right or true.


    The problem with your analogy is that in both cases... eye color does not change the fact that eyes are fully function and see the same. They are not perceived as equal function, they ARE equal function.


    I'm going to once again say at this point I am for SGRA's in game. I feel the need to say that again, because I KNOW someone is going to take that as ignorant/homophobic/bigoted/etc.


    I can be perfectly tolerance and accepting of something without forgetting the fundamental science behind it. Therefore it isn't offensive if is in the fault in something. I mean, you can be offended if you WANT to... but that doesn't make it discrimination.

  11. Maybe they could implement another NPC akin to the Skill Mentor? Pay a fine (first time costs nothing, of course.) to reset the story progress of companions, but gain no additional benefits such as experience or credits from them?



    I also want to go on record as saying this idea is #$%$ing brilliant. Right now my only romance option is DOC, and I am not going to throw away my Jedi oath over him if there is a slim chance I could get someone more redeeming in a future content update.

  12. Having an option to enable only OGRs and disable SGRs smacks of discrimination, as though SGRs somehow might need to be hidden. Not cool. The only way this would be fair would be if there was also an option to disable OGRs and keep only SGRs.


    Can we please stop with this line of thinking? OGRA's are inherently a DEFAULT. You're complaining about a preset setting.


    The more I see posts like this, the more I am convinced that when Bioware finishes implementing the SGRA's, there will be another 1000 post thread about all the ways they "did it wrong".

  13. To you. Nice "my opinion is objective fact" mental gymnastics. In a story-based RP-centric system, the emotional quotient of the title is supremely important to more than a few.


    No, not just to me. Nor is it an opinion. It is not GAMEPLAY. See how I put it in caps? Your sexual/romance options has nothing to do with running, jumping, shooting, crew skills, or flashpoints. That is GAMEPLAY, not LORE. Look at the very subforum this thread is posted in. This is not "my computer crashes at 10% and I cannot play."





    o.O What are these that affect 100% of the player base? To date, of gamebreaking issues that I've either heard complaint of or seen mention of, I've personally experienced....


    You don't get out much beyond this one subforum do you? Go to General Discussion, or Customer Service. Poke around for 10 minutes.





    Just as I know that it's tempting every single thread of which you do not support to hop up and start screaming about somehow being set forth as being less important than you claim to be.


    Cite me one time in any thread where I said I do not want SGRA's in game. Go for it. I DARE YOU.



    It's not that I claim there are NO issues of equal or more import, but your attempt to devalue the point-of-view here is sloppy and as fallacious as the legend of the Easter Bunny.


    It's not about devaluing it. It is about putting it into perspective. If my faucet leaks, that sucks for me and I think that is a big deal. But if my neighbor has a wiring short that is threatening to light his apartment on fire... that is a higher priority to the maintenance guy than my leaky faucet.

  14. I know their priorities and that same-gender inclusion is in there somewhere, I just also know that a lot of other stuff is higher up the list..


    And I think that is where the silence is coming from.


    The problem is that SGRA content is really, really unimportant from a GAMEPLAY standpoint.


    Right now they have screaming fans that VASTLY outnumber you that are upset over crashes, blue screens of death, ability delay, stuttering animations, poor performance on machines, etc.


    These are issues that affect the GAMEPLAY of 100% of the player base. SGRA's are affecting a NON-GAMEPLAY element of the game for a minority of players. I know it is tempting every single patch to hop up and start screaming about being ignored, but we are not even 90 days out yet and Bioware has a LOT of nearly gamebreaking issues still needing resolution.



    Unless you are like a Certain Other Poster in this thread with his tinfoil hat on thinking the entire thing is some sort of conspiracy. In which case, I don't know what to tell you.

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