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Everything posted by Safgril

  1. it took more teamwork before then it does now.... now those guards mean nothing.. the damage output is so high it slices thru the guard... it took good teamwork to kill a healer before 1.2... LOL now it takes no teamwork... you only need one assassin or maurader to take out a healer... that would be referring to the sage and commando healers.... seems scoundrel healers are still doing good because of their great mobility and instas.
  2. LOL classic... a shadow.... assassins equivelant giving advice on how to kill a maurader.... by the way... its not just maurader and sents... its also assassins... 2 of the main classes now in warzones... and even me have shelved my healer and started playing my dps... almost all warzones i played yesterday had NO HEALERS... you were lucky if you saw a operetive or scoundrel healer... bye bye are the days of seeing sages and commando healers.
  3. there small little fixes may be little too late. Lots of already unsubbed including me. I am still not happy. yay i get 1 medal now i get some comms... but still 20 comms when i see the winner get 100... it will take me 5 wz's to get what the winner gets in 1... after 5 they will have 500 comms and i will get 100... this thing snowballs... i cant believe somebody in Bioware thougth this was a good idea.
  4. actually mentioned 3... and warhammer wasnt a total bust till the mythic team shot themself in the foot... which is exactly what they seem to keep doing here cough* cough* same dev team they hired from warhammer and daoc... and shadowbane made its money and a lot more.. you cant say it was a failure and the topic was about WORLD PVP... which those had excellent OPEN WORLD PVP... this has nothing to do with financial problems which are mainly created by teh companies... you can look at all 3 games and all 3 had a lot of subs and boxes sold at their launches... what the companies did caused those games to drop... again its the open world pvp that made them successful to start with to begin with.
  5. that all depends on what time period you are looking at... prior to publish 13... SWG's pvp was amazing... very strategical base blowing meant something. you lay down a base in your own city and watch other guilds come by to try and blow it. the braggin right was that your base still stood the next day. it wasnt easy to blow up a base back then... and the bases were expensive... but once publish 13+ came that changed... this is when SOE started destroying and hacking up their game.
  6. actually you are totally way off base here.. in the time that most games that people played were MMOs were only around 200k to 300k... daoc was right around there. WOW is famous only because they brought in the masses with their famous RTS... Easy gameplay and easy on the computer graphics... even countries like China that had low end machines could play WOW because of its low end machine requirements... again.. daoc did have a top population numbers for its era... SWG was even top for its era till WOW came out. but again... these games were very successful with their pvp.. daoc was very successful... hell i would even say shadowbane was quite successful for at least awhile. but just because you say the arenas were the best doesnt mean it is the best.. i can bring in many people who said that arenas destroyed WOWs pvp...
  7. LOL ok so all the stats on teh gear mean nothign right? yhou mean to tell me that the recruit gear by the way has worse stats on everything then cent gear but expertise... so let me get this.. when damage is being done.. for only 1000... so a recruit guy only gets hit for 78 damage more from a BM.... LOL you do realize that if you are melee.. the difference in stats bonus you get for damage from str alone. the stats on the gear increase the damage far more then just 78 damage LOL gotta love these pros who really try to make things sound like everything is so perfect... and that everybodies complaint is a myth... one more time LOL
  8. warhammer online... shadowbane(rest its soul)... daoc... shall i continue?
  9. i dont consider that open world pvp...
  10. not in any specific order.... Asheron's call Dark age of Camelot Shadowbane SWG (PreCu)
  11. LOL i didnt realize stating a statistic that there are 5 million chinese sub'd to WOW was a racial and political... LOL... I can not believe it... this gave me a warning... LOL giving statistic that is TRUE... holy hell what is up with bioware.. they are just asking for poeple to quit this crappy game... 1.2 is a joke... pvp is a joke... and their customer service who watches the forums cant even read... saying a statistic of WOW is a racial slur... LOL by the way customer service... it is true... THE9 posted up on a business website their staticstics of WOW in china that they had 5.5 million chinese playing WOW are you gonna ban me this time for saying racial slurs?
  12. if you are sitting at a node not healing your teammates while they are trying to get another.. you are NOT doing your job... you are farming for medals then... sorry i have gotten well over 200k healing and gotten only 2 medals...you only get 2 medals for doing your job. so now medals are not easily to get. Sad that they changed it to getting medals to get anything. What a horrible idea. you have done nothing but defend 1.2 on the forums claiming to be the god of pvp yet are you actually playing the game? You must always be on teh winning side in order to have this kind of attitude.
  13. mid level healer? LOL dude playing in the 10-49 wz is way different then the 50 wz... how about this... finish leveling up your sage healer or sorc healer....let me know how he does in the 50 wz.... if you dont have a maurader or assassin on you all the time then the team you are playing sucks or know you are a crappy healer anyway. if you think you can survive against 2 dpsers which are usually a maurader or assassin... then you are god man... you should be put on the pedestal...but i will bet my years salary you would not fair well against 2 dpsers like a maurader and assassin... good luck trying to get 1 heal off... i already know your experience as playing a healer is horse blinded... you are only talking about a healer from a dpser perspective. a dpser will always think its easy to play a healer. but yet never plays one... however as a healer.. i also have a BM geared dpser... i have played both... and know how both sides of the token work. however are you sure you do? my bet is you dont because you dont even have a 50 healer
  14. actually yeah.. you should try it... make a sage.. try to get him BM if you can nowadays.. hope you have a team to carry you becuase if you dont its impossible... but if and when you finally get to BM... let me know how you do... because alls it takes now is 2 to kill a sage fast... 1 can easily do it but it still takes a bit...but if i have 2 on me its over... with guard... yeah guard does nothing now... first thing that happens you will be stunned... if you arent below half health by the time the stun is over the 2 attacking you royally suck... after stun is over.. good luck trying to cast a heal... a maurader/sent has so many interrupts... i can even psyche them out using my mezz to get rid of a interrupt but that does no use becuase you see your health dropping... spam heals.. wont happen... our heals are too damn slow our quick 1.5 sec heal is too weak to heal thru damage... and our big heal is too damn slow and is easily interruptable.. again dont sit there and tell me how some of us are making it up if you dont even play the class... bottom line.. i am constantly faced against good dpsers... you have to be on top of your game to even survive long enough to drop a heal on anybody... and oh yeah... for all you so called pros... saying how you get comms all the time.. try playing a healer and do your job and only get 2 medals (FOR DOING YOUR JOB WHICH IS HEALING) and get 0 xp 0 valor 0 comms and 0 credits for getting 200k + healing as far as i am concerned if things dont chage I will not renew a 6 month sub... i am definitely regretting it now for even doign the 6 month. sub has been canceled. Sorry this game has moved to cater to the epeen dpser who thinks they know what its like to play a healer because they can kill one... LOL
  15. 1000 Damage attack has 200 points mitigated (16.5% damage reduction) i think my reading is just fine.. he said 1000...not 1200
  16. 16.5% of 1000 = 200? what math class did you hail from? last time i checked its 165... not 200... you can say they balance out so that your argument works... but i cant see how 200 damage increase is same as 165 damage mitigitation 35 more damage then what is mitigated is still more then you are saying and i dont know many who are only hitting for a 1000.... i have seen hits now as high as 5000 so lets look at 4000 damage x 20% = 4800 mitigated with 16.5% = 660 so total extra damage is 140 that is not a total cancellation P.S. and yeah healing was touched. my heals are way too slow and yeah there was an increase of damage as you can clearly see... so with slower heals and more damage being tossed means that people will die faster not to mention all the CC and interrrupts this game still has leaves for an extremely unbalanced pvp right now.
  17. ok the ones who keep saying BS on somebody not getting any comms... you DO NOT GET 40 comms all the time.. especially if you get crushed... if you get under 3 medals you get 0 xp 0 valor 0 comms 0 credits... i dont understand why poeple dont believe this... go do it yourself.. go play a warzone and get 1 to 2 medals watch what you get.... its not hard for a healer to pump out 200k healing and get only 2 medals while trying to heal the team and not farm medals... this is the case for me most of the time... its totally unfair and BS when i have to stop playing a healer to try and get other medals so that i get 20 lousy comms...
  18. it wasnt to you was it? i am talking to him... so stay out of it obviously if you dont know what i am talking about. and check other threads of you want to know.
  19. gee you just might think he might have posted on more then one thread.. he flashed a WZ pic he had... then comes here saying he only premades... well... i saw the pic... and if that was a premade.. it was a really sad premade... and i dont need to provoke anything... I love all these guys who claim how great things are when most of the population can see how things are not good right now.
  20. you mean to tell me you were the one with 500k healing and that was a premade you made with 5 guys who can guard? you played a premade wehre their healers only died once each? oh man seriously... i call BS if you say nobody solo queues on your server. There is always a pug playing... premades play too.. but you cant tell me EVERYBODY premades.. i find that hard to believe. i know i pug when my guild isnt on.
  21. and like i said... you want empty servers... i bet bioware wont stick with your views very long... want to make a bet?
  22. yeah because nothing changed for you.. in fact you got a buff for your healing class... a sage wears light armor and well dps is a lot higher then we can heal now. my heals take way to long to keep somebody alive much less myself.
  23. and that would be fatman? yeah im on that server.. and it wasnt even full today... and actually there was around 200 in republic fleet during primetime.. i have noticed a decline in the last day or two... so yeah just because other are rerolling to a more populated server does not mean its "new" players... its rerolls from lesser populated servers... what does that tell you? and how is this good for a company when the rest of their servers are drying up... LOL get a clue P.S. oh and i didnt know that you actually needed better gear over everybody to make yourself better... Mr. Carebear
  24. and the 2 above posters want dead servers... they are such pro gamers... LOL most of my guild doesnt even log on anymore... yeah you two keep up the attitude... you will be down to 1 server fast like warhammer online... remember this is the same company... its very possible
  25. well there you have it folks.. the three posters above me is exactly why this game is bleeding subs... let me translate... "you suck, just leave already" LOL for the OP... yeah it sucks for a new 50... sorry to say man... thats what happens when you get MMOs based around WOWs gaming model... its a gear based game... but most of teh PVPers nowadays have lost sight of what true pvp is that gear isnt the factor that it should be more about skill... since I will get a response to that.. let me now state ahead of time what they will say about gear... because they will say gear doesnt matter... my simple response to that will be fine... take your gear off and go buy a blue weapon... go pvp solo queue... let me know how you do against the premades....not everybody has the time like some of the no lifers to play a video game as long as they do... sometimes solo queueing is all a lot of players can do when you have a family. every player is different... they dont fall neatly into the exact mold as some of you do as playing 8 hours a day with some other people,..
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