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Everything posted by AscendentReality

  1. The "random" ness of carnage can be mitigated by in game reactions, and calculations. In other words skill, which is why many of the highest parsing marauders are in fact, using carnage. If your more comfortable sticking with a more set rotation than working your butt off for a complex spec that no one can truly master. it's really up to you. RNG is important , but making use of what you have is what separate someone from class mastery to someone who is merely familiar.
  2. Since Gorband is retiring, I'll give that vote to steadfast , given he is carnage, and that's what a lot of people need for endgame progression raiding ( consider a lot of marauder these days a carnage, including myself) my second choice would be oofalong, albeit I have no clue on his mastery of the other two specs, he is incredibly articulate, explain things very well and have contributed many things to the marauder community.
  3. I'm not an expert on gear distribution, but gearing dps and having their numbers increase is a big deal. When my guild downed DG the first time, (post nerfs) it was shockingly easy because we ended phase 1 before second lightning field even hit. I think that would be an example of, having more dps ended up helping the healers needing to give out less heals due to no second lightning field, and tanks taking less damage by taking Heirad down quicker. A post above that said they just roll everything minus main/off hand to me seems to make a lot of sense. Otherwise you could just distribute evenly, keep a chart of who has what, and hand it out evenly.
  4. Editing my old post to the proper format: Dreadguard 2661.92 DPS - Ascentrl - The Chandrian - Marauder - Carnage - 5/36/5 http://www.torparse.com/a/381816/21 Writhing Terror 2996.48 DPS - Ascentrl - The Chandrian - Marauder - Carnage - 5/36/5 http://www.torparse.com/a/363391/8 Titan 6 2579.52 DPS - Ascentrl - The Chandrian - Marauder - Carnage - 5/36/5 http://www.torparse.com/a/344840/32 Thrasher 2524.8 DPS - Ascentrl - The Chandrian - Marauder - Carnage - 5/36/5 http://www.torparse.com/a/384935 my parses are posted with kell drag bracer belt and implant rest underworld and fully augmented I'm missing a parse from Dashrood because for some reason, I never survived that fight even once. :/
  5. Wow, I thought i was alone when I rolled my sentinel in that pub side. :/ I thought just maybe I was just getting unlucky 20 times in the row . There were nights in those lowbie PvP the second highest dps'er couldn't even hit half of my damage , and not because i posted a high number either :S.
  6. Ascentrl from The Chandrian My dreadguard fight 2661.92 http://www.torparse.com/a/381816/21 writhing terror 2996.48 http://www.torparse.com/a/363391/8 Titan 6: 2579.52 http://www.torparse.com/a/344840/32 I'm missing a parse from Dashrood because for some reason, I never survived that fight even once. :/
  7. Does this work Taero? http://www.torparse.com/a/369917/time/1375653704/1375654004/0/Damage+Dealt
  8. Here is an updated parse, a gcd'ed ravage tick, and 10% of failed execute buffs. this time, however was with a blue stim at 300 second mark, two reusable adrenals was popped, 3 relic boundless ages was popped. 2933.12 dps at 300 second mark basing off of that graph. http://www.torparse.com/a/369917 ( i used adrenal 3 times, but that's for a 7 min log, only 2 adrenal pops within the 300 window) If anyone is willing to tell me how to crop the log to make it exactly 300 seconds, it would be much appreciated.
  9. in game name: Ascentrl Marauder at 300 seconds mark, if you look on the graph for that parse, i was hitting 2874.11 http://www.torparse.com/a/352964 no armor buff of any kind, with class buffs and one BT plus biochem purple adrenal, plus a biochem purple stim. I just did one single rough parse couple weeks ago with less gear than what i have now. I also have other parses with NM/HM 8 man/16 man parses uploaded for various bosses
  10. I'll take your word for annihilation as I haven't done extensive testing on it myself, but in carnage/rage , Interesting thought on bleedout talent, that's interesting.
  11. The answer to the main question is yes, you do need to use it. The ways to minimize dps lost from just regular assaulting include timing your rotations tighter, so you use things don't cost rage when battering assault is on cooldown. Things like ravage, dual saber throw. to idea of keeping 6+ rage is not carnage/combat. It's annihilation/watchman, because annihilate cause 5 rage to use. In carnage, you use assault when you need to , always have 3 rage when scream is coming off cooldown. Also keep in mind, with slaughter proc, your vicious throw gain you one rage.
  12. Lol, if this is your idea of being funny, then you win. What the poster above said is very true to one point. Marauder IMO is the hardest dps class to play hands down, to improve on your performance, you need to work on your skill within that class, the might and power augment difference is minor to be sure. I for one, wants to raid at a higher level and compete with and against top marauders in the world who actually bothered to upload their parses to tor parse. To me, it's about min maxing, the best performance possible, even if it's just 0.1 increase, and I assure you, the augment difference from my side with 2 hour testing with each, is 30 dps difference. To most people that number is worthless, but on top parses, even 1 extra dps can mean me getting ranked or not. Especially with us trying to progress through NiM dreadguard, I want every single drop of dps squeezed out. All in all, the difference is minor, unless you truly care about technically the best in slot. At the end of the day, it's who's carrying that gear and how good you are.
  13. Power augments hands down, do you see a 6% or 9% str multiplier? Nope. Power gives more damage to all of your abilities, therefore gives you more damage, remember, your main hand, bonus damage, all scales to everything you do. When you count in % dmg increases such as 4 piece bonus, or bloodthirst, power is marginally better. What you do get out of str augment is 1% extra crit chance. Let's say you want to min - max your character to the most efficient stat you want, on annihilation, a little extra crit doesn't hurt, because all the bleeds now have 1% chance of criting, the downside is, your force crit chance is naturally high, so you can approach diminishing returns rather quickly. Now if we are talking about carnage or rage, it's not even a question anymore. You go power, or you lose damage, it's quite simple really. With the sheer amount of auto crits, and how hard the abilities scale on power and pure damage, the 1% crit chance is largely negligible. The overall argument is 10 bonus damage vs 1% crit. On paper, the 1% crit looks appealing, however, anytime your going with crit chance, you are rolling the dice on how lucky you are. How much of a difference does 1% crit chance really make if you have auto crits in all 3 trees? Before you dismiss 10 power because it seems insignificant, but it's not. When your truly trying to make your marauder as efficient of a dps as it can be, every stat of str, power counts towards your overall dps. For every 1 stat on your main hand damage, or bonus power, it applies to every single ability you have. It can be further enhanced by % damage increase abilities , like your 4 piece bonus, or bloodthirst. The usual rule of thumb for augment is, read your talent tree, if there isn't a main stat multiplier, it's NEVER, EVER, worth it to go main stat over power in any form of stat building. On a side note, if your stubborn, casual, or simply don't want to waste the credits on swapping. By all means. Just know that there is a better option for you out there. If you want to choose the best in slot, it's power, simple as that.
  14. Absolutely false. If we are still talking about carnage spec, your scream is your top 2 damage, and should be your top damage most of the time. Your scream is also 100% crit chance makes up for at least 20% of your total damage on any good carnage parse. I can safely tell you in endgame gearing, any 10-20 power increase, I will parse 20-30 extra overall dps. How any dps spec work is your stats scale on your abilities, which is also buffed by other things such as set bonus, bloodthirst, etc. Every single stat of power counts when it comes to your endgame gearing. When it comes to carnage, 1% for 80% of my total damage, instead of a consistent overall damage increase. Forget 10 power, I'd take 6, 5 power over 1% crit. You once again tried to show me, and others, the math for power vs main stat argument . That math has been done countless times, with marauder not having main stat multiplier of any kind, strength is not worth it, and it's not even close. The reason, me and others aren't giving you detailed mathematical explanations is because this math has been done countless times. While oofalong's guide showed why power > strength, is for annihilation, in carnage, we value crit ratings even less because of our main damage being an auto crit. Bottomline is, you want to have power augment over strength in ANY marauder spec, period. The math is been long done, and it's not even close. In fact, some even argue power is still better than main stat even with 9% multiplier (albeit, i don't think this is true, but math is somewhat close, and ofc power is always a more consistant answer). At the end of the day, I want to help a fellow marauder here not waste hundreds of thousands of credits on the wrong augment, if you want to do less dps, then by all means.
  15. It last until the buff is over, simple as that. You want to gore ravage, but you also don't want to waste gore refresh off of slaughter. So you will have to keep track of the timer to perfect the timing.
  16. Str augment is absolutely wrong. For the pathetic amount of crit that you obtain you lose out on .03 dmg on every single str you have over power. The main issue is you don't have the 9 percent main stat boost, you sacrificed massive amount of damage for around 1 percent of crit( its only around 1 percent if we are only talking about augment) 1 percent crit vs 9.4~ bonus dmg. I believe with FS being the highest skill dmg and it's an auto crit. Usually fs is ~ 20 percent of your overall dmg which should be 100 percent crit. With 45 46 apm on average for a good parse, Any amount of bonus damage adds up.
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