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Everything posted by Elarion

  1. Seems like I am one of the few people on my server that can make the level 49 epic deft mod. Took me well over 50 attempts of RE to get the epic pattern from blue and now I sell each mod for 40k on the GTN. After probably a dozen mods sold I figure I am still in the red and I could probably sell the mandalorian iron for more. Doesn't seem much of a way to reward dedicated crafters IMO.
  2. I never played DAOC but heard a lot of good things about it. I did/do play LOTRO though and the PVP system they have is similar to Ilum. Thing is, right now, why capture an objective? Sure you get the buff but it does nothing to affect your daily/weekly quests. Kinda makes them being there pointless.
  3. Really? Page 3 obscurity already? My logic is flawless!
  4. Same was happening before the patch, it's just likely you hadn't reached those areas yet.
  5. I see it all the time on Illum and the afkers in war zones are really getting annoying. First get the game working as intended I reckon and then start whacking people with the ban hammer. Let's just hope the economy will recover afterwards.
  6. Add Cathar, Nautolan or Mon Calamari as a Republic playable race. Problem fixed.
  7. Forgot to mention that even when largely outnumbered, you can still group up with allies and try take 1 point at a time, complete dailies and then move on to the next.
  8. With the current patch Ilum remains as broken as ever, just in different ways. As a republic player on an Empire heavy server I just steer clear of it. Rather than sit in general chat and on these forums and whine & moan, I have come up with a solution. Rather than have the daily and weekly quests from the PVP terminal add NPCs at each of the control points or even just terminals. The idea is that you need to control the point to actually pick up the quest and you also need to control it to hand in. I'm sure many of you are reading thinking that this will result in the same problem we had initially with Empire & republic flipping points at will to maximize points but there is no incentive here to allow the enemy to control a point. Let's say for example, the central control point gives you a quest to kill 20 enemy players. You need to control it to both pick up the quest & hand it in. Why would you ever let the enemy have it?
  9. 20-22% lower than other classes? How did you work that out? I do disagree with that by the way but with no dps meters that's pretty hard to validate.
  10. Meh, roll a Jedi Knight and try finish your last class quest before the bring the nerf hammer to it. It took me a solid 3 days to finish it without using exploits.
  11. I'm still having fun with the game so will still subscribe. I will probably do so at least until the game is released in Australia and then I will decide if it's LOTRO, SWTOR or if I play both.
  12. As a republic player I will stop going to Ilum when the patch comes out. Not much there for me anyway and it will be impossible for republic to get dailies done. I'd rather just deny Empire the satisfaction of seeing me frustrated.
  13. I use it for some things but ultimately the GTN on the fleet is more convenient.
  14. I love them! If I found any whilst leveling I would try get them and only just today started to go back through and get the ones I missed. Just finished Taris (I didn't spend very long on it) and I really liked finding out how to get a couple I couln't figure out whilst leveling.
  15. Might be an issue with your mouse. I use a Razer Naga and have 90% of my abilities bound to it.
  16. It's a bug and probably one low on the list to fix.
  17. I managed to do it yesterday after my 3rd day of trying. I was adamant I wasn't going to throw the old man down the stairs in the mezzanine and also was confident it could be done without having to use the pillars. Tools me a while but I did it basically micromanaging T7 with his EMP blast and well times use of Awe and interrupts. I'm a guardian though and we have no shortage of interrupts. Anyway both me and T7 survived the fight and whilst hard, it was easily the most satisfying achievment I have in the game to date. Now I proudly walk around with my master title, knowing that I truly earned it.
  18. I beat it today solo. No throwing the old man down a flight of stairs and no LOS using the pillars. Just sheer determination and a bit of luck. I was micromanaging T-7 and using his EMP to wipe out the adds. 1st shot I got with T-7 surviving to the 3rd round of adds I managed to kill him easy enough. Massive sense of achievment to get him down before the nerf and it is doable. I'm a full tank spec Guard by the way.
  19. He gets on my nerves but with 1 level 50 character and a 2nd at lvl26 I have learned to just no hear him. Any married bloke should already know how to do this.
  20. Hardly a major bug there mate. It's a new MMO so expect bugs. Be more concerned that your ticket will probably never get answered.
  21. Gotta give it a 5/10 at the moment. Average. There is a lot they do better than any previous MMO but there is just as much they do worse. Add to that the piss poor textures, unresponsive combat and non existent in game support and yep, average is about right. To be fair at the moment I would say below average but on par with previous MMO launches.
  22. Been thinking about if I will continue to play the game in a month or 2 and I started thinking of a Pro and Con list just like Ted Moseby. Anyway, without writing out a definitive list, for me I'm probably just on the fence. There are moments where I will be playing for hours immersed in the story but there will be other times I will be trying to take pride in my character tear when the textures look horrid. I'll be having fun in a Flashpoint/PVP but will be annoyed that my abilities aren't actually firing when I click them, wasting my GCD. Anyway, most of my cons tend to be bugs so whilst I'm on the fence at the moment, I expect that in a couple of months I will be happy with my investment. Where do you stand?
  23. It's a cop out and there is no other way to look at it. If BW had shown the in game screenshots with all the characters looking blurry then everyone would have laughed. With all the money invested into the game, it's sad to see that the graphics don't even hold up against low budget MMOs. To SR and the rest of the BW team I suggest you actually log into the game and have a look at your character. That is why everyone in this thread is disappointed and for me I'll just chalk it up as another reason not to subscribe.
  24. I need to get it down before the nerf now. I've spent a fair few hours over 2 days trying to get him down ad I've gotten pretty close. Hopefully my gear will be a little improved before the nerf so I can finally down him solo.
  25. Knight story is pretty epic. I'm about half way through 3rd chapter and I feel like an ultimate ******
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