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Everything posted by Keedmo

  1. Thank you sir. My apologies. I'm used to how WoW handles future patches and it was my mistake to assume notes were handled the same way here
  2. Curious as to why they can't tell us a little about what they expect to fix. Kinda dislike the lack of communication and the "stay tuned until the day before it's implemented" approach.
  3. Had the same issue last night running my new smuggler in a solo FP Esseles. Last boss dropped a purple chest with no stats. I submitted a ticket. Hope this gets fixed soon
  4. People can also set their companion to just auto-attack. I'm only at legacy level 37 I believe, have only maxed 1 or 2 characters to 55 on another server and have very few datacrons unlocked. Last night I finally got around to playing my hunter and didn't find mako very overpowered. Like you said: it's a reward for people who have played for a long time and put effort into the game.
  5. http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/1kb0px
  6. I predict frozen cutscenes, muted audio gaps, annoying twitch chat spam and 'new already known information' as a reveal
  7. If you don't want to roll on loot.. When the loot window comes up, just hit the x to close the window. It'll have you Pass on loot
  8. I've created/deleted several hundred toons in an attempt to acquire this statue. Still nothing to show after all this time, but it is my time I chose to spend. All I can do is keep trying. I don't do it as much anymore because I'd rather play the game. It will come eventually. Patience. 😊
  9. Thank you for the responses everyone. I look forward to making this server my new home and meeting some good people once I get some RL things situated. Got a baby coming in a month so I'm getting everything in order for him. The stress is real.
  10. Good evening everyone! As the title states, I've been considering a move to a new home for my main. How's the atmosphere on BC imperial side? All my toons have been on Shadowlands and I've mostly ever played solo, but solo is getting pretty tiring. Shadowlands just seems so progression focused (nothing wrong with that) and the more I play there, the more I feel left out. I'd be looking to see if there were any casual guilds willing to take me in. I've never been in an Op, but I'd be interested for sure in learning. Just looking for a laid back, friendly place to call home Thanks for your time! -Keedmo
  11. My first toon was a sith warrior; that story was fun. Republic side- I made a trooper. The story was ok, but I loved the gameplay. I couldn't take the goody-goody personality so I made the mirror class bounty hunter and that's been my main toon since. I'm playing the Jedi knight and imperial agent whenever I have time during the 12x Exp and they're not bad so far. Lots of options, OP. As someone previously stated, take advantage of the XP boost on a few toons. You'll find your class. Best of luck
  12. What's better than one HK unit at your command? Two HK units!! Not everyone has HK-51 on every toon they make.. and HK-55 will most likely play a role through the KotFE story that #51 can't fill. Regardless, All but one of your companions will be staying on the ship while you quest.
  13. I enjoyed what I saw and heard (when it didn't freeze). I'm really looking forward to playing the expansion and Bioware did a great job with the cutscenes. When that ship came up from behind the ledge... <3 Reminded me of the Normandy at the end of Mass Effect 2. Joker companion plz?
  14. Livestream 8/26 http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/1kb0pu Enjoy !
  15. Thank you for the heads up! What size hook will it be able to be placed on? And are there any pictures currently for it?
  16. I know how you feel. I'm still creating/deleting level 1's for this statue. It will be nice getting 3 shots at it now! I'm also looking forward to getting some new info on the new expansion. Should be a fun night
  17. I would Love a Manaan Stronghold! Please Bioware!!
  18. I'm familiar with the second statue, but I don't have the cartel coins to buy the hypercrates and I'm trying to save credits for the Yavin 4 stronghold. Most nights I can only fit in 1-3 hours after my girls have settled down and have gone to sleep, plus I have a son due in October so my RL responsibilities come first. I appreciate the helpful advice to the alternative though. Thank you. This is just a situation I'm choosing to put myself in like I did for the Raven Lord mount in WoW years ago. The point of this thread was to hopefully hear someone's success story to bolster my hope.. haha. Until then I'll keep trying when I can
  19. .. and still not get the First Grand Statue of Mandalore to drop Sooo many level 1's created & deleted over the past week.. If anyone else wants to share in my pain (not sure if they've been used up) :: San Diego- http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/1kb0pu Gamescom- http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/1kb0pv Happy Hunting
  20. The 12x XP buff will end for everyone when the new expansion hits
  21. My Hunter would figure there'd be a ton of hiding targets they'd want taken care of.. If the pay and security were good enough he'd probably take the offer. Based on past treatment, he has no love for either faction.
  22. I'm pretty sure it ends in October when the new expansion hits
  23. I agree completely. Setting an enable/disable option to play on arriving would be nice, in my opinion
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