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Everything posted by BlastBoomArt

  1. I have to disagree, especially with your repeated use of the word machiavellian. It implies a lack of morals, but we know for a fact that Lana has a very rigid sense of morals, they're just different than most peoples'. She places her service to the Empire at the very top of her priorities. She wants to see it and it's citizens thrive and prosper. And if that means she has to work with the Republic, or even form a completely seperate faction to see that the Empire has a chance of survival, then so be it. In the case of lieing to Theron: she treasures his friendship of course, but she will do exactly what is necessary to ensure that there is a 0% chance of her plan to save the Empire from failing. It had nothing to do with saving time or resources, there was a possibility for Theron to be discovered and DIE if he knew, which would make all of their planning for nought and ensure the Empire's (as well as the Republic's) destruction. She wasn't going to take the risk, even at the cost of losing Theron's trust. More than anything else, Lana is patriotic. She doesn't do these things to serve herself, she does it for the greater whole. She is cunning and relentless, absolutely, but she is not machiavellian.
  2. I think what the devs should have done (and maybe hopefully will do in the future) was to make all of her different appearances up till now available as customization options (I would pay so much $$$ for her SoR appearance! Even with the ms paint eyeliner lmao). That way everyone would be happy!!! And thanks! I loved the article too, I've had it bookmarked for months now lol
  3. I absolutely agree with everything here~ And I never noticed the part about her arm bands being similar to those from SoR, good catch! Yeah the duplicate lightsaber is extremely annoying. It also drives me bonkers that the devs can't seem to decide on a face for her and everytime they change it, it just gets worse. Make up your minds devs! No other character has this problem... Though at least the new customizable model is slightly better than the current face update. (At least in my opinion) I remember that the face updates for Lana and Senya happened the very day I finally made it to Kotfe on my first girlfriend for Lana. I actually screamed when I saw her face x') Those facial shadows...ugh. BUT her characterisation was always what mattered most to me, so I eventually got over it. She's just....So great~<3
  4. Oh, I absolutely agree that it is far more practical than sith robes and it's definately designed to let her get around easier without drawing too much attention to herself. But the colors feel very reminiscient of the Empire that she was forced to leave. Brown would have suited her needs just as easily, but she still chose a very dark gray for her outfit. And subtlety doesn't really explain the change in colour crystal. Even if you change the colour crystal on her saber, it still appears red in cutscenes. (which bothers me to no end, but whatever) It all feels very deliberate to me, but I could just be over-analyzing my favourite character and love interest~
  5. I've been thinking about Lana's armor quite a lot actually! (also her lightsaber) When we first meet Lana, she stands out quite a lot from most sith, with the heavy use of the color green in her robes and the untraditional orange-bladed lightsaber. BUT when we see her post time-skip, she's in a completely monochrome outfit and her lightsaber blade is surprisingly red. (That was honestly one of the most surprising things about kotfe/et Lana for me, aside from the 'suddenly believing in destiny' convo anyway.) To me, this felt like a deliberate shift for Lana. She was no longer content to seperate or differentiate herself from other sith when the Empire that she was so loyal to was literally falling down around her. A person's wardrobe tends to be a reflection of who they are and I think Lana wanted to remind herself that she was part of a greater whole, an order that she desperately wanted to restore. That was always my take on it anyway And I do think the fact that she was trying to go about unnoticed contributed to the obvious lack of cape. lol
  6. For those interested, Gamasutra published an interesting article on Lana, in which they analyze her character quite a bit. Warning: lots of story spoilers ahead! https://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/288825/Opinion_Lana_Beniko_The_Old_Republics_best_Immoral_Woman.php
  7. Lana. Because she's the only female same-sex follower. Don't get me wrong, I adore her to pieces~!! But at least the rest of you have options...
  8. Companions!!! This is the reason I've always loved Bioware's games and the main reason I started playing swtor in the first place. The relationships between the player character and their companions adds a huge layer of emotional depth and investment to the game for me and makes spending hundreds upon hundreds of hours playing feel really worthwhile! But I feel like in recent years the devs have been putting our companions (new and old) on the back burner. Any interactions we have now are shallow at best with very little personal touch. The only noticeable exception to this so far has been Lana and while I adore her to the depths of my little lesbian heart, I feel that all the companions should have just as many interesting and meaningful interactions! *cough* Also if the devs could make some of the returning companions bisexual that would be great thanks! *coughcough*
  9. Why? You can already purchase the entire set from the Bounty Supply reputation vendor in the bazaar.
  10. /Signed! I'd love to see purple skin for twi'leks, as well as a very dark night-sky blue! There was a twi'lek dancer I remember seeing at one point (maybe during the bounty hunter questline? I honestly can't remember) with that skin color and it looked absolutely stunning! I was so upset it wasn't an option for our characters. I'd also love to see the addition of pink added to the Togrutas color options. I know they already have a lot to pick from, but the fact that there is no pink is an utter travesty!
  11. The Mantellian Privateer armor set and The Bold Hellion armor set, please! They're impossible to buy on the GTN.
  12. Would give my first born in exchange for a Thranta mount, please! Surprised we don't already have one tbh. The model is already in-game on Alderaan, just gotta scale the size down a bit.
  13. Please, I would absolutely PAY for a customization to change Lana's face back to the KOTFE version!!! This new KOTET face looks like she's aged over 20 years, not 5! I can appreciate the realism that they were aiming for with the update, but to only apply it to a couple of characters just makes their proportions look way out of whack in comparison
  14. OOOh~ Thank you SO much, eric!!! I've been dying to hear those words!
  15. Lol Looks like Kesrax has quite a few suitors lining up. Don't count me out!
  16. Hi there, Hope you’re still looking! I'm seriously considering offering my Sith Warrior as a master to your apprentice, if you'd have me. Granted, I haven't rp-ed much on SWTOR (just a few encounters here and there), but it’s something I’d love to delve more into; especially with my love of the Star Wars universe! You sound like an excellent person to RP with and I think I fit most of your criteria. I don't know if I'd call myself an experienced rp-er exactly, but it is something I enjoy to do and I’m always open to constructive criticism. That said, I love working out story plots and exploring character development so I am totally on board with a more in-depth, hardcore RP! As for my activity; I do work, but I usually have around two nights off a week as well as a few afternoons that I usually spend gaming unless I’m otherwise committed. I should be on at the very least once a week and I have no problem working around a student’s schedule. My Sith Warrior is a lvl 52 Cyborg Juggernaut named Vexinth. Now she is female, but other than her gender; I think she fits in well with what you’re looking for in a master. -She is a strict follower of the Sith Code as well as the Order’s most sacred teachings. She places the Sith Empire first in all things, as it was taught to her by her master, and he was taught by his master. -She is very domineering and intimidating and carries herself in a way that demands respect. No aspect of her is feminine. Viewed only as a weakness, every last bit of her femininity was crushed and swept away during her early years of apprenticeship. -She holds a strong belief in the philosophy of the Rule of Two. She consolidates her power, but would take an apprentice and should one day that apprentice surpass her in a duel to the death, she will know that she has succeeded in keeping her legacy as well as the Sith Order strong and alive. An apprentice that fails her is a failure of her own, and Vexinth does not tolerate failure. Now as for a potential romance, I have a very hard time imagining Vexinth in that kind of role. She’s not really the romantic type… but I’d be eager to see how the relationship between her and Kesrax plays out and wouldn’t necessarily be against it if that’s where the characters led themselves. Concerning duelling, I will require a bit of explaining as I have never done any PVP (successfully) on SWTOR before, but I’m always happy to learn! I have to say, I’ve seen a lot of RP adds on these forums before, but yours has me quite excited! Vexinth is by far my most loved out of all of my TOR characters and I was quite upset when her storyline finally came to an end. I’ve been eager to use her more, but I am unversed in the ways of PVP and the few times that I tried jumping in were so awkward and full of “I’m sorry; I don’t know what I’m doing! D:”s that I all but gave up on ever getting to use her again. BUT I think she fits the bill quite well for what you’re looking for in a master! Let me know what you think, and if you’re not interested I totally understand. P.S.: Sorry for the wall of text Looking forward to your reply! --- EDIT: Since everyone else is doing it, here's Vexinth.
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