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Posts posted by tgokovenant

  1. I got lucky when I first started playing. swtor is my first mmo so I had basically no idea. I got into a FP as a marauder (DPS) with another Mara, and a tank and healer. The healer led the group and explained to me exactly how everything would flow. He would say stuff like "focus fire on the flame, then the yellow reticle, and don't touch the purple gear. He's gonna be cc'ed. No aoe attacks until he's the last one left" and the FP flowed so wonderfully. I fell in love with the idea of battle roles and researched everything I could about group combat. That was 3 months ago and now when I join a group via gf, I often even get complimented on my healing and tanking skills. feelsgoodman.jpg

    Unfortunately, not everyone has such a nice experience.

  2. When I first started playing, I was on shadowlands, and it was a little bit "noob unfriendly" but not near as bad as most other games I've played. I trashed my toons and started over on ebon hawk about a month ago and I gotta say, those guys actually had me crying, I was laughing so hard. General chat is awesome on the ebon hawk. They're also very noob friendly except when someone keeps spamming requests. Example:

    Last night a lvl 13 juggernaut on dromund kaas kept begging over and over and over for someone to help him with his class mission. Everybody just kept telling him that he needed to level up first. I was a lvl 12 jugg at the time and I whispered him and asked him where he needed help. He said the boss of the mission was a lvl 16 elite. I told him that he needed to pick up some side missions, as you can't survive for very long ONLY doing class. His response? "Side missions? Pffft boring" I promptly blocked him. Why help someone who won't help themselves? I was trying to tea h the guy to fish, not just catch him a fish ya know? That's how people helped me as a noob and I was very greatful.

  3. So I just started getting into crafting, and I'm actually enjoying it so far. My main does artifice, and my alt does synthweaving. So I'm completely set when it comes to armor and mods. Love it. One question though. When I reverse engineer a piece of crafted armor, I always get an augment slot back, as well as a power crystal. How much do augment slots go for on the gtn? Roughly how many credits should I sell them for? I'm basically swimming in them, and if they go for a good price, I could certainly use the credits (although selling crystals with my main toon isn't bad business at all). Thanks for your time guys. :D
  4. I would also like to see a few more sliders. Especially for muscle tone. My female sage looks like I could break her if I hit her hard enough with a cotton ball. I mean I imagine casters to be somewhat frail looking, but I would be very happy if I could add some muscle tone to my toon. All the female body styles lack muscle tone, in my opinion, whereas the male body types are sometimes too bulky looking. Also when choosing an alien race, having the random name generator roll typical names for that race would be awesome (such as split names for twi'leks as mentioned above). I really love this game. There is much to improve, however, I think it is on the right track. Well hopefully.
  5. I often wonder what the game would be like with an engine such as the "id tech 5". That engine is made specifically for large world design, with its usage of mega textures. You get really beautiful landscapes with WAY better performance. If it is at all possible to get a license to use it, it would be a giant improvement compared to how it is now. The game would look even better at high or very high settings, while performing as if you had it set at low. If any of you have Rage, (which I find a rather good looking game) compare its performance to swtor and there ya go.


    Edit: Also I did a lot of level design using the id tech 3 and id tech 4 engines. (id tech 4 being the first to use mega textures). The available SDK's and the engines themselves have great features built in to tune any level/world map for ultimate performance without sacrificing beauty.

  6. If you buy armor from the CM, then do so only for style. I recently bought an armor set that was full modded with purple mods. Usable after level 31. By the time I got to 31, however, the other armor / mods that I had picked up from flashpoints and such were already way better than the one I bought. My tip is don't spend real world cash on CM armor unless you simply MUST HAVE the style. Since they merged all the planet commendations to one system, mods from vendors are super cheap now anyways. Doesn't hurt to have some custom (orange) armor.
  7. This game is my first mmo. My main, a sentinel, is a replica of myself. Playing through the Jedi knight story, however, has been boring due to the crappy voice acting. So my next toon, a sith assassin, is a female mirialan. The voice acting is awesome. She's so sarcastic all the time that it actually makes me lol here and there. It makes for a much more enjoyable experience. I also have a female sage, a female sith marauder, and my next toon will be a male, body type 2 or 3, juggernaut. Why? Because I honestly can't imagine a tank to be any other way. For the most part though, the female voice actors are just leagues ahead of any of the males. And that's my main reason for female toons. Not to mention that the female character models in this game are very well designed and quite attractive. Although my wife complains that my sage may be a trap lol.


    TL;DR - female voice actors way better. Make game more fun. And also, breasteses

  8. I was experiencing something similar. Turned out my wireless router finally bit the dust. I connected my computer directly to my modem via ethernet and the update was then downloading at a nice 11MBps.
  9. I gotta say that sage can be viable as DPS, but I notice that when in the queue for flashpoints or war zones, I have a lot less downtime as a healer, and even often get voted MVP, making it a lot more fun than DPS. Sometimes as a sentinel for instance, I sometimes wait up to 20 minutes for a flashpoint or warzone because there are just so effing many.
  10. I leveled my Mara up to 30 with a screwed up, spread out tree. I'm an mmo noob and didn't know any better. I reset my tree a few days ago. Now using rage with Quinn and I'm running heroics solo. They're still challenging of course, but the ability to do heroics solo makes the game even more fun than before. I'm going to try the other trees later on, but for PvE right now, rage is king.
  11. Just wanna give my 2 cents on the SGR subject. I made a fem sith warrior before I even knew that romance was possible in this game. Then I acquired vette and I looked up the companions. In vette's profile it says Romance = yes. In Quinn's profile it said Romance = yes (light side female) so I immediately assumed I could romance vette as a fem sith. I was actually very disappointed to learn that my only romance option was a dude. I'm glad that they're eventually putting it in. And BW is getting a lot of flack for it only with working on 1 planet at first, but honestly, there has to be A LOT of work involved. Writing new dialogue, recording voices, programming it all in, testing. For a game so massive as SW:TOR, that would take at least a year. Glad they're finally, slowly but surely, adding it to the game. I just hope it happens before I reach lvl 55 with every class.
  12. Yesterday I reset my skill tree, set Quinn to a healer's stance, and did a heroic 2+ that was 2 lvls below me by myself. As a marauder, with a healer like Quinn, it was pretty easy. I just had him carbonite the elites while I took out the strong/normal mobs. (Elites broke free pretty fast). Worked great tho.
  13. At the fleet in the combat training wing, at the far northeast corner is an "Advanced skill trainer". He's not marked or anything, but you'll find him. With him, you can reset your tree. You get all your points back and can apply them to wherever you want. I just did it yesterday and was amazed at the improvement in my performance after attributing all skill points to one tree, instead of spread out. And it's free for subscribers.
  14. I absolutely love this game. Played the first time the whole night through. Subbed the next day! I started as a Jedi knight but decided to try a sith warrior, and the dark side is so much more fun. After reaching lvl 10 as a Jedi, I got tired of being lectured by NPC's about my decisions. Now I've got a lvl 29 fem pure blood marauder. It's a great story line so far. Gonna start up a sith jugg and an assassin soon. Wanna eventually experience everything this awesome game has to offer.
  15. Hey everybody. Just started playing SW:ToR a couple weeks ago. It's my first mmo and I'm having a blast.


    I'm 29 and American but living in Germany. Married, and we have a 2yr old boy.


    Currently playing a pure blood sith marauder (lvl 29 atm) on the shadow lands server. When I started playing a few weeks ago, I knew nothing about mmo's and these forums have been very helpful. I figured I'd stop lurking and start posting. So lookin forward to everything this forum, and you guys, have to offer :)

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