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Everything posted by jrwellworth

  1. In the first episode of the clone wars series, Master Yoda is on a planet with 3 clone troopers being pursued by Ventress and her tin can army in a sort of game, to meet with a king to negotiate bases in his system. During a moment of rest, he talks to the clones, telling them about the force. They say they are clones, they can't use the force. Yoda replies that the force resides in all living things (the living force) and that they can use it to quiet their minds, even if they cannot access the force. This says to me that JJ is kind of right, the force is in all of us, even if we can't manipulate it, we can quiet ourselves and maybe feel it there. Though I also liked the science aspect of the midichloriens, and how they are present in the cells of all living things. I also really liked the way they explained the difference between the living force and the cosmic force and how one feeds the other. Like JJ, like probably many of us, I was always fascinated by the force. How many of us as kids tried to use the force ourselves? Put out our hand and closed our eyes and tried to bring that fork across the table, or whatever. George may have done some weird stuff over the years but the universe he created is amazing. As for the Force Awakens, I have high hopes and I am confident. We're getting down to the wire now, just days away. I know it's going to be amazing. JJ will never work again if it's not and he knows it. Not only do I think the movies will be great, I am also just grateful we're getting movies at all, grateful that they are bringing star wars to a new generation. I have a three year old son, and throughout his childhood star wars is gonna be a huge thing, and I'm so happy for that, that he will get to experience star wars and not just the old movies but new ones, new toys, new books, new video games, new shows, the list is endless and for that, if nothing else, I am stoked for the force awakens.
  2. Sorry if this seems obvious, but some people don't realize. Have you checked your email? I've gotten ticket responses there as well as in game before. Maybe worth a look if you haven't.
  3. Sad to say, but a lot of nerfs come because class/spec is over performing in PVE. That's just a fact, though it is funny to see you continuously post about the brains of pvpers. Every post with a badly worded and spelled insult. Oh, and I'm a pve player, by the by, so I'm not part of the big pvp conspiracy, Senator Mc. Carthy. Though I enjoy pvp, I am a raider.
  4. As I said in the other thread, I thought it was a fair review. Though to be sure, I did not know at all about the reviewers affiliation with WOW, or some of the other things posters have said about this person, but they didn't post any proof to back up their claims, so in the end it all comes down to the one thing that can't be refuted. Our own opinions. (as long as your not including false facts or speaking for others) and at the end of the day, that's all that really matters to each and every one of us, is how WE feel about kotfe, and if it is worth it for us to keep playing, not a review, or other forum goers.
  5. Ah, yes it seems some things on the GTN are bugged when you search for them. Most notably is the Roche Scyk speeder, but after the patch Tuesday there were complaints about this happening to some other items. I would think maybe try selling it in chat, though always make sure you use your /trade channel. I know I and a few others I know will not buy things that people are spamming in gen chat, it's a good way to wind up on the ignore list. Just my thoughts anyway.
  6. For the credit BOOM! (yes it is boom, as another above me said) don't waste your time selling it, or buying it. It can give anywhere from 56k (the lowest I ever got) to maybe 110k (i think that's the highest I ever got), though that is my own experience. Still though, I would advise against selling them, or buying. Just use it or save it for a heavy repair bill day, since repairs are back...yay. /s
  7. I've stayed out of a lot of the back and forth about the game since 4.0, but this review is pretty spot on to how I feel. I will tell ya what though. You want to appreciate swtor sometimes? Go and download another MMO. As I became more distant from the game, I downloaded wildstar, which was ok but made me miss my friends and the familiar surroundings of the game, then GW2. Both ok, but I guess just different. Maybe the ESO free weekend will be different but I doubt it. Hey, maybe I'll win a million dollars though.
  8. I believe it does add to collections. When I first 'used' the toy, it didn't say anything about collections. Oddly enough, when I logged in the next day, one of the first things on my screen was "The Ebon Hawk Remote Control Toy has been added to you collections." I never went to try to redeem it but it did say it was there.
  9. +1 Domi, I completely agree, the grade 6 companion gifts vendor should have a twin on the fleet. Also, whoever said people were going early to get their companions from the terminal, that is false, the instance is a red door until you become the commander in chapter 9.
  10. I thought the loth cat was cool in tonight's episode, as it led Ezra to the truth about his parents. I wouldn't mind having one myself in game, and imo it wouldn't be much of a stretch.
  11. I had the Que for a short time, then got in game. When I got in game though, everything was really stuttery (don't think that is a word) and then I got kicked to server select. It said light status but 25 minute Que time. Oddly, when I logged in I didn't have to wait, but every log in after that I would load on to my character and get a red X and be kicked back to server select. This happened about 6 or 7 times before I gave up and shut my game down and played wildstar, which worked fine. Did anyone else experience any shenanigans like this?
  12. I decoded the message and all it said was to buy more crackerjacks.
  13. I mentioned in Dulfy's preview thread that I thought this was really weird, and something I don't think we've ever seen in a cartel market weapon before. The Zakuul exile offhand blaster was in one of the first packs I opened and man would I sure love to use it, but I have no dual blaster class, and would rather use it on my PT. The fact that it is named offhand blaster suggests to me that they will not be changing it and it is intended. While I would like a change, since I know it won't happen, I will instead ask that maybe next time they make MH and OH versions of the same weapon. I know people like to match too. Anyway, just my thoughts.
  14. Mine is also dark, but my grand metropolis juke box turned black/red so that's cool.
  15. Just to be on topic, I think this whole NiM business is off putting. For myself, at most, a hard mode raider, with only a full NiM TFB clear, and nim first bosses, I won't speak from experience but it's hard to see the logic of the statement made in the post. I get that NiM is not coming back for any new iterations, and that makes me sad, as being NiM level is where some of us hard mode guys put our goals. Knowing that there is no more nim, I can see them wanting their highlighted weekly to do good in their much vaunted metrics. It would seem to me though, that you would still want nim to have for sure drops of the top tier gear, and have the highlighted hm have it also, or maybe a good %. It's sad to see the raiding community in such a state. 2.0-3.0 was such a golden time for raiding and for myself in particular and it saddens me to be able to guess with certainty that it will never be like that again. Yes, this is my first MMO and I'm coming to learn that there are other games out there, with raiding, that I can play, hell I already started GW2 and wildstar, but this is Star Wars for god sakes, the best IP around. (imo) I also have friends here, and I hate to see them go, or I leave them, but I will still play here, I just have no confidence in the future of raiding here, and I guess that's the way they want it. It is their game. Anyway, I've said enough.
  16. Hey Brah, we don't marginalize others needing a safe space Brah!! Don't make me call P.C. principle Brah! He's off crushing some **** right now but if you don't stop your hate speech, I will get him down here post haste Brah! P.C.!
  17. Thanks to Dulfy and her people, as always. I really thought the new crystal color was fantastic and it was in the first pack I opened. I will say, it previews in game different then the picture on the site. I like the in game, very original a new hope when Luke turns on his dad's lightsaber for the first time. I like the decos ok, a few of them stand out, such as the turret, shame it's bugged. I got the missile display and thought that was cool. Of course very excited about the Malgus armor from the return trailer. Snow trooper armor was cool. My one and only complaint was the Zakuul exile offhand blaster. I love the look of that blaster, much more then I liked the main hand one with the knife, but unfortunately the Zakuul exile offhand is just that. As far as I know, they have never made an offhand exclusive weapon for the cartel market, and while it is a neat concept, speaking for myself, I would love to be able to use the exile offhand blaster in my main hand for my powertech. Anyway just my thoughts.
  18. Good catch, yes I guess it does matter or I would not have replied at all. Something for me to think about I suppose.
  19. Reading is, as they say around here, hard. If you read again, I only said that my insta 60 ( a BH) counted towards my title, as after I started kotfe with it, the box lit up on the character select screen, and my knight, who was not insta 60, but who did not finish chapter 3, his box lit up after starting kotfe, leaving just my agent to bring through. Also my warrior, but I want to complete his story. If you look around, this is not an uncommon bug. While your request for proof of my claims is fair, since we don't know each other. Really though, making a tinypics or some other account to link screenshots to win an argument with a person I've never met, or will likely never meet, and really (sorry) don't care about is not going to happen, my epeen matters not that much. Especially since all I really wanted to do was poke a bit of fun at someone who was (imo) taking themselves and 'legendary status' way to serious. Really, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. If it is a bug, it's a bug and BW will fix it if they care to when they care to, and we all know how that goes.
  20. I gotta say, this was funny and appropriate. Also, what made it even better, was the commercial before the video played. I was gonna skip it but it was a video game, and it was showing what was obviously a raid, though with animation that looked pretty cool, not in game video obviously. Just thought it was funny, a new game (seems more destiny-ish since it also said ps4) showing a badarse raid before your clip.
  21. Why so serious? Just kidding, but sorry to tell ya, it's currently bugged. My insta 60's counted towards my legendary icon (which is so annoying to look at when your in a large crowd of people with it) as well as starting kotfe on my raid toons that never completed chapter 3. So I just need to run my sniper through kotfe and boom, ugly legendary icon for me. Really though, while I do not care for it visually or as a status symbol for spending more time then I probably should playing video games, I know some people do care, and for that reason I wouldn't mind them fixing this bug. Including retroactive fixes, taking away my own gains. EDIT: fixed biggest run on sentence ever.
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