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Everything posted by dirtykid

  1. I had read that there was a batch of RX cards that needed firmware updates because they were overdrawing power over PCIE slot. try looking into that.
  2. I'm seeing the same, except once It was me rubber banding back 8 steps into a firetrap. Fun.
  3. This is one I really don't get, phase walk was changed from assassin/shadow, to consular/inquisitor base class in a prior patch, then given to sage/sorcerer outright in this patch. as my main is a sin tank, I feel like things were outright stolen from my 4+ year old toon and given to a much easier class to give them mobility they never needed to begin with because they are a stand and cast/channel class who've got 30 m range on everything while my sin really needs to stab you right in your face which is now over there and my 15 second force speed CD is at about 13 seconds left... And what was it replaced with, a giant kick me 10m reticle that reflects damage and is the most obviously visible of any new defensive abilities they introduced to any class. my recurring sub no longer has an account to recur to, fix this and maybe I'll fix the no account to give BW my money problem...
  4. I've had no such issues on my Assassin, now the 3 identical belts are another story, but they were tank gear.
  5. This!!! This is what makes it a bad business model. You have to sub for access to end-game content, but they haven't made any end-game content since SOR except for The Odessen WZ, which isn't truly end-game since I can run that @ level 10.
  6. Try setting the CPU back to factory clock, the 5.0 changes might be overheating your system some. I've noticed fan noise from my 212 evo kick in as soon as I've logged in with my FX-9370 clocked to 5ghz.
  7. I also hate this new system. I am subbed for the next 3 months because my renewal was 3 days before launch, doubt it will continue beyond. I am deliberately not spending my with sub CM creds right now either. the new content was nice, but done in a day and maybe I will run once more to see if I can't kill Koth with a DS toon.... and if I can, I hope I can draw that out into 4 hours of awesome cutscenes. I do like not changing gear between PVP and PVE content... or not forgetting to change gear, but this is where my LIKE of anything ends. The fact that PVP relies heavily on VALOR rank after making me run 8 brand new toons for a DvL acheivement WHICH I NO LONGER EVEN HAVE!!!! I deleted 8 toons to create those because 16 toons is already more than I want to keep track of. now they are not DvL toons, they appear to be regular toons that I rushed through in a couple of months and have little connection to and less memory of even what crew skills they possess. and all for a we zeroed your stuff, and there is no distiction of these NEW toons from the old ones BECAUSE WE MIGHT WANT YOU TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN. What?!!! hell no. fool me once shame on me... I like running OPS, but that is getting more out of reach as RNG drops the same belt 4 times in a row... Admittedly, I've only gained 4 levels CXP with one toon thus far, but my gear has barely changed... I ran stuff where nothign dropped from mobs then got greens worse than my 216's that I was already wearing. one piece dropped in 4 level that I switched to... not interested in that grind, thanks.
  8. I've also felt this, it's like you are stuck in battle with no enemies anywhere on the map
  9. flow-charts, you should be using them in programming already... well they apply to multiple choice 'choose-your-own-adventure story telling also... I've seen a programmer who didn't use them, he also could not program a 'button' in under 3 weeks either, so, point made.
  10. HA! if you were dark-side you also: 4) let a whiny Rastafarian steal the only ship to challenge the most powerful fleet and win
  11. 'Yesterday I parked my car in a "tow away" zone, when I went back today, the whole area was missing.' -- Steven Wright
  12. how was this never about empire v republic? This was one of the games launch trailers
  13. Unless the story is KOTFE and you are one of the 7 classes that is not a Jedi Knight
  14. THIS! the last 2 level increases that happened I somehow lost abilities that had been LVL55 but now were 60. Then we jumped from there to LVL 65 but my companion was level 100 so they could take out all the mobs without me taking my focus off of my soduku game on the other screen. I would happily go back to being a level 55 who had to work to get there and even occasionally died... As it stands the only way to learn a classes mechanics is in PVP or OPS, everything else now feels trivial or worse: menial... I feel more risk washing my dishes than playing the story content these days. We need content not level grind. DvL was a contest to replay all the content again only to realise that new players aren't being properly taught to play in this single player mode version of leveling that the game has been dumbed down to.
  15. Bizarre work-around: touch something obscure and background-esque in the PVP zone on a pre-expansion planet so the giant death-kill-murder monster on another planet doesn't eat you, even though getting said monster to spawn is supposed to require a 5-step procedure... ... ... So '"it's a feature"?
  16. skadge will die 15 times. My 16th toon will get the become besties with skadge acheivement
  17. Gee thanks, I cannot unsee this mental image now
  18. Yes! And my kitten hides when I play that toon
  19. Was this DvL event supposed to teach the joy of pack opening? I got a full Reaver set which I was already wearing on the toon that opened my packs, parts of other sets I already have unlocked, and a full Darth Sion which is now half bound to my main DvL toon... is there any way to put that into my new pack opening experience window? No. and yes that was painfully slow to open 30 packs
  20. 1st thing: what CPU cooler are you using, because you might be pushing the thermal envelope of your CPU with the overclock if you are not using a decent cooler. 2nd thing: same for your GPU, if you have overclocked it yourself. Try running the game with your hardware @ factory clock speeds and see if it's better. that said, there are times the game does lag spike, and there are certain areas on some planets that seem to bug out a bit. I average 60~70fps on an FX-9370 and R9 270X with 32GB 1600Mhz DDR3 but find the fleet drops lower as well as a couple of random spots on Belsavis, Makeb, and a couple of other planets. I also sometimes get massive spikes during PVP, strangely when certain players get close (I suspect an exploit for that, but have no proof).
  21. I am not sure if it's been brought up in the past, but SW canon lore implies that Light side and Dark side leanings in a force user alters their abilities, IE: Anakin Skywalker never force choked anyone, but, for Darth Vader this was almost a friendly handshake. This has also been portrayed in books that used to be considered canon before Disney expunged the known universe, but since SWTOR is supposed to be canon, Revan is another example of force abilities changing based on LS/DS force affiliation. Can you make the game do the same thing with force users? IE: a dark jedi shadow has the assasin's abilities and animations. Might not be possible, but it certainly enhances immersion rather than just getting ugly face.
  22. Yeah, I remember back in the day when 'X' mission on some backwoods planet like Hoth had a boss fight that might actually kill you, and it was a class quest so Gen chat was spammed with "can someone please help?"... Me, I was always 5 levels too high from PVPing anyway, so I'd make friends by helping them out. Now I find myself trying to go to Hoth as soon as I get a ship to find out if death actually occurs in regular PVE. Back to topic: chapter x and beyond are not harder except on my keyboard. Enemies have more stuns, and knock-backs, and more health. I do not die 4 times trying to figure out how to kill them before they agro, and thankfully they do not bug out and reset at a point when we were both @ 10% health then attack again [makes rude gestures towards Makeb]. I do, however, wish those new spire security snipers (whatever they are called, introduced with Kalio in XI) didn't have an agro radius of 10Km causing you to walk slowly until they're within the 15~30m distance at which you can attack them. That's not really a good way to make the chapter last longer.
  23. Logitech h390 cheap, usb, 1 jack
  24. Honestly, I had hoped the equipment portion of this was what the 'wardrobe' feature was going to allow to spare me my DPS/TANK/PVP gear changing on my Guardian and Assassin... <sigh> As for the quickbars, I have found ways to work this (mostly heals/dps NOT tanks) with keymap changes
  25. I have a new example for "Evil Genius" and I really appreciate that the directions end where the sun doesn't shine
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