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Everything posted by Exosasa

  1. "PvP," the Merc muttered, pontificating the past events, "Merc in PvP when Merc PvP as Merc. Merc PvP." The bewildered Merc slumped in his chair, covered his head, and began to cri evertiem.
  2. Because 99% of the sin community is FotM that can't learn an incredibly easy-to-get-started-with spec.
  3. I don't have a system -- keybimd as I go. However, 3 seems to always be my hardstun.
  4. If you can't speak it, why are you on an English forum?
  5. But I right click the warzone icon to queue :c
  6. Hey man, chill. No need to get angry. It's a forum -- not everyone is going to agree with you. That said, I'm still an advocate for the Bind4Booty cause, which states that when you keybind, you will defeat more players, hence the "blow dat booty." It's not a matter of opinion, really. When moving your mouse to click something, you have to look at your cursor and both take your eyes off the battlefield and desist mouse turning. Hence, there are detriments compared to just pressing a key.
  7. I'd enjoy it if the animation wasn't so static. Like, the electricity slowly enveloped and lifted you, and at the end you exploded from the cell and broke free. Like Soa.
  8. Busy Mandalizing Republic ships... ba dum tiss....
  9. Just because someone is bad doesn't mean you're good.
  10. He's either a white girl or not necessarily native to English -- which I can understand. Quiero saber como hablar bien en Espanol?
  11. More neckbeard videos! I love neckbeard videos!
  12. You should add an "honorable mention" category for those funny occurrences like... Idk... 1337 dps with a 1337 biggest hit?
  13. http://awesomegifs.com/wp-content/uploads/dead-horse.gif
  14. Marr will b*tch slap his punk a*s and tell his revolting (see what I did there?) self to go jump down a reactor core. Marr > Malgus
  15. Really? I did this a week ago.
  16. Exosasa

    War on Yavin

    Heaven forbid an assassin use phasewalk? I can see where this thread is going. The abort train is leaving in 5 mins -- hurry!
  17. You can't e-net a shrouded player, bit shroudimg during the net won't cleanse it. Shrouding an e-net timed,perfectly... Feels amazing.
  18. Like I said on steam, I used to think that you would have to retoggle your stance as an assassin because the discharge tooltip lead me to believe the lightning didn't regenerate
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